Personal Narrative Essay Immigration Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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if you are a maintainer of this web content, please refer to the site documentation regarding web services for further assistance. This option may be re enabled by the project by placing a file with the name .htaccess with this line: there are so many different ethnic backgrounds in the united states today, but they didn't all originate here. Just in the short time from 1900 – 1955, over fifteen million people immigrated to america. These fifteen million people consisted of italians, irish, polish, germans and many more. They had to form huge communities due to the influx of people, but after migration was cut off in the 1920's the communities quickly languished. Children of the immigrants look back and consider these communities the institution of their learning harvard encyclopedia 1980. However, some italians from different parts of italy have blonde hair and fair skin.

Most of the italian immigrants came from the provinces of calabria, campania, apulia, and the island of sicily. Even though the italians lived in these provinces, they were also grouped into little villages. When they came to america they were forced to live in cities where it was too hard to keep local ties between them. These moves to the city made them realize for the first time that they all shared the common italian heritage harvard encyclopedia 1980. Please note! this is not an example of text written by our writers! is a database of essays that were collected at open web resources.

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These immigrants chose america because it seemed to be a place where you could succeed no matter what and do better than you parents. Many of the irish who had immigrated from the nineteenth century to the twentieth, moved to america because they were unable to afford the daily costs of living, and because of the violence between the english the irish republican army, in a battle over religion. One of the first reasons for many irish to come over was the great famine in the late 1800s. The great famine was terrible for many of the farmers in ireland because it ruined their crop, thus leaving them with no money and also no food.

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It was equally bad for the people in the cities because one of their main sources of food was gone, and people were struggling to afford anything else. These unskilled, poor immigrants were unable to afford land in america so they began to crowd the cities, and create irish communities in cities. many of these irish communities are right in boston including south boston, and charlestown. Another reason for many irish to move to america was because of the constant violence between the irish catholics and the english protestants.