Paper Based Task Management System Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

If you've ever met me in person you have surely seen my corbinizer the single piece of paper that i use to track each weeks tasks. I started this experiment back in 2010 and have used it virtually every day since. Why wouldn't i just use my iphone, ipad, nexus 7, ios tasks, rememberthemilk or any other digital counterpart?

    forces brevity digital task managers allow you to add 100's of non essential tasks to your list. With only 13 slots per page, the corbinizer forces me to write down only the tasks that are truly important. Keep away from fire awesome weekly summary at the end of the week i take the well populated corbinizer transfer what's not complete and then store it in a folder. take notes anywhere since i have this on my person at all times along with a pen i can jot down notes no matter where i am.
try the experiment for yourself and you can also generate custom booklets via unaffiliated pocketmod.

Thanks hok! managing our tasks lists to do lists is one of those things that everyone knows they should do but seldom do. A lot of the time, this is because of the perceived complexity of task management how to decide what should be due when, or what is more important in the given moment. These are all systems that i have personally used, and simple systems that i would recommend to anyone who doesnt need a full featured task manager like omnifocus. Most simply, it is an actionable item that needs to be done in the present moment, or at a later date. By exclusion, a task is something that you have to do that doesnt occupy a specific time slot on your schedule. The act of filing information or organizing it is a task, but the information itself is not. An interesting aside is that our ability to describe tasks has evolved quite significantly over the last decade or so.

What used to be single sentence descriptions in numerically ordered lists have become much more. Thanks to the influence and popularity of organizational systems such as david allens getting things done. We now have the ability to describe tasks in terms of the projects they belong to, the contexts they sit in, as well as the actions they encapsulate.

This way of looking at tasks has allowed us to increase the amount of traceability in our to do lists, and to see the relationship of individual actions to our different goals and parts of our lives. If for the simple reason that success in this world however you wish to define it seems to be the result of knowing what you want then directing action towards it. At the most basic level, tasks allow you to put down on paper the ideas and thoughts you have floating in your mind. We all have thoughts and ideas that in the moment we think are fantastic, and tell ourselves ill remember that later. Writing them down and turning them into actionable items guarantees that you will.

Having actionable items down on paper also allows us to utilize our organizational skills to decide whats important and what isnt. Is watching reruns of lost more important, or is doing your laundry? actively managed tasks lists also create a certain degree of accountability in ourselves. It very clearly indicates where we have fallen short in terms of directed action, and is a good if somewhat pressure free wakeup call to get more done. If you think of something to do and it takes less than 2 minutes to handle, do it now.

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Most people have different ways of organizing the different parts of their lives, but the one that i have seen the most often and found the most useful is the division of life into: health wealth including career relationships friends, family, significant other general happiness catchall for everything else it would therefore make sense for our tasks to fall into these categories too. Sure, there will be the everyday mundane that doesnt really sit inside that hierarchy. In which case i would recommend: projects: personal projects you have that you want to complete, like redecorating the living room, cleaning out the garage, or finishing a certain book. things for later: ideas that you want to revisit one day, just not at the moment.

Pen and paper is the simplest form of task management, and the one that most people use to varying degrees. The biggest problem with pen and paper is actually that most people start to develop a great task management system, then they stop using it or maintaining it due to the busyness of their lives. It is very simple you dont need any complicated or expensive equipment, and its something you could easily teach to your mom/dad/family or any non technically inclined friends. Thats not to say there arent downsides compared to other task management systems, the biggest probably being that you have to copy tasks over to the next day every single day to maintain a functioning system. Write down all the things you have to do, all the random thoughts you have everything.

You should end up with a large list of unorganized thoughts and actions the first time you do this. In general, there will be three types of items you have listed: tasks, appointments and information. Appointments will go in your schedule or calendar we have a great piece about that here.

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