Nursing Education Essays Text

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Composed of skills that require expertisedness and proficiency of their execution. Nursing is a dynamic, therapeutic and educative process in meeting the health needs of the society, assisting the individual or family to achieve their potential for self direction. It aims at all round development of an individual to become mature, self sufficient, intellectually, culturally refined, socially efficient and spiritually advanced. Nursing education has brought changes in the behavior of the student nurse so as to prepare her to play her roles effectively as an individual and as a good responsible citizen. The practice of educational nursing began in the united states on october 1, 1902 when the initial role of the school nurse was to reduce absenteeism by intervening with students and families regarding health care needs related to communicable diseases. While the nurse¶s role hasexpanded greatly from its original focus, the essence of the practice remains the same.

The nurseeducator supports student success by providing health care assessment, intervention, and follow up for all children within the school setting. Strategies: three phases are included in nursing education: pre nursing education: spread information of nursing to the prospective candidates, publicity and guidance about nursing education, nursing services, working conditions of nurses, career development, job avenues ,opportunities and responsibilities of nurses has to be given. Careful intelligent planning is required to develop personal and professional satisfaction. Nurse education: nurse educators have to take care to produce nurses in order to provide qualitative care, select the candidate who is having interest for admission into nursing is the first step. Nurse educators monitor continuously, implement the curriculum which consists of theoretical and practical hours of training in a critical manner, give equal weight age to develop the right attitudes, social and moral values, human relations, skills, ethics, civic sense ,professional etiquette to have perfect background in nursing.

Along with the technical skills, the personal qualities of the students also have to be promoted. Post nursing education: after completion of the nursing training, nurse has to register their names in professional organization. The nurse still needs to be educated either in the form of in service or continuing education. The teacher has to develop teaching material and conduct of research to improve the standards of nursing. Post nursing education consists of orientation, supervision, in service education, evaluation and re registration. New graduates need to have a well planned and organized orientation to the area of their posting.

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They must be oriented to the staff, equipment, working conditions and clients with whom they have to work. Nurses on the job must be evaluated periodically, in terms of knowledge and performance and in service education needs to be planned on the basis of their needs. ϻ�running head: future of nursing nursing education and the future of nursing september 9, 2013 education is a vital factor in the field of nursing. Nursing is one of the biggest workforces in the united states, and in the health care field specifically, with more than 3 million members, the nursing profession is the largest segment in the nation’s health care workforce. For this reason, the institute of medicine has worked to make recommendations on the future education of nurses, and why this is important to the quality of care for patients.

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The author of this paper will discuss some of those recommendations, and advise how she plans to incorporate them into her own future education. One of the recommendations made by the institute is that the nursing field increase the number of nurses with a bachelor’s degree to 80% by the year 2020. This author agrees with the need for increased education for nurses, and is currently working on her bachelor’s of science in nursing. During her coursework, she has learned many things about the health care field that she was not exposed to during her clinical education.

Understanding the challenges and trends in the health care field allows her to be a more effective employee, and adds value to her role as a nurse. Increasing her education on the most recent technological advances in health care ensures that she is able to interact and help patients with questions and concerns in a variety of topics. Having her bachelor’s degree will also allow her to complete more in the job market. The work and dedication required to earn this degree shows future employers that she is the type of employee who follows through on commitments, and isn’t afraid to work hard for the things that she wants. Committing to being a lifelong learner means that she will be able to act as a source of information for patients and fellow employees. Advantages of higher education in nursing professional dynamics april 19, 2013 advantages of higher education in nursing: adn vs. That statement describes ongoing controversy by many states and nursing boards that want to change nursing requirements to bachelors rather than associate degree training for todays and tomorrows registered nurses.

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The institute of medicine's report on the future of nursing, calls for increasing the numbers of baccalaureate prepared nurses in the workforce to 80% in order to respond to the demands of an evolving health care system and meet the changing needs of patients, nurses must achieve higher levels of education rosseter, 2012. When nursing started training was minimal and almost anyone who wanted to could practice as a nurse. After wwii there was short supply of nurses nationwide so a fast track route to getting rn licensure was created, the adn program. Montag's intent when this program was created was that nurses with associate degrees would work under direction of registered professional nurses who were prepared at the baccalaureate level creasia amp friberg, 2011. Due to the short length of programs they grew in popularity and soon became the primary method of obtaining rn licensure.

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As a student in today's economy the option is simple, associate degree nursing is a faster and less expensive way of getting a good job. The legal scope of practice for associate degree prepared and baccalaureate prepared nurses is undifferentiated because both groups are awarded the same license creasia amp friberg, 2011. Most facilities also allow adn rn's to hold most of their management and team leader positions, and. In the contemporary health care environment, the traditional differentiation in nursing education primarily between two year programs and baccalaureate programs, with a much smaller number of doctoral programs, has been superseded by an environment wherein several preparatory levels for advanced practice nursing exist and wherein the demand for nurses educated at the doctoral level is increasing. While the increasing complexity of the structure of professional education for nurses causes some concern among traditionalists in the profession, the changing health care environment in the united states makes it imperative for nurses to be educated for a variety practice levels if the profession is to maintain and improve its position within the health care establishment. As the profession of nursing becomes increasingly complex, nurses assume greater responsibilities in the areas of clinical practice, theory development, and the advance of nursing science through research krouse holloran, 1992.

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That a shortage of qualified and quality nursing personnel exists for these increasingly demanding responsibilities is documented ryan irvine, 1994. What appears to be lacking is a critical mass of doctorally prepared nurses who actually work in professional service rather than in the teaching. Nursing is in need of clinical leaders who have competence as investigators, collaborators, communicators, and disseminators. These nurses must be able to transform their own thinking as well as that of others.

The increased complexity of health care demands that nurses be skilled in communication, technically competent, and analytically able clinicians. Before institutions of higher education can commit resources to the development of doctoral programs in nursing, however, there must be some degree of assurance that demand will exist in their service areas for the pr. A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse with advanced academic and clinicalexperience, which enables him or her or diagnose and manage most common and manychronic illnesses, either independently or as a part of a health care team. A registered nurse is recommended to have extensive clinicalexperience before applying to a nurse practitioner program.

Excellence in academic education and clinical training willenable nurse practitioners to continue to provide quality health care into the nextmillennium. Continuation of this excellent history of care during a proliferation of npeducati. What is education? education is a very broad word because education can be any environment or situation where you learn something or acquire knowledge. For example someone who wants to be a nurse has to go to school for a minimum of 3 years to get a job in the nursing field. A nurse has to know how to draw blood administer an iv intravenous drip and how to give an ekg electrocardiogram and those things you have to go to school to learn.

To alleviate the pain and symptoms of terminally ill clients, education for doctors and nurses on the difference between adequate pain management and euthanasia would allow a more liberal use of the resources available. Education of the parameters that are allowed to ensure comfort in a terminal state yet are within the legal limits of treatment may need to be reinforced. Domestic violencethe american nurses association ana supports education of nurses, health care providers and women in skills necessary for prevention of violence against women assessment of women in health care institutions and community settings and research on violence against women.