I Love My Mother Earth Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

  a proper noun names a specific person, place, or thing.  always capitalize the first letter of a proper noun. Evidence based medicine and extradigestive manifestations of helicobacter pylori. By stella category essay when you knew how to speak, what was your first word. No one loves us like our mothers, no one is willing to sacrifice everything for us like our mothers.

If someone asks you who is the best woman in your life ? , i bet you will say it is your mother.  i admire my mother, i dont know why she is always busy with daily chores, taking care of my family but she never say she is tired. Image source: images.enchantedivygifts.co.uk/images/products/zoom/1354721011 40669700.jpg every day, she is the first person in my family, who wakes up very early.

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When my father goes to work, i go to school, my mother stays home and does all the daily chores. When my father and i come home, there is always a delicious dinner, which is waiting for us. Sometimes, i ask her to help, but she says: it is fine, you should go upstairs and do your homework. Mom always wake up very early, and mom is the last person can take a break after a busy day. I realize that without my mom, my father and i cannot have the clean house, the delicious meal and the clothes which always iron straight. Her love for us is great like the ocean, the universe and nothing can replace it. She is not only my mom, she is also my friends, my big sister, who i can share all my problems and stories in life with.

Expository Essay Body Paragraph Structure

Sometimes, i get angry with my mom because she remind me too much things, especially they are all things i know. Anytime, when i had free time, i played games, when i came home from school, i played games. When you play games, you just focus on that, you forget to study, that were what happened to me. She told me many times that i should not play games too much, i needed to focus on studying, but i ignore her advice.

I was just a little disappointed, but i knew, you would know how to fix your mistake, i love you. I am happy when i have you by my side to take care of me, to protect me and to give me your love. Email: thypham14 at gmail.com the earth provides us with all we need to exist and asks for nothing in return. The abuse and destruction of the earth has increased to the point where we have not only poisoned the earth and it’s creatures, but also ourselves. We are all part of the environment and what we do to the environment, we also do to ourselves, as well as to our future generations.

You can take steps in your everyday life to ensure the survival of our living planet. Date: 05/03/05 the united states, as one of the world’s largest consumers and waste producers, plays a major role in the degradation of the earth. Air pollution in 1990, american industry emitted more than 2.4 billion pounds of toxic pollutants into the atmosphere. In 1991, 98 areas exceeded the environmental protection agency's recommended levels for ozone, and an estimated 140 million americans lived in those areas.

Also in 1991, 76 areas exceeded recommended levels for carbon monoxide, 70 did so for particulate matter, and 50 did so for sulfur dioxide. Such air pollution levels have been associated with increased respiratory health problems among people living in the affected areas. According to the healthy people 20 report, each year in the united states the health costs of human exposure to outdoor air pollutants range from $40 to $50 billion. An estimated 50,0 to 120,0 premature deaths are associated with exposure to air pollutants. People with asthma experience more than 100 million days of restricted activity, costs for asthma exceed $4 billion, and about 4,0 people die of asthma. The detrimental effects of air pollution on health have been recognized for most of the last century. Effective legislation has led to a change in the nature of the air pollutants in outdoor air in developed countries, while combustion of raw fuels in the indoor environment remains a major health hazard in developing countries.

The mechanisms of how these pollutants exert their effects are likely to be different, but there is emerging evidence that the toxic effects of new photochemical pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide are likely to be related to infection. Stopping global warming as pollution increases, so does the world's average temperature. Human industries and activities produce the world's air pollution, most of it carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that result in global warming. What you can do you can help stop global warming by taking these 10 steps to cut your yearly emissions of carbon dioxide by thousands of pounds. Next time, buy a car that gets at least 30 miles per gallon reduces carbon dioxide 2,500 pounds a year over a car that gets 10 mpg less. Where you can, choose an electric utility company that does not produce power from polluting sources such as fossil fuels and nuclear fission.