Narrative Essay Alcohol Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 937 words 2.7 double spaced pages rating: red free drugs and alcohol two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry i could not travel both. Recent surveys have conveyed that drug use among teens have declined by more than twenty three percent over the past five years. Most drug use begins in the preteen and teenage years, these years most crucial in the maturation process. During these years, adolescents are faced with different tasks of discovering their self identity, clarifying their sexual roles, asserting independence, learning to cope with authority, and searching for goals that would give their lives meaning.

As time went on, and i began to hang out with them more and more, i finally decided that i wanted to be a crip like them. The alcohol consumption was vast and i began to envy my crip members’ state of euphoria. We would break up the weed buds and roll it in a grape philly blunt or a strawberry flavored blunt. Even though i felt how i felt, i did regress and fall under the peer pressure to smoke recreationally.

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One of the older members of my new gang family just ironically happened to be my real cousin. He is one of the higher ranking members of the crips, but he only stood four foot eleven. He always warned me about the use of other illicit drugs because of his own wrong doings and experiences while on one of his trips. Just him being so real and blunt about the adverse affects of the drugs was enough to deter me from even trying any other drug that is other than marijuana and alcohol. I remember one time in seventh grade, i stole a fifth of hennessey from my father’s liquor cabinet and michael and i finished the whole bottle in about two hours. I, on the other hand, had a sister and was raised by both parents and grandparents.

For reasons unknown to me, his home life had deteriorated into uncontrollable chaos. I was working almost 70 hours a week at that time and i really didn’t have time for anything. I knew michael experimented on other drugs but in late november of 2006 my deepest fear was confirmed. With a new born at home he did one of the most stupid things he could have ever done. While on a toxic concoction of oxycontin, vicadin, and cocaine, he and a group of his new gangster friends went out and committed a couple of armed robberies. His daughter will be 19 years old when he is even considered to be released from prison. Through the years, i’ve watched the horrible hold drugs have on a person and how it affects their everyday lives.

However, through my trials and tribulations, i have a better understanding and grasp on what and how to deal with drugs in the future with my family. I will not speak of drugs in a boastful manner but rather in a matter of fact way. I do not regret what i have done in the past because it has molded me and made me the man that i am. Nonetheless, i shall be telling this with a sigh, somewhere ages and ages hence: two roads diverged in a wood, and i, i took the one less traveled by. 23 feb 2016 length: 616 words 1.8 double spaced pages rating: red free confessions of a teen alcoholic the beginning, was innocent in appearance merely a bottle of my father's beer, in order to calm myself before the big exam. My first drink, an experiment recommended by a friend in the senior class, was meant only as a last resort i needed to pass this test, you realize.

Ah, but how that amber liquid metamorphosed to pure silk in my mouth, sloshing down my throat at first, quickly changing to a tender caress. When my temples throbbed with the excruciating intensity of a thousand bass drums the subsequent morning, the lucidity gained from the previous night's feast with bacchus had somehow slipped from my grasp. Upon arriving home, i made my way directly to the liquor cabinet, in the hopes of discovering a tangible comfort to assuage the misery brought on by my scholarly defeat. Lest my parents know of this newfound pastime – and a somewhat intriguing sense of inebriation. Days, weeks, months passed, and i found myself indulging in alcohol much more often, for a myriad of reasons. I had a terrible quarrel with my girlfriend a bit of jack daniels put that unpleasant situation out of my mind.

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The more time i spent with my dear friend john barleycorn, the more difficult it was to be away from him. The cravings grew to the point where i needed a drink to get myself awake in the morning, while another was necessary to last through my afternoon classes. Alcohol was the focus of any social activity, it was my entire life, and yet i would not admit it.

I hid my addiction every moment of every day, storing empty cans and bottles in the attic when there was not a single inconspicuous space left in the basement. I covered the redness of my eyes with mirrored sunglasses, in spite of the fact that most of my day was spent indoors, far from the reaches of the phoebus's searing glare. When i slapped my girlfriend in a drunken rage, i lavished her with purple hyacinths in an attempt to illustrate my sorrow. I believed this with my entire being until, foolishly, i went for a drive while i was still intoxicated. My car swerved through the streets until it came to a skidding halt at the feet of a girl no older than thirteen. After the police took their report, and my parents bailed me out of jail for drunk driving, i sat in my bedroom, tentatively dialing the phone number of alcoholics anonymous.

I spoke with a counselor there for at least an hour upon hanging up, i reached for my book of shakespeare, which i had neglected since the drinking began. Opening up to the middle page, i read these words: o god, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! that we should with joy, pleasance, revel, and applause transform ourselves into beasts! mla citation: alcohol, drinking, and alcoholism confessions of a teen alcoholic. 23 feb 2016 different kinds of essays an essay is a short piece of writing that discusses, describes or analyzes one topic. In other words, essay is a short piece of writing about a particular subject by a student as part of a course of.

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Jimmy beltran sec e130 3/19/13 narrative descriptive essay 2 this is a story about the most important decision that i have ever taken in my entire life. What i understand substance abuse counseling to be: what is substance abuse counseling? when do i counsel someone? why would i counsel? due: june 20, 2014 what: i am just starting to learn about the dynamics of substance abuse counseling. Introduction the aim of this study is to look at how an alcoholic presents self in a story regarding their experience of alcoholism. In order to be able do this, the study will look at theories of narratives and identities. Below is a free essay on drug abuse and drug addiction from anti essays. drug abuse and drug addiction com 220 may 23rd, 2010 when it comes to drug abuse.

drugs addiction is a problem faced by many people of the world, it is a topic that interests many writers, and they wish to write an essay on drugs for this topic. drugs are very harmful and keep the capability of dragging an individual towards death and destruction. There is a good deal of concern that media depictions of illicit drugs. Or tobacco inaccurately portray the true nature of drug abuse and its negative consequences. I want to describe how i feel the social problem of drug abuse is reflected by the media through music and television.

Pure cocaine was first extracted from the leaf of the erythroxylon coca bush, which grows mainly in peru and bolivia. Meaning it can be administered by a doctor for medical uses, such as a local anesthetic. drugs this essay is about the use of alcohol and/or drugs that can be harmful and deadly to an individual. alcohol can be used for different reasons, like for a special occasion or you can. The 1920’s gave the legislature the power to ban the importation of alcoholic products, which began the era of prohibition. Men and women disobeyed the volstead act by drinking and serving alcohol at parties, without.

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