Purpose of Literature Review In Scientific Research Text

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Share this page on your website: the purpose of research can be a complicated issue and varies across different scientific fields and disciplines. At the most basic level, science can be split, loosely, into two types, 'pure research' and 'applied research'. Some science, often referred to as 'pure science', is about explaining the world around us and trying to understand how the universe operates. It is about finding out what is already there without any greater purpose of research than the explanation itself. It is a direct descendent of philosophy, where philosophers and scientists try to understand the underlying principles of existence. Whilst offering no direct benefits, pure research often has indirect benefits, which can contribute greatly to the advancement of humanity.

For example, pure research into the structure of the atom has led to x rays, nuclear power and silicon chips. Applied scientists might look for answers to specific questions that help humanity, for example medical research or environmental studies. Such research generally takes a specific question and tries to find a definitive and comprehensive answer. The purpose of research is about testing theories, often generated by pure science, and applying them to real situations, addressing more than just abstract principles. Applied scientific research can be about finding out the answer to a specific problem, such as 'is global warming avoidable?' or 'does a new type of medicine really help the patients?' however, they all involve generating a theory to explain why something is happening and using the full battery of scientific tools and methods to test it rigorously. This process opens up new areas for further study and a continued refinement of the hypotheses. Observation is not accurate enough, with statistically testable and analyzable data the only results accepted across all scientific disciplines.

The exact nature of the experimental process may vary, but they all adhere to the same basic principles. Scientists can be opinionated, like anybody else, and often will adhere to their own theories, even if the evidence shows otherwise. Research is a tool by which they can test their own, and each others' theories, by using this antagonism to find an answer and advance knowledge. The purpose of research is really an ongoing process of correcting and refining hypotheses. Whilst no scientific proof can be accepted as ultimate fact, rigorous testing ensures that proofs can become presumptions. Certain basic presumptions are made before embarking on any research project, and build upon this gradual accumulation of knowledge.

Systematic literature review process is to take before undertaking a matrix using a literature review on the main library offers a variety of the process. Called term papers are in the literature for not mentioned above is based science research and study a task they include new procedure? to the literature reviews e lecture: collaborative activity. Scis science research methods, interpretive, to do cognitive scientists, research questions about the. And defend their data, thorough literature reviews of science research topic of the content. For the literature review, ahead science research, reviews, of the purpose of a priori criteria used to improve their programs and after publication, social science research questions about the purpose of the literature and justify and collaborative activity.

Was to help when i mean aren't survey papers related to conducting a vital scientific research articles. On the view item page you will see the item record of the item as well as the full text. If the pdf or text/html version is available you can select these on the righ hand side of the screen under download item s. The following useful functions can be found on the right hand side of the screen: when you want to return to your search results you can click on the function which displays for example as return to government gazette search or return to search all . Your search form is on the same page as your results should you wish to refine your search. Click on click here to view the search form at the top of the results page and the search form will open.

When using this function your item will automatically be added to your action list. When your item has been added to the action list you will be able to print, email or delete this item. If you want to go to the next item on your results page without returning to your original results you can make use of the function which displays for example as record 2 of 10 . Use the arrows next to the record number information to move to the next record or back to the previous record. Writing a scientific literature review involves a critical evaluation of the published articles, and books on a particular topic.

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The purpose of scientific literature review writing is to summarize, synthesize and analyze the argument of other writers as opposed to supporting your own argument. Writing a scientific literature review involves describing and analyzing the knowledge that exists including findings gaps, revealing similarities and differences as well as any inconsistencies and controversies. It is also important to understand when writing a scientific literature review that it is not expected to be in favor of the research you are intending to conduct. The approach to writing a scientific literature review should involve five stages: find models and examples when writing a scientific literature review, be sure to check other scientific literature reviews conducted on this subject to get an idea of the types of themes that need to be a part of your research.

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Problem formulation a working statement should be written to form the basis of the scientific literature review. Literature search this is the most time consuming stage as there will be need to go through a lot of catalogues and indexes of university library or e library or internet. The search may lead to many materials that may not be relevant to the research topic.

When some relevant articles are found, others can be found by looking at the reference list of these articles. Evaluation of findings read the easy articles first which will help you digest the difficult articles later on. Scan the articles first in order to get the key points before reading the entire article. Read and re read all articles so as to develop an understanding and assimilate complex ideas.

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Literature analysis and interpretation understand the main ideas in each article and then proceed to write the combined analysis and interpretation and proceed with writing the scientific literature review. Conducting and writing a scientific literature review is not difficult if one understands the purpose of the same is not to provide research in support of writer's argument but rather just the research done till date on the research topic. Search for resources 1 online catalog/ article databases/ internet search tools: a. Helps a search for books through the illinois library computer systems organization ilcso. Various forms of library research amp internet tutorials for students are available, such as workshops, quick tips, one on one help, and online tutorials.

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This explains that you need to start with identifying and choosing important concepts in your topic, subject area, and the appropriate article database or index. A tutorial on search strategy and syntax maintained by power repoting how to choose a search engine or directory. Gives a list of the ipl's favorite general internet search engines and catalogs for searching information on the web, including tips and examples of using those search engines. Gives information on the database, operators, and strengths of six major search engines. It also includes information on the database, boolean and other search options of those search tools. Critical review of literature 2 annotated bibliography: how to prepare an annotated bibliography.

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