Physics Research Papers Text

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papers in physics publishes original research in all areas of physics and its interface with other subjects. The scope includes, but is not limited to, physics of particles and fields, condensed matter, relativity and gravitation, nuclear physics, physics of fluids, biophysics, econophysics, chemical physics, statistical mechanics, soft condensed matter, materials science, mathematical physics and general physics. Contributions in the areas of foundations of physics, history of physics and physics education are not considered for publication. Articles published in papers in physics contain substantial new results and ideas that advance the state of physics in a non trivial way. papers in physics highlights outstanding articles published in the journal through the editors' choice section. papers in physics offers two distinct editorial treatments to articles from which authors can choose.

Manuscripts are submitted to anonymous reviewers seeking constructive criticism and editors make a decision on whether publication is appropriate. If the paper is considered original and technically sound, the article, the reviewer's comments and the author's reply are published alongside the names of all involved. This way, papers in physics promotes the open discussion of controversies among specialists that are of help to the reader and to the transparency of the editorial process. Moreover, our reviewers receive their due recognition by publishing a recorded citable report. papers in physics publishes commentaries from the reviewer s if major disagreements remain after exchange with the authors or if a different insight proposed is considered valuable for the readers. A general non exclusive license is given to use, reproduce, and create derivative work with any purpose under the only restriction that the original must be cited. Moreover, a copy of the final published version of the paper is stored by the editors in the arxiv database. Authors are expected to contribute with a low publication charge to cover the costs of producing papers in physics.

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The 2016 publication charge is set to usd 100 per article up to 4 pages in final form plus usd 15 per extra page.

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this web page addresses some fundamental problems and concepts which i treated in detail in the course of my scientific work and is by no means intended as a comprehensive coverage of the field. However, some of the 'textbook knowledge' can be shown to be so severely flawed that my approaches might as well be a starting point for a comprehensive re formulation of the corresponding theories it should be emphasized that this does not involve any 'new physics' but only a consequent and consistent application of fundamental principles.

The flaws in the established theories fall generally into two categories: a errors in elementary and mathematical logic like the definition of atomic i.e. Macroscopic assumptions or the relaxation of initial definitions in the course of mathematical derivations b transfer of certain physical concepts to different areas where they are not appropriate anymore e.g. The use of 'temperature' and other notions defined in thermodynamics for gases which, like space plasmas, are not collisionally dominated non lte case.

For a better understanding, i have presented the abstracts in an order corresponding to the logical sequence of development of the theories i.e. More or less chronologically and added some explanatory comments where necessary which are indicated through the italic print style. it is evident from my cv and publication list that much of my work has not been published, either because it has only been formulated in the form of informal research reports or because publication has been prevented by the referees or editors of the corresponding journals. Originally, the latter should have basically just been a radiative transfer modelling of some satellite data. However, with the obvious discrepancies in the lte concepts for the description of the fundamental physical processes like ionization, recombination and coulomb collisions, i shifted the emphasis of the whole thesis to the latter aspect and developed a consistent non lte i.e. The resultant recombination cross section for electrons and protons turns out to be several orders of magnitudes larger than values found in the literature fig.1.

After adapting the recombination cross section to ionospheric conditions, the electron spectrum is computed at several heights taking into account the various elastic and inelastic collision processes. Contrary to common opinion, the results show no indication of thermalization of photoelectrons which prove to be distributed over a range of several ev, the spectral shape being determined by electron impact ionization and excitation fig.2. A comparison with the spectral shape of measured electron fluxes shows that the cross sections for inelastic collisions must be 3 to 4 orders of magnitude smaller than the corresponding values found in the literature. Additional consideration of dissociative recombination turns out to be unnecessary within this context because the total electron density is consistent with experimental measurements at each height.

The ion densities between a height of 100 and 900 km are then locally computed for the constituents o2 ,no,n2 ,o,n,he and h after determination of the recombination coefficient from the electron spectra and recombination cross sections. The charge exchange cross sections are shown to have a crucial influence upon the ion densities of the minor constituents. However, no reasonable values could be found that conform with experimental data. This demonstrates the necessity for a rigorous theoretical treatment of charge exchange processes on the one hand, and a need for uncontaminated local measurements of ion densities on the other.