Malcolm X Leadership Essay Text

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Malcolm x was a great leader and many of his leadership qualities were shown in his autobiography. One of these unique qualities was shown when malcolm was in prison his innovative style of doing things. Another one of his qualities was his determination to accomplish something he wanted to do.

Malcolm showed a really important leadership quality in his autobiography, which was his innovative style of doing things. He shows this quality by getting stuff done with the little supplies and time he had. An example of this is how he learned to read and write he copies down the whole dictionary one page at a time so he could improve his penmanship he'd also read the words out load to himself so he'd remember them and there meanings. Not only did this show his innovative style of doing things it also showed his determination to get what he wanted to do done.

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This quality was shown many times while he was in prison but this example stuck out like a sore thumb. As you may know malcolm was really into learning new things and reading lots of books. They would have lights out in prison so everyone had to stop what they were doing and got to sleep. Malcolm felt he was always about to get to a very important part in the book when they'd call lights out.

So he would fake asleep when the guard's would come by he'd do this until 3 5 a.m. He showed this leadership quality when he was in prison copying down the dictionary. length: 1362 words 3.9 double spaced pages rating: red free introduction malcolm x was a great african american leader, but there is one question that comes to mind when his name is mentioned.

Why was malcolm x such a controversial man? i will now tell you about the life and times of malcolm, and while doing so, attempt to answer this, o so timely question that so many have asked. When malcolm was three years old, white supremacist's threats to his father forced the rather large family the parents had, to move. These events led to the mental sickness of the tattered widow and mother, louis little. Malcolm and his brothers and sisters were split up into foster homes and orphanages. Despite all this tragedy, malcolm became a good student in elementary and middle school. But one teacher, that malcolm had favored, shattered these dreams in just one ignorant statement. He told him that this aspiration of becoming something of such a profession, was no realistic goal for a nigger teacher‘s name not known barbara haberman, 2002.

This statement, that if told to any white man of that time, would have been thought to be true. Once malcolm said he wanted to fight for the japanese and kill crackers white people whole paragraph william strickland, 1964 in 1946 malcolm was sentenced to 10 years in massachusetts state prison for the burglary he had recently committed. Malcolm even rewrote the alphabet over and over to improve his handwriting william strickland, 1964. With his new wide spread vocabulary he had turned himself around in one of the most unthinkable of places and circumstances. Malcolm’s great leadership after all of this great revolution, malcolm had a visit from his brother, reginald.

He told malcolm of his recent conversion to a black muslim group called the nation of islam barbara haberman, 2002. The nation of islam believed that white people didn’t want the black man to succeed on the white man’s land. Malcolm believed blacks and whites should segregate and succeed without the enemy’s regulations. The blacks muslims even wanted their own state to gain unity in the black community barbara haberman, 2002.

After malcolm got out of prison he decided to change his last name from little, to x. When he went to find his ancestor’s original name, he could not find anything at all. As a result, he changed his last name to x to represent the lost name he rightfully owned. People crazed over the controversial black muslims the name, which malcolm detested as he said in his autobiography. Because malcolm advocated violence and because of the harsh, blunt manner of setting forth his message, malcolm x and his followers were referred to as black racists and black supremacists by the hypocritical white man.

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