How to Write An Essay on Ww2 Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

On 1 december 1941, japan's militarist government decided to attack the united states and seize the american philippines and resource rich british and dutch colonial possessions in south east asia. To distract the american government while it secretly positioned a powerful aircraft carrier strike force for a surprise attack on the united states pacific fleet at its pearl harbor base in hawaii, the japanese government had ordered its envoys in washington to engage the americans in intensive diplomatic negotiations. World war ii came to america's hawaiian islands shortly before 8 a.m on 7 december 1941. America was not yet at war, and most civilian residents of hawaii were preparing for church or other peaceful sunday pursuits. Battleships of the united states pacific fleet burn in pearl harbor after the japanese launched their devastating surprise attack on sunday, 7 december 1941. At the united states navy base at pearl harbor peacetime sunday routine prevailed, and the normal bustle of a huge naval base was absent when the first wave of japanese carrier launched aircraft launched a devastating attack on the battleships of the united states pacific fleet.

Before the attack on pearl harbor, most americans did not want to become involved in nazi germany's war against great britain. The treacherous nature of the japanese attack on pearl harbor united all americans against japan and filled them with a fierce determination to avenge the heavy loss of american lives and ships. If the united states had not been drawn into world war ii by japan's attack on pearl harbor and the philippines, it is very likely that australia would have been occupied by japan before the end of 1942. In the great naval battle at midway in the central pacific between 4 6 june 1942, three american aircraft carriers won a remarkable and pivotal victory against a huge japanese im i have now completed my hard training and have now packed my bags. I am now ready to be shipped up to darwin where i will be assisting in the refueling of all the major ships that come into port. I am also deeply missing my mother who i am assured will be looked after in her ill state.

I am especially missing little jack who should be starting to walk and say his first words any time now. It is so cold of a night lying alone in my bed with the only sounds the hum of the cicadas around. He was sent there while i was still in training but i hear that the war is beginning to get very bad up in that area. I tried to get as much sleep as possible but it seemed impossible with the ship swaying from side to side.

I noticed that my roommate richard was not able to get to sleep either so we took some time to get to know each other. He is a really great man and we were told this morning that we were to be bunked together once we arrived in darwin. Im not completely sure if that is true but i am fearing for my older brother who was doing service defending singapore. I tried to find out as much information on the matter as i could but nobody seems to be completely sure. It really shows how close the war is coming to australian soil and how great the threat is from the japanese towards us.

I have now arrived in darwin and have had my first day of work out in the harbour. Darwin is the main stopping point for all of the ships and planes before they head up north into battle. Today we were refueling the hospital ship, manunda when we saw all of the injured men being carted off, some with cuts and gashes and some with limbs just starting then just ending in a blood soaked bandage. All day there has been planes flying over head and landing just over at the airbase to refuel and have a break. It is hard work here and as soon as one ship leaves the port another one arrives ready for more work. Transport ship meigs, it would have held at least 20 men on it as well as millions of pieces of cargo.

We both have a lot in common and he has proven to be a great friend, which is really what you need in a place like this. Today we were just fuelling the neptuna when we heard a huge roar and when we looked out to see the horizon was dotted with enemy planes. Most men went into a panic and started running everywhere as the planes began to dart around the harbour. The first bomb was dropped and it slammed into the peary, then bombs continued to fall lighting the ships up in glowing flaming balls. I was searching for richard but he was nowhere to be seen when the all too familiar roar returned.

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