Paper Publication In Law Journals Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Royal decree, m/32, h october 28, 2003 the english version of this document is for guidance only. the arabic version is the governing text. the following terms whenever used in this law shall have the meanings assigned to them as follows: circulation. To put the printed material within the reach of a number of persons by distributing them freely or by offering them for sale or by sticking them to walls or by displaying them on the fronts of show rooms or in light boards or streets sign boards or by other means. Any person who practice editing of journals as a profession whether full or part time. Any printed matter under a constant title issued periodically or occasionally on a regular or irregular date such as newspaper, magazines and bulletins. The person responsible for the press whether the owner or the person acting for him. Any establishment prepared for printing words, sounds, drawings or pictures for the purpose of circulation. Any means of expression suitable for circulation whether a word, drawing, picture or sound.

The place prepared for offering books, newspapers or the like for sale or renting. The intermediary whether an individual or a company between the author or the publisher and the distribution points and the beneficiary. The person who prepares a scientific, cultural or artistic material for the purpose of circulation. The person who issues a scientific, cultural or artistic work for the purpose of circulation. article two the following activities shall be governed by the provisions of this law: printed matters.

Any activity suggested to be added by the ministry and approved by the prime minister. article three call to islam, noble manners, leading to all that is good and proper and spreading of culture and knowledge shall be among the purposes of printed matters and publication. article four none of the activities mentioned in article two shall be carried out except with a license from the ministry and this shall not be an excuse to justify failure to obtain any license required by other laws.

The implementing regulations shall determine the period of the license for each activity in addition to the grace period for renewal of the license before its expiration after making sure that the activity was being carried out. article five subject to the provisions of the laws and treaties the person to whom the license is issued shall satisfy the following conditions. He shall not be less than 25 years pf age but the minister may give exemption from this age for justifications he thinks proper.

He shall be known to be of good conduct and reputation to carry out such activity. He shall have a suitable qualification in accordance with the provisions of the implementing regulations. The implementing regulations shall provide for the necessary conditions that must be observed by the offices and reporters of foreign information media. article six government authorities, educational and research institutes, scientific societies, art and culture clubs and the national journalistic establishment may issue non periodical printed matters in their field of specialization and under their responsibility. article seven the license or renewal fees of the head office or the branch shall be determined in accordance with the following: a two thousand saudi riyals sr 2,0 for each of the following activities. article eight freedom of expression is guaranteed in the different media of publication within the limits of sharia rules and law.

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article nine when permission is given to a printed matter the following shall be taken into consideration: it shall not be conflicting with sharia rules. It shall not lead to breach of public security, public policy or serving foreign interest that conflict with national interest. It shall not be exciting to fanatical instincts or stir up discord among citizens. It shall not prejudice the dignity and liberty of persons or lead to their blackmail or injure their reputation or commercial names.

It shall not disclose the secrets of investigations or trails except with the permission of the competent authority. It shall observe objective and constructive criticism that aims at public interest and which is based on facts and evidence. article ten the necessary paper information provided for in the implementing regulations shall be recorded on each printed matter printed inside the kingdom. article eleven the license may be surrendered or rented to third parties or make them partners in it with the consent of the ministry and in accordance with the provisions of this law.

article twelve if the owner of the license dies, his heirs shall notify the ministry within two months from the date of death and they are entitled to continue with the activity with the consent of the ministry in accordance with the provisions of this law. article fourteen each printing office shall keep a registration for printed matters printed in it to be shown to the competent persons on demand but the ministry may exempt in the implementing regulations from requirement of registration any printed matter it thinks fit. article fifteen the author, the publisher and the printer are responsible for any violations in the printed matter if printed or put into circulation before approval is given but if it is not possible to identify the person responsible then the distributor becomes responsible, otherwise the responsibility lies on the seller.

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article sixteen the ministry shall make the author or publisher responsible to deposit in accordance to the relevant law the copies required to be deposited of materials printed inside the kingdom. external printed matters article eighteen external printed matters shall be approved if free from anything insulting to islam or the system of government or injurious to high interests of the state or scarify public morality and conflict with ethical standards. article nineteen the external printed matters shall be approved or rejected for reasons to be expressly stated within 30 days from the date of filing the application but newspapers shall be treated in accordance with the provisions of the implementing regulations. article twenty any saudi who issues a non periodical printed matter outside the kingdom and applies to the ministry for its approval shall attach with his application something to prove that he has deposited the required copies in accordance with the relevant law.