Make Your Own Writing Gif Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

If there's a reason you haven't killed yourself by now, it's probably because you recently saw an animated gif. But where do they come from? where do they go? can you make your own? like prometheus before us, we're going to share the divine power. There are other ways to do it we tried out the web based gif makers and On an iphone or ipad, apps like flixel and cinemagram work pretty well, and for android phones and tablets, we like fotodanz. But the point of this story is to show you how to make the best gif possible on a desktop machine in mac or windows. You know, those digital photos that contain moving objects and people, not unlike the hung pictures at hogwarts in the harry potter books.

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Heres an example: my niece, bella tanguay, making her first ever horizontal dive. She already was doing straight down vertical dives, headfirst, but needed coaxing from her grand mom for this aquatic milestone: gif the graphics interchange format was pioneered by compuserve during the mesozoic era. Computers of that age, known as abacuses, were incapable of the heavy lifting required for moving high resolution images. Did i mention silently? a gif file, even when it moves, is not true video and therefore doesnt include sound.

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Were back to the age of silent movies! theyre a medium in which charlie chaplin would have felt right at home. Theyre currently banned by facebook, which argues that gifs would clutter up the newsfeeds of facebook users, distracting them from more important concerns. Facebook is right: animated gifs would distract facebookers from the far more important clutter of facebook ads. specifically, those personalized ads facebook parades in front of me, with messages like hot singles ready to mingle! right here in knoxville! facebook knows everything about me except that my wife and i consider these ads offensive, to use one of my more family friendly adjectives. But if, like me, you prefer the google plus ecosystem, then you know the power and value of animated gifs.

They dont distract you from google plus ads because there arent any ads in google plus. Google plussers post animated gifs all the time touching, funny, instructive, sometimes bizarre. creating gif movies as youd expect, there are countless ways to generate gif files, and more appear daily. For example, you can take normal video and upload it to a website that will convert it to gif for you. All the free sites ive tried have crippling limits: they restrict your file size, your frame rate, your duration, or something else.

There are a number of mobile apps to generate gifs from the videos you take with your tablet or smartphone. Typically, however, these apps are social networks in themselves: you have to log in and work online. The program looked good and worked well, until i actually made a gif and tried to save it to my photo gallery. There may have been a good reason having nothing to do with the app, so ill try again. But for the moment, my best, favorite way to generate moving gif files is with an open source desktop program called drumroll! licecap. Update: since writing the above, ive been alerted by vasco reggiando to an even easier to use program: gifcam. Its in some ways better and more powerful than licecap the only drawback is that its for windows only.

Since both programs work similarly, ill discuss licecap first, then add my impressions of gifcam. whats that about lice? licecap is owned by a company called cockos incorporated, which provides this wonderful program, for mac and windows platforms, free of charge. If you havent heard before of licecap, its because cockos cant afford a consultant to tell them the name needs rethinking: i havent been able to find out what lice stands for, but it sounds like something to do with capturing vermin. Download the program at when i first ran licecap, i thought the program had stalled during opening.

It consisted of a frame with a menu and one window and nothing inside the window! i deleted and reinstalled the program, with the same result. You drag this window by its corners, till it surrounds the area of your screen that you want to record as a gif. You click record, choose a destination folder and file name for your video, and click save. Anything that happens under the licecap window will become part of the gif you create. Since one licecap window can even record another instance of itself, i just cobbled together this demonstration of what the program looks like in action. This is me, using licecap to record myself messing around with the windows file manager: notice that while licecap is recording my mouse movements, theres a pause button.

You can also move the licecap window itself during recording, just as you would move a video camera around for a different viewing angle. I like to take video with my iphone, upload it to my computer, and record all or any of it using licecap. Heres another, in which my wife, cheri, walking ahead of me, is jauntily swishing through autumn leaves with her exerstrider poles which add an upper body workout to standard aerobic walking. the gifcam difference gifcam is a freeware, donation supported program available for download at its creators blog, Gifcam is that rarest of all computer programs one that exists as a single file and requires no installation.

As with licecap, you drag its corners to enclose the area you want to record as a gif file, then press record, and it begins. With licecap, you save the file before the recording starts not afterward. Before or after saving, you can edit the file to remove unwanted frames or sections.

You can also adjust the delay between frames, add text, choose a color palette, or do other neat things. Hint: for the best balance of accurate color and small file size, choose nearest as your palette. One neat trick is to auto delete all even numbered frames, then double the delay between frames. This cuts the file size in half, though the result may be a bit choppy unless the file started out with a fairly high number of frames per second. Finally, gifcam can open any animated gif file, even if it was created elsewhere. So you can work its editing magic on files created with licecap or other programs. dont go too far! a few cautions: ☑ when you encode video to gif, make the recording window as small as you reasonably can.

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