Musculoskeletal System Essay Papers Text

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Have you ever wondered what keeps your body in shape, or what supports it? what it is, is a very complex system of bones. A bone is a structure that severs as a unit for the formation of this mass frame composed of hundreds of bones, called the skeletal system. Ligaments are segment of tough connective tissue that joins bones together or sever to keep an organ in place. There are two parts to the skeletal system: the axial skeletal system, and the perpendicular skeletal system. The axial skeletal system is the portion of the skeletal system that supports the head, neck, and trunk. The axial skeletal system consists of the cranium, vertebral column, the rib cage, and the thoratic cage.

The appendicular skeletal system consists of the limbs and the upper and lower part of the body such as the femur, the carpals, tarsals, humerus, and several more. Without the skeletal system, the body could not function properly, because the body would be a big puddle of organs tissue, veins, and muscles basically. The organs must not have any pressure in them to function properly, and the skeletal system relives the organs from that pressure. The second purpose is to protect the vital organs of the body, such as the brain, heart, lungs, and even the kidneys. Without the skeletal system, the organs would be crushed under the weight of the rest of the body. Many of the vitamins we consume daily in our food is stored directly into our bones.

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One of the most important vit the musculoskeletal system nurse shannon 35 years old has just started her shift in the orthopaedic ward for the day. Her duties include bathing patients, assisting them with moving, making and adjusting beds and carrying out observation rounds. Nurse shannon is well aware of the importance of maintaining healthy muscles, bones and joints. She also knows that if she is not careful with her movements she risks injury to herself in completion of her tasks. She applies this knowledge in the education she provides to her patients to assist their recovery as well as when caring for herself and her young family. Sometimes she notices joint and muscle aches at the end of the working day and some of her colleagues have complained of back pain.

Nurse shannon checks her schedule and realises she is going to be assisting mr henry, a very overweight, elderly patient, with his physiotherapy for a hip replacement later in the morning. While she works quickly to complete her first set of observations and get all the beds changed, she is thinking about her best management of this patient and is also looking forward to the end of the shift when she can watch her young son in his cricket match 1. 6 marks choose 3 different cells of the musculoskeletal system and describe their structure and function, making links to the maintenance of healthy function in the above scenario.

The organs that are in these systems are skeletal muscles, bones joints, tendons, and ligaments. By dividing the two systems into different sections, it will make it easier for you, the reader, to understand and make sense of the information. The muscular system functions are to provide movement, protects organs, and production of heat. Before i go into all of the muscular functions, i will give an overview of all the muscle structure. Fascia, which is a fibrous connective tissue, separates an individual skeletal muscle from adjacent muscles and then holds it into position.

Fascia surrounds each muscle and protects beyond the end of its muscle fibers to form a tendon. The aponeuroses tissues are the forms broad fibrous sheets that attach to the coverings of adjacent muscles. The epimysium lies beneath the fascia, the perimysium extends into the structure of the muscle, where muscle cells separate into fascicles.

Skeletal muscle fibers contract in response to stimulation and then relax when the stimulation ends. Threadlike structures called myofibrils run lengthwise throughout the muscle fiber. The myofibrils are composed of two types of even tinier structure, the myofilaments. The thick myofilaments called myosin filaments consist mainly of the protein myosin. Myosin and actin filaments are arranged lengthwise in the muscle fibers so that they overlap. During muscle contaction, the actin filaments are pulled inward between the myosin filaments. As that occurs a nerve cell that stimulates a muscle releases a compound known as acetylcholine.

The acetylcholine goes across the muscle nerve and combines with receptors on the surface of the muscle cell. The electrical current spreads and stimulates the sarcoplasmic reticulum endoplasmic reticulum to release calcium ions. As this process continues, the actin filaments slide past the myosin filaments, shortening the muscle. Sufficient atp can be piled to store energy for only the first few seconds of activity.

When sufficient oxygen is available enough, energy is captures from the glucose to produce needed quantities of atp. Oxygen many not always be available to meet the needs of rapid metabolizing muscle cells. Muscle cells are capable of breaking down fuel molecules without oxygen for short periods of time. Muscle tone is an unconscious process that helps to keep muscles prepared for action. Without knowing it, while you are lifting a heavy object, muscles are shortened and thicken as they contract.

Synergists stabilize joints so that undesirable movement does not occur and fixators stabilize the origin of an agonist a muscle that contracts to produce a particular action so that its force is fully directs to the bone on which it inserts. Synergists and fixators are muscles that help the agonists by reducing unnecessary movement. About twenty five percent of the energy released in respiration is available for use in metabolic processes meaning the rest becomes heat. Muscle tissue is a major heat source because muscle is a very large proportion of the body mass. Also, active cells generate heat and blood transports this heat to other tissues to help maintain all of the body temperature. The skeletal system functions are to provide framework, provide movement, stores calcium and phosphorus, and production of blood cells. Bones give shape to all kinds of structures like the head, face, and limbs and provide support and protection.

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Without the lower part of your body, you couldnð²ð‚™t hold up your weight. Also the bones of the pelvic area protect the lower abdominal and internal reproductive organs. The four components of a lever are a rigid rod or bar, a fulcrum on which the bar turns, an object or resistance that is moved, and the last component is that it supplies energy for the movement of the bar. An example of a lever when the upper limb bends, the forearm bones represent the rigid rod, the elbow joint is the fulcrum, the hand is the weight that is moved, and muscles supply the force.

Blood cells are manufactures in the liver and spleen, and they form in bone marrow. Marrow is soft mass of connective tissue within the medullary cavities part 1 musculoskeletal system the human musculoskeletal system is the organ system that gives humans the ability to physically move, by using the muscles and skeletal system. Bones are connected to each other at the joints by ligaments or cartilage and skeletal muscle is attached to bones, usually by tendons. Bones serve as rigid structures to the body and as shields to protect delicate internal organs.

Bones lengthen in these areas until the person reaches full height, at which time the growth plates close. The configuration of a joint determines the degree and direction of possible motion. Some joints do not move, except in very young children during and for a short time after birth. For example, the shoulder joints, which have a ball and socket design, allow inward and outward rotation as well as forward, backward, and sideways motion of the arms. Hinge joints in the elbows, fingers, and toes allow only bending flexion and straightening extension.