Plans After College Graduation Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

I aspire to keep with my family tradition and attend the texas southern university. after four years of efficacious hard work, i will obtain my bachelors’ degree in audio engineering. Preparing to go from college life to professional life introduction well graduation is fast approaching and now is the time to begin preparing yourself for the job search. When you decided on your individual curriculum you took the first step on your professional journey.

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Below is an essay on goals after college from anti essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. College is about many things, from learning about specific subjects and the world in general, to increasing your span through a broad range of new and different experiences. But for almost everybody, including me, college is primarily concerned with one thing: preparing you for a career. But what college can do is make you qualified to set on a path to gain that experience. Everyone has future goals they want to accomplish in life, but does a goal stop once you get there? does graduating from a college stop you from following bigger goals? the answer to these questions is no. As for me, i am focused on a lot of educational goals, and i will not give up even once i succeed.

The rapid developments and achievements in aircraft and aerospace technologies have interested me and motivated me to pursue a career in the field of aerospace engineering. My interest in aircraft has been reinforced by the subjects i study which form the foundation of engineering in general and specifically aeronautics. Aeronautics will also offer the opportunity to develop some of the concepts i have covered in mathematics and physics such as mechanics and the laws of motion. This subject will also allow me to investigate new technologies, and it will give me the opportunity to develop and focus on one of my true interests aeronautics. I am confident that the challenges offered by engineering appeal to me and will inspire me to do great things. I want to get into an engineering related job first to provide myself with some experience in that aspect of the field. I want to ensure that the company that i choose has a program related that aids in helping their employees get advanced degrees.

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During my first year in my career i want although i am currently unsure of my exact plans for the future. I look forward to the challenges that i will face in my future and know that i will be able to make it through anything because of the challenges i have faced, my current dreams for the future. As grown up girls, they could go when they pleased, and they had become indifferent about it. They wished themselves back again in the water, and after a month had passed they said it was much more beautiful down below, and pleasanter to be at home.

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