Oracle Jdbc Memory Management White Paper Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Oracle jdbc memory leak usage java.lang.outofmemoryerror fetchsize white paper summary 10g 11.2 so there appears to be memory issues with your system. The oracle jdbc memory management white paper says as much: the oracle jdbc drivers can use large amounts of memory. This is a conscious design choice, to trade off large memory use for improved performance. Some users have experienced problems with the amount of memory the jdbc drivers use. The white paper is only a dozen or so pages, but it seems each jdbc version introduces new connection properties or changes the meaning of previously used properties. Is there an executive summary/cheat sheet/quick reference that would essentially say what you can do for a given version? there doesn't seem to be, but i'll have a go. First, some summary points: from 9i to 10g performance of the jdbc drivers has been improved .

In large scale applications with complex and batch data usage, there seem to be two key caches that may cause memory usage issues the implicit statement cache and the internal buffer cache. Tuning the caches can be done via connection properties all of which can also be defined as system d properties. Tuning should be done in consideration of: the table design column types and sizes the query design columns needed / batches the fetch size. Setting this incorrectly will definitely cause outofmemoryerrors as seen in jcr 2892. Now, for the connection properties: this is related to an issue we are facing with storedprocedure calls from our application. We have been bugged with huge memory consumption during our data retrievals.when we profiled our application using yourkit profiler we could see that huge memory is being consumed by oraclestatement.prepareaccessors method which invokes getcharbuffer and getbytebuffer methods internally. The driver used is oracle jdbc thin driver version callablestatement cs con.preparecall

> cs.setint 1, 17320 thank you in advance for any suggestions we run a webapplication on tomcat 5.5.27 jdk 1.5.0_16 and oracle p 6396242 implicit and explicit statement caching disabled we use connectionpooling apache commons dbcp 1.2.2 with commons pool 1.5.4. In a generic module of the application, a lot of dynamic sql statements get created and executed. Most of the statements are completely unique and not reusable no bind variables used.

Of course, it's not a very usual way to make all statements without using binding. It's an older framework of the customer, which cannot get replaced at the moment. The problem is as followed: when running a mass data mutation, the jvm's memory usage goes up in a more or less straight line, about 250meg per minute, which results in an outofmemoryexception. In every t4cconnection the 'statements' property contains a linkedlist of t4cpreparedstatement instances and the list only gets bigger and bigger, and of course, the gc does not collect anything, since they're all referenced through the linkedlist. Has anyone an idea, what the problem could be in this case? what exactly is t4cconnection.statements, i mean what is it for? and why are the statements hold within t4cconnection.statements? thanks a lot best regards, andreas 4630 просмотров метки: нет добавить 10g материалы с меткой 10g i have been trying to upgrade my ojdbc code from ojdbc14 to ojdbc6 We have been using oracleconnectioncacheimpl for datasource connections and then moved to the universal connection pool using oracledatasource at the heart. Here is how we currently have it configured in spring: it took a bit to get it to run without closed connection errors, but now i have an issue with memory management.

This application uses a thread pool and uses threadpoolexecutors to create fee requests based on the data passed from the file. My issue is that long term memory in the heap is filling up and is not releasing objects. In the performance test i have set up, long term memory in garbage collection is filling up in about 20 25 minutes and does not ever free up. The application eventually hits the gc limit exceeded exception and comes to grinding halt. When i run the same test using the old oracleconnectioncacheimpl class it just runs with no problem. Granted the thread pool and all accompanying code was written to run using older versions of spring 1.2.6 and old ojdbc driver, but is there really that big of difference in the way oracleconnectioncacheimpl works versus universal connection pooling? am i looking at rewriting my domain model if i want to accommodate the latest versions of oracle's jdbc driver code. I have tried oracledatasource connection and it failed miserably with nullpointerexceptions after working on several files concurrently.

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I then went to ucp at the suggestion of another post in this forum which works fine in all but one application. At this point i'm trying to figure out whether i can further optimize the spring config bean for my datasource or do i need to start thinking about upgrading the code base. As stated previously, this code runs very well against the old ojdbc class, but i have had issues every step of the way trying to implement ucp.