Priorities In Life Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Life has a lot to give to each one of us but, we must at all times remember that none of us can get everything that we want nor can we get all that exists in this world. However, we all do get gifts in this life, and punishments too, but it is so very typical of us humans to want what others process and think that others have more than us. Besides, we as weak humans never realize or count all the gifts we have from life. Most of us are apt to believe that, all that we want all others have, only we are bereft of gifts from life. In order to be happy we must understand one principle issue and it is that, we definitely cannot have all the gifts life has to offer. So, let us now fix our priorities there we must say to ourselves, we must try to get what we have to fix our priorities in life in every sphere, our preferences and choice in life.

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For this, we have many examples of people in different walks of life, who become our ideals and whom we would like to emulate, if possible. Regarding emotions i would prefer to be a person who is loveable rather than a person who is feared for, i prefer to work for love rather than work with fear and get work done by fear. It can change people beyond all recongnition and with love, work can be handled for more efficiently than with the stick.

My priority regarding emotions is to become a person who is loveable and so, be loved wherever i go. This single emotion breeds other delicate emotions of respect and regard which i will automatically get if i get the gift of love, which is my priority. Regarding appearance, a beautiful face is one that reflects a beautiful interior. No amount of cosmetics and beauticians magic can make an appearance beautiful if it lacks the internal beauty of character and conduct. I would like to appear a personality with a beautiful interior rather than machine made modern product of attraction. In respect to a profession i feel no profession is bad, if it is done with sincerity.

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However the profession i would love to follow is one of mother teresa rather than of bill clinton or tony blair. The career of mother teresa is one which instills in the individual a sense of giving, which i first adore. Besides, even i were to be selfish as all of us human beings are, i would love to be mother teresa for she will really never be forgotten by this world. While bill clinton and tony blair will only find place in history books and will be replaced. However, mother teresa will stay in history books and in the hearts of millions of people and their families whom she served.

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She will always be spoken of, as a harbinger of love while bill clinton and tony blair will only remain to be mechanically declared heads of states. Regarding attaining wealth which has top priority in the sequence of thing today, my priority is to have wealth enough to live and if i get any extra, share it with gods other children who may be less fortunate. The clarity is the fountain of satisfaction and happiness within me, with this i am sure i can avoid unhappiness for myself, my family and my friends. Its my earnest request to all, that we must fix our priorities and try to achieve them. Not only do i choose to be a model student but i choose to be a model citizen as well.

I need intelligence, professional appearance, affection, family support, and skill to succeed vocationally. First of my many advantageous skills, i have learned to manipulate my surroundings to my advantage and wield it to demonstrate my intelligence through communication. I make an example for my peers by showing that i know so much because i have worked hard to set a precedent for others like me. I believe that without intelligence you would not know what you want or need in life. I like to think about how i will look when i walk trough the halls and know that i am proud of what i am wearing. I think that it is not the price of what you have on, rather that i feel good having it in.

I like to have a professional appearance to show that i have respect for myself and that i need to be valued. I find it hard to just give someone the mere yes or no вќ, i use yes, maim вќ or no, maim, вќ yes, sir вќ or no, sir. вќ i believe this demonstrates that i can still learn from people even if they are not a teacher, a boss, or a respected official. I like to be around people for the company and benefit of learning their imperfections. I do not know were i would below is an essay on 3 priorities on life from anti essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. My top three priorities in life my family now is composed of my wife, my daughter and myself. Lorena my wife has proven to me that she loves me she supports me on all my decisions, helps me make those decisions also, and pushes me every single day to study and work hard for what i really want in life.

After lorena and i where together for more than three straight years, she gave birth to my beautiful daughter sasha is her name. When i’m having a rough day at work, wish is another one of my top priorities in life, all i have to do is think about them, my wife and my daughter, and that’s what keeps me going strong and not to give up. One real important reason of why it is a top priority, is because is what helps me support my family economically and give them what they need. The army has thought me so many things, one of them is, how to be independent, and another one also, is how to be a team member.

Being in the army and with the things i have learned in it helps me perform well as a medic on my civilian job, working with others and helping people in need. I personally love adrenaline in the army as a soldier, and in my civilian job as a medic, i get enough of it by going to important missions with my unit in the army, or by going to emergency calls wile on duty as a medic, so that makes me. Balancing school with other life responsibilities.emarginate and plumbed dudley engrain his writing scientific thesis proposal snivels or decolonizes opprobriously. Either they are fucked up and their priorities are fucked up or i am fucked up and my priorities. .my priorities in life essay students are searching: write my paper for me more than ever before. There are also more companies answering their plea to: write an essay for me and some are much better than others. Students should consider the following points when looking for essay writing services to write essay for me.