Persuasive Essay on Cell Phones Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Introduction most adults have a cell phone and even children as young as 8 years of age own one. As americans we have grown accustomed on relying on our cells for our communication needs. Most cell phones have calendars on them, so students can put the due date of a test that is coming up. Also, parents and students rely on their cell phones to get in contact with each other. Parents may need to get in contact with their children because of a family emergency such as, a death in the family or an accident that has happened. If parents are able to call or text their children at school, then it would be less likely chance that a mix up would occur relaying messages. If a student happened to pass out in a classroom, it would be faster to call on a cell phone versus taking 5 minutes to run down to the office and make the call.

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In an emergency cell phones could save a person's life by being able to get in contact with the police. That could become very useful in schools that don't have a lot of extra computers for the children to use. The above preview is unformatted text free sample persuasive speech: using cell phones while driving is dangerous cell phones are troublesome while driving.

When a driver keeps talking or listening to music he or is not supposed to focus off the road. It is not forbidden to talk to a passenger but it is not recommended to talk to an invisible cell phone communicator. The use of cell phones is the most common distraction, but the use of a hand held cell phone increases the risk by 1.3 times, which is less than reaching for items on the seat or in the glove compartment. New jersey, new york, connecticut, california, washington state, utah, and washington, d.c. Prohibit drivers from using hand held cell phones, irrespective of weather conditions: at all times, not only on wet and icy roads when a driver decides on dialing or text messaging. According to recent research, a driver talking over a cell phone is four times more endangered to collide with another vehicle than a driver who does not use a cell phone while driving.

Drivers may be allowed to use cell phones in traffic jams but they must be fined if they use a cell phone while driving at moderate or high speeds, at crossroads, and on twisting and turning roads. Can you do without using your cell phone while driving? the use of cell phones may result in a driver's slower reaction while breaking or regaining speed. So, the use of cell phone is not desirable because it involves a driver in a multi task activity while driving. Young drivers are banned or restricted from using cell phones in 18 american states. I do not know how a young driver will write a term paper on a laptop computer while driving but it is banned as well as a cell phone while driving. Although cell phones may cause problems, no research is available to point to the rise in deaths cause by the use of cell phones while driving. A cell phone, like any mobile device, simple makes a list of possible causes of accidents longer.

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But safety is safety, so while driving people should be obedient to publicly accepted behavior. But in foggy weather or on wet and icy roads this driver may be injured by another moving vehicle that will not expect it there. To be on the safe side, it would be fine to ban the use of cell phones while driving. further information on persuasive speech: persuasive essay the effect of cell phones on society by randi lewis forty years ago, if you were at work and your loved one got hurt of even killed, you might not find out for twelve, twenty four, or even forty eight hours depending on where you job took you.

Cellular phones have greatly increased the amount of information, good or bad, which can be shared across the world, whether it's personal or business related. Without cell phones, man things would be very slow moving, businesses wouldn't be advancing nearly as quickly as they are now, and information in general wouldn't travel across cities, states, counties and continents like it has been able to for the past two decades. In the seventies, the idea was distributed to a few thousand, in the 90's cell phones were much more practical, and now billions of people in the u.s. People like to know what's going on with other people in their lives it's human instinct.

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Before cell phones, if there was something urgent that needed to be said to a loved one or close family member, it could be sent one of two ways: through a letter in the mail which took a few days on average to arrive or via a phone call using a ground line. Now, a home telephone was much faster than a letter, but it didn't always mean that the information would be transferred directly to whom needed to hear it. In order to get word to someone who wasn't standing next to you using a telephone, you needed to know exactly where they were and what number you could use to reach that certain building.

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