Nursing Essays on Stroke Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Topic: stroke rehabilitation the aim of this assignment is to introduce the author student to the multifaceted role of rehabilitation, which affects most patients at some time in their treatment and to facilitate their awareness and understanding of the role of nurses within the team. The principles of rehabilitation will be approached through consideration of patient needs. The author will use the rooper, n.logan and tierney model of nursing 20 for daily activities of living. The author will examine the theoretical principles of rehabilitation and the role of the multi disciplinary team. As a student the author will describe the level of competency and degree of responsibility which is utilised in the caring for patients recovering from the effects of a stroke. In britain strokes or cerebrovascular accident cva claims the second highest mortality each year, about 9% department of health 2004.

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A stroke or cva refers to a group of diseases that have in common a reduced blood supply to a portion of the brain. Defined a cerebrovascular accident as a sudden attack of weakness affecting one side of the body, resulting from an interruption to the flow of blood to the brain by thrombosis, embolus or ruptured aneurysm. A stroke can vary in severity from a weakness in a limb to profound paralysis and considerable impairment.

There are different types of strokes, for example there is thrombotic or embolic occlusion resulting in infarction simon, thompson, and morgan 1990 or spontaneous rupture of a vessel resulting in intracerebral or subarachnoid haemorrhage. By rehabilitating the female patient who will remain anonymous due to the nmc 2002 code of conduct to protect patient confidentiality she will gain some level of independence throughout the assignment the patient will be referred to as mary , who is 64 years old. Mary was admitted to the ward after suffering a cerebrovascular accident cva or stroke, her symptoms included weakness in both legs, limited mobility in her right side, and dysphagia abnormality in swallowing.

According to davis, o'connor 2004 assessment is the first stage of the problem solving approach whatever model of care is used it will be the activity of the health care professionals. After mary's assessment she was recommended for rehabilitation and a computerised tomography ct scan. Rehabilitation is defined as an active and dynamic process by which a disabled person is helped to acquire knowledge and skills in order to maximise physical, psychological and social function.

As a student the author will describe the level of competence and degree of responsibility which is utilised in the rehabilitation of patients on this placement. This assignment is also aimed at the author's developmental pathway with progression in adult nursing from novice level through to the competent practitioner level. The author had to devise a care plan for all of mary's contributing or associated problems.

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By using roper, logan, and tierney 20 activities of daily living the author was able to assess and plan her care. The mentioned model of nursing is used by the trust to promote daily activities of living. The author was allocated on several shifts with a mentor to care for mary's health needs. A safe environment was very important to maintain because mary's mobility was restricted. The call bell was always placed within mary's reach and she was told to use it when assistance was required it was also provided as a preventative measure to stop mary from getting out of bed without assistance which may result in a. Published: 23, march 2015 this assignment will concentrate on how team of different health professionals will help alfred from the case study on his journey of recovery from acute stroke. The team will try to lower and stabilise the condition, prevent from reoccurring and support alfred to do things which he cannot do by himself.

First, will highlights different s key skills needed by interprofessional, then will identify and talk about different factors that may influence care plan received by alfred. Furthermore different organisational structures which will affect the care plan received by alfred will be discussed. Also elaboration of different codes of conducts and how will help different professions to do their job effectively. Never the less there will be highlights of different legislations and will show how they deliver care plan for the service user. Who wrote this essay request removal example essays an interprofessional team is a type of multicultural environment, in which the unique cultures of professions, departments, agencies and disciplines come together for common purpose martin amp rogers 2004. 1985 , the health professional team is to help the patient to return to normal physical, social and emotional state whenever possible. Professional need to have shared skills based on common overview and clearer knowledge of different perspectives of patient and other professionals keene, 2001.

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There are many share skills in multidisciplinary team but today only few will explained. The team will need good communication to help alfred to know his future health rehabilitation and personal centred care which will enable to empower and offer him a degree of his control regarding the care he receives from all professionals. It is also important for disciplinary groups to communicate within each other to ensure continuity of care and monitor alfred's progress in all aspect of his life. In relation to communication, it is important that alfred is regularly assessed to ensure that effective care plan is put in place. Along with care plan goals and measures are incorporated this is to offer motivation to alfred and highlights any area of extra support which will be required.

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What type of occupation therapy equipment will be needed, checking if his medication working effectively, if he receives enough required support such as day centre access, benefits and diet requirements. Concerns regarding alfred's life style in terms of value, believes and altitude has to be considered within his care package due to the effects it has on his health. Issues like smoking will be attempted to be addressed as advised will be offered along with counselling, to help alfred reduce his smoking. Professions should help alfred without influencing or discriminating against his smoking habit.

Alfred care plan can also be affected due to stress regarding his mother hill health, therefore it will be considered to provide care to his mother. Alfred will also be encouraged to socialise with his old friend and restart activities such as dart as part of his rehabilitation. This will be decided due to his passion for dart and provide an incentive to stop smoking. Alfred care plan will also contain a strong routine this decision was influenced with the fact that, alfred lived a sedentary life style before his stroke. Topic: stroke rehabilitation the aim of this assignment is to introduce the author student to the multifaceted role of rehabilitation.