Leeds Building Society Will Writing Service Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Information which you provide to us or which we obtain through your dealings with us will be held on the society rsquo s computers and in other records. We may pass on such information as follows: to subsidiary and associated companies of the society who may use it for marketing purposes as mentioned below. To anyone whom we transfer or may transfer our rights and duties under any agreement between you and us. In order for the society to comply with its obligations under the criminal justice money laundering and terrorist financing acts 2010 and 2013 and part 38, chapter 3a of the taxes consolidation act 1997 as amended or replaced from time to time. To any deposit broker you may employ to act on your behalf when opening this account. consent under the data protection acts 1988 and 2003 leeds building society is registered as a data controller pursuant to the data protection acts 1988 and 2003 and your personal data will be processed in accordance with the society rsquo s obligations under this legislation. The information you provide to the society will be processed for the purposes of any application submitted by you to us.

This may include authorising leeds building society to process and retain data provided by you in respect of any application and to transfer the said data to the offices of leeds building society in the united kingdom. Such information may be used by other credit providers to make decisions about you. When submitting any application to us you consent to any such search being processed, recorded and retained by each credit agency. Further, you hereby acknowledge and agree that the information provided in any application submitted by you to us will be held on the leeds building society computerised database which may be accessed by leeds building society or other companies within the leeds building society group. When submitting any application to us you consent to the disclosure and sharing by leeds building society of any information and personal data in relation to your account with leeds building society with any of leeds building society rsquo s service providers or other companies within the leeds building society group. When submitting any application to us you consent to leeds building society monitoring and/or recording telephone conversations with the society to ensure consistent service levels including colleague training. You have the right on payment of a fee to receive a copy of the information we hold about you if you apply in writing to the customer services department, leeds building society, 105 albion street, leeds, ls1 5as.

We may use and share your customer records including your contact details, details about this application and any of the services we provide to you, with: companies within leeds building society group and companies which form part of its strategic partnerships. This is so that we or they may contact you by mail, telephone, fax or email with society news, and to inform you about our or their financial services including mortgages, savings and investments, life products, loans and credit cards, general insurance and financial planning services and of competitions or offers which may be of interest to you. By submitting any application you agree to being contacted as described above unless you have ticked the box in the consent section of the application form, or you have otherwise notified us that you do not consent or that you have subsequently decided to withdraw your consent to being contacted as described above.

Where we believe you may not reasonably expect such changes, we will give you prior notice of them and will obtain your consent where required. warning: your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. you are here: home > page forbidden this may be because: the page you were looking for has been moved, updated or deleted. The address may have been mis typed or you have used an out of date bookmark/favourite. We recommend you try one of the following options: if you typed the page address in the address bar, please check that this is correct and try again. Use the navigation tabs at the top of the page or choose from one of the quick links options on the left. Please remember to change any bookmarks or favourites in your browser if the name of the page has changed. warning: your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. then changing to the society's svr, currently 5.69 % for the remaining term of the mortgage you rsquo ll notice that we talk about lsquo members rsquo and not lsquo customers rsquo.

If you rsquo re used to dealing with the banks, this might sound revolutionary, but it rsquo s how we rsquo ve worked for 140 years. With all that experience, we know exactly how to design financial products to meet the ever changing needs of our members rsquo lives and all the little surprises life brings. Whether you're thinking about becoming a member but want to get to know us better first, or you're an existing member keeping up to date on offers, deals and news, your society is for you. We may monitor and/or record your telephone conversations with us to ensure consistent service levels including colleague training. You have the right, on payment of a fee, to receive a copy of the information we hold about you if you apply to us in writing. In considering your application, we will search your record at credit reference agencies who will supply us with information, including information from the electoral register. We may use automated credit scoring methods to assess this application and to verify your identity.

Int 2 English Critical Essay Marking

Credit searches and other information which is provided to us and/or the credit reference agencies about you and those with whom you are linked financially, may be used by us and other companies if credit decisions are made about you, or other members of your household. Information held about you by the credit reference agencies may be linked to records relating to one or more of those with whom you are or have been financially linked or associated. For the purposes of the application you may be treated as financially linked or associated and your application will be assessed with reference to any lsquo associated rsquo records.