Online Journalism Essay Topics Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The advancement of technology has helped the media evolve by giving people a better perspective of how the world is viewed today. Radios, computers, telephones, and televisions are becoming important tools in the 21st century. Now people have the opportunity to access global information, multimedia content, and instantaneous news.

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Because journalism has become an important source of gathering information, the history, present, and future of journalism will be presented. In 1915, the massachusetts agricultural college first introduced journalism as a major. With a master’s degree from harvard and yale, robert wilson neal taught journalism from 1906 to 1920. At the university of massachusetts, neal’s work in modern journalism has been viewed for over 80 years.

There were two books neal wrote that were published by oxford university press in 1914 and 1918. They were called short story writing in the making, and today’s short stories analyzed. On may 18, 1915, neal wrote in an article that the press would be one of strongly influences in american lives and that it would have an impact on societal issues such as religion, education, public morals, and it will either have a positive or negative effect on the community neal. There were not any statistics showing how many students actually joined the major or when it finished.

Therefore, massachusetts agricultural college did not create a strong program for journalism. Nonetheless, after leaving the college, he decided to teach journalistic writing at home correspondence school in springfield and became vice president and a member of the board of directors. The wireless communications such as broadband is helping news organizations by transferring media files faster than ever.

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Digital tools such as high digital cameras, personal computers are giving reporters limitless communication capabilities. Journalists can feel at ease working with electronic emails, databases, and transmitting media content without any difficulties. Also, news directors can think of countless possibilities of how to construct newsrooms in an organized way.

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A networked computer workstation can provide editors and producers with limitless opportunities to reconstruct the media content without having to be concerned about where the computers are located. Limits are not a concern with virtual newsrooms because it can capture a mass audience. Although the equipment is cheaper, the audience can have a live video interaction with news organizations. With virtual newsrooms, reporters can also get equal access to information, people, and processing power. The significance of virtual newsrooms is that developing news events can be broadcasted from the exact location. With this technology available, information presented will contain higher accuracy 106 107.

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In the digital age, newsrooms are becoming far more convenient to journalists because they can edit and produce a video without any complications. Second, it can confuse employees who may not be willing to learn the changes because it may be difficult. There are 3 important principles a person should follow when introducing new technology. Another important factor is that relationships between audiences and news organizations must have chemistry together. The press is considered to be the fourth branch of government and, therefore, protected by the 1st amendment.

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Trust is the glue that holds newsrooms together and ultimately binds readers to a specific newspaper and to read newspapers in general new york times. Firstly, online journalism will begin to thrive and will be credible to the audience as it grows. Secondly, mistakes can be corrected found in an article or column by readers who read online news. Thirdly, online capabilities offered to news providers include hyperlinks, which provide additional details about the story 125 129. When a journalist writes a newspaper, it is divided into three parts: a headline, first paragraph, and the remainder of the story.