Nicomachean Ethics Essay Topics Text

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the nicomachean ethics is probably dedicated to the father or the son of aristotle, who wore both this name. Aristotle examines the different ways of life and gives us beautiful reflections on friendship and justice. Aristotle begins by giving his famous definition of good, as what is an objective at any circumstance. The good is thus an objective, and as there are different actions or research, there are different objectives. For example, health is the objective of the medicine and the victory the objective of the strategy. There is a hierarchy of sciences: the particular sciences are subordinated to a master science or architectural.

Similarly, there is a hierarchy of objectives: some are intended for certain objectives, which in turn for other objectives, etc. But there must be a supreme objective because otherwise you lose in the infinite and our intentions will be deprived of their content and become pointless. Two questions appear: of what nature is this good? and what science gives it? for aristotle, it is the political science, which is sovereign, as it organizes all the others, because it determines what will be the sciences that will be taught in the city. The policy, does it not legislate with the objective to continue the state? thus, the good of the state is greater than the individual good of every citizen: the good is certainly desirable when it is a particular individual we are talking about, but it is far more beautiful and more divine when it applies to a people or a whole state.

The science that is intended to study the supreme good is therefore political science. Indeed, one must realize that various disciplines do not have the same degree of precision: the beautiful and just have very different interpretations and so likely the errors that they have appear to be by law and not by an effect of nature. Aristotle takes the example of wealth, to show the extent of such differences: wealth can save the life of a man, but can also cause the death of another. It is therefore only general truths that is valid in most cases: when one speaks only general facts and consequences, conclusions can only be general. Identify the degree of accuracy expected of a science is the sign of a refined man.

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It would be awkward to expect of a mathematician a probable reasoning and of a rhetorician a scientific demonstrations. How are they related to the other states of character? how are they related to one another? with what sort of things do they struggle? how do they improve or worsen their conditions? what do they demonstrate about the nature of virtuous action and human desires? of the five intellectual virtues, wisdom receives almost as much attention as practical judgment, but is simultaneously put somewhat out of the reach of human beings. In an analytical essay, examine the nature of wisdom as a virtue: its ends and objects, its purpose, and its position as an excellence or perfection as an intellectual virtue. Published: 23, march 2015 aristotle addresses the topic of friendship in book 8 and 9 of his nicomachean ethics. Aristotle says that just as virtuous behavior improves an individual, friends have the potential to generate improvements upon each other's lives. The main gist of aristotle's argument is on the relationship between friendship and justice 102. He asserts that if people stay friends, they do not have any need for justice, but if they maintain justice, they also need friendship in addition.

This paper shows that the arguments that aristotle makes in support of this assertion is convincing. Additionally, the arguments made here explain both the ethical and political importance of friendship for aristotle. Aristotle categorizes friendships into three categories: friendships of utility, friendships of pleasure, and friendships of the good 107. He asserts that the failure or success of one's friend is just like the one's own failure or success. However, when these people no longer enjoy sharing the activity, the friendship may come to an end.

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Who wrote this essay request removal example essays friendships of utility are those friendships that are formed with no regard to the other person. When a person is buying merchandise, has to meet the seller, but the relationship that is required is rather shallow. As long as these friends maintain their similar characters, their relationship endures because its main motive is care for each other. This is friendship at its best, what in modern english may be referred to as true friendship. Even those people in possession of all the goods that they need in life, including high office, need friends.

They do not perceive the use of all such prosperity without an opportunity of beneficence, which can only be exercised in its most laudable form towards friends. Aristotle also indicates that friends are the only refuge when misfortunes and poverty strike 108. For older people, it is useful for ministering to their needs as well as supplementing the various activities that could be failing as a result of weakness. For aristotle, friendships appear to be holding states together, and lawgivers are more careful about friendships than for justice.

Since unanimity seems to be like friendship, they aim at this most of the time, and strive to expel faction as their worst enemy. It is on this basis that he indicates that when men are friends, they need justice. The truest form of justice according to aristotle is thought to be an enduring friendly quality 118. Friendships are considered not only necessary, but also noble, since people always praise those who show love for their friends. The different kinds of friendships may be cleared if attention was shifted to the object of love, in which case only the lovable objects can be loved. For this reason, friends are formed on the basis of the good and pleasure that is produced, which has to be useful.

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However, a clash emerges in this argument, especially in determining whether men love the good or what they consider good for them. The clash arises in that each man loves not just what is good, but that seems good for him. Aristotle poses the question of whether goodwill in itself constitutes friendship. In this case, goodwill amounts to friendship only when the feeling is reciprocated 120. This is because, many people may have goodwill for those they have not necessarily judged to be useful or good. This raises the genuine difficulty of telling who friends really are without their feelings being communicated.

To be friends, then, there is a need for feelings to be mutually recognized as wishes of goodwill to each other. Friendship is an experience that everyone has at least once in the lifetime. According to aristotle, there are three types of friendship, namely friendship of pleasure, utility and virtue. Friendship of utility comprises of pure usefulness, where one is a friend with someone in order to use him/her for personal benefit. Friendship of pleasure is a relationship, where the fact of being friends brings a mutual benefit of pleasure. Friendship of virtue is the least common type, but the most desirable to encounter.

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