Narrative Violence And The Law The Essays of Robert Cover Text

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Want to read bob cover was and remains the dominant voice of his generation among legal scholars. These essays, each one magnificent in itself, are, when taken together, even more important. Guido calabresi, dean andmore bob cover was and remains the dominant voice of his generation among legal scholars. Guido calabresi, dean and sterling professor of law, yale university robert cover drew his sources for the authority of law for its violence, but also for its paideic potential from the structuring stories that spark our communal imaginations. Literally until the day of his untimely death, his irreplaceably restless spirit was binding itself with the pages of the midrash, of the brothers karamazov, of billy budd, sailor. it is for us now to work also with these bob cover's stories.

Cardozo law school, yeshiva university the writings of robert cover were usually provocative, sometimes exasperating, but always relevant. In his last years, he concentrated on jewish sources as well as mystical and messianic thought. Georgetown university law center the late robert cover was professor of law, yale law school. Austin sarat is william nelson cromwell professor of jurisprudence and political science and chair of the program in law, jurisprudence, and social thought, amherst college. Bob cover was and remains the dominant voice of his generation among legal scholars.

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Guideo calabresi, dean and sterling professor of law, yale university robert cover drew his sources for the authority of lawfor its violence, but also for its paideic potentialfrom the structuring stories that spark our communal imaginations. Literally until the day of his untimely death, which still is a shock to the system he left behind, his irreplaceably restless spirit was binding itself with the pages of the midrash, of the brothers karamazov, of billy budd, sailor. it is for us now to work also with thesebob cover's stories. The writings of robert cover were usually provocative, sometimes exasperating, but always relevant. He regularly insisted that legal scholarship be integrated with the great issues of spirituality. Georgetown university law center description: law and history review lhr is america's leading legal history journal that encompasses american, english, european, and ancient legal history issues, and proposes to further research and writing in the fields of the social history of law and the history of legal ideas and institutions. Lhr features articles, essays, and commentaries by international scholars, reviews of important legal history volumes, and provides legal and social historians with distinguished scholarship in this increasingly recognized and respected field of study.

4 moving wall the moving wall represents the time period between the last issue available in jstor and the most recently published issue of a journal. In rare instances, a publisher has elected to have a zero moving wall, so their current issues are available in jstor shortly after publication. Book descriptions product description isbn 0472064959. Paperback

bob cover was and remains the dominant voice of his generation among legal scholars. Literally until the day of his untimely death, his irreplaceably restless spirit was binding itself with the pages of the midrash, of the brothers karamazov, of billy budd, sailor. it is for us now to work also with these bob cover's stories.

Retrieved from amazon thu, 12 mar 2015 1:34 0400 bob cover was and remains the dominant voice of his generation among legal scholars. You must be logged in through an institution that subscribes to this journal or book to access the full text.


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34 guido calabresi, dean and sterling professor of law, yale university 34 robert cover drew his sources for the authority of law for its violence, but also for its pa. december 2009 robert cover july 30, 1943 – july 1986 was a law professor, scholar, and activist, teaching at yale law school from 1972 until his untimely death at age 42 in 1986. His most noted works include justice accused: antislavery and the judicial process. He lent his strong support to the campaign to divest yale of apartheid south african financial holdings.

He was also interested in jewish social and legal history, and was translating a renaissance hebrew text on the law of jurisdiction at the time of his death. Prior to his death from heart problems, many friends and colleagues speculated that, given his extraordinary success at such a young age, he would one day be considered for the supreme court. In his most famous article, violence and the word , he writes that legal interpretation takes place in a field of pain and death. Legal interpretive acts signal and occasion the imposition of violence upon others: a judge articulates her understanding of a text, and as a result, somebody loses his freedom, his property, his children, even his life.

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