How to Write a Critical Review of a Newspaper Article Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

analysis of a newspaper article assignment newspaper and magazine articles are used as a source of information to the public for all sorts of things including medical information. Many times they report statistical information or results without explaining the methods used to come to their conclusions. However, the focus on npd has evolved over the years, from having an internal company view to external market view. The article titled, customer support and new product development goffin amp new, 2001 , takes us a step further in the approach to npd. Article reviews require a combination of objectivity and subjective opinion.

Writing a summary and critique of an article can seem like a daunting task because a good review requires both organized and objective critical thinking as well as the contribution of your personal opinion. The process can be divided into simple steps, including brainstorming to form a list of questions, answering these questions one by one and then finalizing your review in a structured and readable form. Before reading any of the text body, write your subjective opinion on the subject and basic points you would write about if you were the author of the article.

These first impressions of the title will help you to form your critique and personal opinion at the conclusion of the review. Create a list of analytical questions about the subject and title that will help you form an objective analysis of the writer's technique. For example, are all the key words in the title addressed? is the author generally objective or very biased? are the claims substantiated by valid arguments that can be confirmed? formulate an outline of your review based on the answers to your analytical questions. Show how you justify your objective points based on specific ideas and quotes from the article. Write a conclusion summarizing key points of your analysis, as well as some of your personal insights into the subject and how it was handled. It is helpful if you are an expert on the subject and can write with a sense of authority.

Review your analysis one last time to look for any errors and add any more touches you believe will create a helpful review. While it is good to pepper your analysis with a touch of creativity, it is important that the overall impression is that of an objective review. This can include praise for the way the author made a certain point, a question about something you didn't understand, a section you believe could have been elaborated on, or a disagreement about how the author presented certain information.

This list will serve as a guide for your criticism as you outline and write your essay. This should include an introduction, an unbiased summary of the article which you will expand on in the first draft , and a list of both the positive and negative points that you noted in step 1. Present the negative points first if the positive points outweigh them, or vice versa. This must include the name of the article and journal, the author's name, and the topic or the aim of the article, along with a short statement about your overall take on the topic.

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This should inform the reader of the overall most important points the author made in the article, and what you believe his intentions were. Write the critical part of your review, which will be divided into a few paragraphs based on the outline you created. Cite references specifically both with the journal article and from other reliable sources to support your argument and give your review credibility. As with your outline, separate the positive from the negative points, and lead with whichever you have fewer of.

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Introduction 0116828 a critical review of newspaper articles published in october 2003, 'after' the war in iraq for the purpose of this review i have chosen to discuss three separate newspaper articles regarding the war in iraq. Firstly, i chose an article from 'the observer', entitled 'free after 50 years of tyranny', written by julie flint at the beginning of october, 2003. This article was written shortly after the united states us and britain declared victory for the west, but there was still much controversy regarding the legitimacy of partaking in the war. Flint dismisses britain's fears of going to war, indicating the end result has justified the efforts we put forward, and depicts anti war activists as ignorant 'the anti war lobby has refused to listen to those iraqis who supported war over continued tyranny.' flint, 2003 she praises 'the brits' and tends to blame us troops for any mistakes that were made. She claims that 'western reporters detail, quite properly, the misdeeds, the crimes even, of the occupying forces. But this is only part of the story.' flint, 2003 the second article, 'pentagon was warned of iraq chaos after war', was written from new york, by david teather and was published on october 20th 2003 in 'the guardian'.

This article discusses a report, which was allegedly released to the pentagon and us officials before the war, which warned of the danger in invading iraq in relation to the reconstruction of the country. However, there are further determinants in the diversity of reports on post war iraq. Ettema, 1997: 44 , states 'journalists live and work within an encompassing social and cultural context that powerfully and implicitly informs their attempts to make sense of the world. Journalists have no alternative but to draw upon intellectual tools theory and concept, myth and metaphor of their place and time in the world.' for example, if these events had been reported in an alternative country's media, they would have been reported very differently. This can be seen in the critical references to the us as an agent in the war, as opposed to britain, 'critics who argue that the us government has mismanaged the situation.'.

'the content of the news media inevitably reflects the interests of those who pay the bills. The argument, in other words, is that the financiers or the paymasters, as we can call them or the group they represent will not allow their media to publish material that frustrates their vital interests.' altschull, 1997: 259 this possibility of bias must be taken into account when critically analysing any piece of media, but is difficult to establish as the investors are not obviously publicised. In conclusion, i believe that although these articles provide different accounts of opinions post war, they all have an underlying meaning, which is the intended unification of british public, in one form or another. The broadsheets intend to restore confidence in the government, by blaming the us for leading us to, and mistakes in, the war, and by insisting that the efforts provided by the british soldiers were indeed worthwhile. The tabloid, however, aims at creating a unified remembrance for the human element in the war, an element that will touch all groups within society, so appeals to the wider reader.

The diversity within these articles is inevitable, as different peoples accounts will always vary, as opinions do, and this cannot be ruled out for journalists. Other forms of bias within the articles can be associated with the financial supporters, the editor of the paper 0116828 and their individual views and the intended audience of the paper. All of these factors must be considered when analysing any media piece, in order to understand the intended meaning. Identifying how his examples do not meet the example of civilizationsin order to qualify as a ‘critical’ review you must go beyond the simple description of the sources you. In such circumstances it is possible to become more critical by looking for examples of authors arguing for.

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