Moral Argument Essay Topics Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Here are some examples: an essay arguing that tv should censor explicit content because they have an obligation to produce family friendly programming. An essay arguing that tv shows should not be responsible for censoring any explicit content because of free speech rights. These are some of many different examples of positions you could take in an argumentative essay.

If you can take a position on a controversial topic and support the position with facts, you can write an argumentative essay. That's why we have been in business so long with many happy customers to show for it. If you want our help today, just register with us online and then fill in the order form.

In no time at all, one of our writers with an advanced degree in your essay's topic will begin to craft you a superbly written academic paper. Take that initial first step with our services at today and you'll be pleased with the results! extracts from this document. Explain kant s moral argument the moral argument in philosophy is used to prove the existence of god. People either argue that morality exists because god made it, therefore morality depend on god. Or a more extreme view that there isn t any point in being moral unless god exists. Moral arguments try to show that nothing else but god existence accounts for our awareness of morality. Although kant put forward the most famous argument, his view does not set out to prove god s existence.

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Kant believes the noumenal world is the world as it truly is, without being observed. He argues that we could not be happy without being morally good people, because being morally good is part of nature of human happiness. Possibly the most important point of kant s moral argument is his acceptance that being morally good, and doing your duty does not always lead to happiness. Happiness may result from doing the right thing, but he believes it is never reason for doing morally good actions. Kant is well aware that doing your duty doesn t sound as rewarding if ultimately it doesn t lead to the summum bonum. In conclusion, kant doesn t see his moral argument as a proof that god exists, but he believes that in order for moral behaviour of human beings to make sense, we must postulate three things.

The three postulates of morality are free will, immortality and the existence of god. He believed an action is only truly moral if we chose it freely through our own choice. He also argues that acting according to our moral autonomy should result in happiness as demanded by justice. The final part of the conclusion of kant s moral argument is that god must exist as a postulate of practical reason. Without the existence of god we cannot have the afterlife and we would not be able to fulfil our obligation of reaching the summum bonum. The above preview is unformatted text

moral arguments

moral arguments for theism include attempts to establish the existence of god from some alleged fact about morality.

Many people hold that objective moral values are required to make sense of certain facets of human life, for instance, and that god is the only possible source of such values. The metaethical moral argument contends that the existence of objective moral values either entails the existence of god or at least is best explained by theism e.g. Even if we grant the existence of objective moral values, the argument fails because the first premise is groundless. The rationale for thinking that objective moral values require god is the assumption that only god could ground the objectivity of ethics.

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