Ocr Ethics Essays Text

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First 817 words of the document: a explain how war can be considered `just 039. War can be defined as a state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country. Ethical approaches on war vary between a militaristic, just war, realism, nuclear pacifism, contingent pacifism and absolute pacifism. Just war theory is the most influential approach to war and has been used to comment of the morality of warfare for example it was discussed in `the times 039 at the time of the first gulf war in 1990 1991. This essay will focus on the ethical approach that war can sometimes be considered just if it follows a specific criteria. During the 4th century a just war approach was established, therefore stating that war could be considered `just 039 and lay christians were actively encouraged to defend their country with force. Former christian pacifism was no longer seen as correct for the majority of followers of christianity, and consequently only followed by clergy, monks and nuns.

In the old testament it states that wars against enemies of israel and god could be fought as they were commanded by god. From this, augustine derives fighting to protect a christian empire the roman empire would be obligated. Ambrose of milan and augustine of hippo built on christian values: the preservation of innocent life, states duty to defend their citizens and justice and that defending moral values could require the use or force. They used these values to establish a criteria of a just war, which states that it should be declared by a legitimate governmental authority, pursued with the aim of restoring peace and as a last resort. Furthermore, it was viewed that throughout the war it was unacceptable and immoral to perform reprisal killings and massacres.

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Throughout the 13th century, thomas aquinas built on augustine 039 s previous criteria for a just war and developed the christian doctrine of just war. He viewed that war had to be declared by a legitimate authority the sovereign of the state , have a just cause of self defence and have the right intentions. The right intention for a war would be in order to pursue morally correct and therefore good actions, while avoiding evil. The origins of both natural law and the just war theory are rooted to aquinas, the just war theory aims to fulfil the deontological primary precept, which is the preservation of innocent life. Aquinas 039 s form of the just war approach took account for only three aspects of war. Although this was adequate until the 16th century, it was adapted in the 16th to 17th century by francisco suarez and francisco de vitoria to add several conditions.

It was then developed to address three distinct categories: jus ad bellum, jus in bello and jus post bellum. Jus ad bellum dictates the six principals which need to be met before resorting to war. Firstly, the war must have a just cause, including for means of self defence or humanitarian intervention. An example of a ware with a justified cause would be wwii, as the main attack on germany was in order to prevent further genocide to their own people and surrounding countries, for example poland. Secondly, the war must only be entered if it has a just cause, as well as having the right intention. For example, in 1950 china invaded tibet for the sole purpose of political expansion and land acquisition, with no means of self defence or humanitarian intervention, which would make the intention unjustified. Thirdly, the war has to be publicly declared by a lawful, legitimate authority that represents the entire people.

There has to be a likelihood of success, to avoid killing, structure and destruction for no justifiable purpose. Finally, war has to be as a last resort other options which may achieve the same objectives should be reviewed before. For example, peace talks and negotiations, freezing financial assets and economic sanctions should be considered as an option. Jus in bello concerns the justice of conduct within the war therefore it can be described as the `just method 039. Plato considered the idea that it was morally incorrect to harm those who were non combatants in the war, bringing about rules that were followed by greek warfare and still followed in western culture today. For example, military commanders, officers and soldiers can be put on trial for committing war crimes, such as the mistreatment of prisoners of war.

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Code of ethics is a formal document that states an organization’s primary values and the ethical rule it expects managers and operatives to follow robbins amp decenzo, p.60. An ethical dilemma is a situation when doing something that is right may also involve doing something that is wrong. It is important not in situation like this to make a quick decision but instead to consider carefully all sides to the question before deciding what to do. The article boot camps on ethics ask the what ifs shows why ethics is useful to managers. It was a good idea that sun microsystems’ management went through the fiduciary boot camp.

This training program that covered ethical issues gave marian davis the knowledge of a detective. This is helping the company because everyone employed to sun microsystems will be on the same path. These classes are probably costing sun microsystems a lot of extra money but in the long run it will payoff. It is terrible about what happens when companies and managers do not act ethical.

A lot of people died because firestone didn’t tell ford about the width of the tires on the ford explorers. Managers in this company should have had enough common sense to not sell these strays. Probably a bunch of people that bought the spray and have asthma became sick or even died. These two companies are putting their customers’ lives on the line for not acting ethical. To make a company or business last in our economy, management needs to act ethical.

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