Quito Ecuador English Newspapers Text

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ecuadorian newspapers are a great way to gain firsthand information about events that may be taking place in or around ecuador. Visitors will find that local newspapers are a great way to find out what attractions are available to them or what time certain theatre productions start. They also keep ecuadorians informed about the political situation in the country and help people to stay abreast of current affairs.

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team ecuador.com 2010 06 15 1:24 get the latest ecuador news direct from one of ecuadors 32 daily newspapers. Most expats and travelers are using google translate to get their daily dose of ecuador news. heres some background on using google translate. translation tip:  instead of copying text, just copy the url of the paper and/or the specific article, click translate and you can read it all in english. Ready to get started? here are all 32 daily papers in ecuador organized by province.

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Ecuadors daily newspapers periódicos diarios de ecuador from what i can tell, this is the only national paper in the country. While a few of the papers in quito and guayaquil do a decent job of covering national news, this free paper covers the three major cities quite well. also visit our special media guides to. the latest lotto winning numbers in the usa and lotteries worldwide . celebrity amp showbiz gossip sources with the latest scoops on celeb scandals . live police and fire department scanners with unedited breaking news worldwide . live webcams in cities all around the world showing current traffic conditions .

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student published college newspapers from campuses around the planet . something to keep in mind. the papers in ecuador tend to state, for example, planned changes to the law as news as if its already happened. At first, i thought i wasnt understanding it correctly, but i asked our ecuadorian lawyer about it, and he sort of rolled his eyes and agreed.

So when reading the papers, its important to remember it might not be as it seems. Also, as is the case throughout latin america, the papers tend to print the goriest bloodiest picture on the front page. While ive noticed the cuenca papers to do this less than the national ones, they still do it. Seeing the effects of a crime or an accident doesnt mean it happens more than anywhere else you just get to see the fine details more here. If your spanish isnt quite ready to handle reading the paper, you can always use the old standby: google translate. There is a feature to translate a whole page just copy the url from the address bar on your browser and paste it in the box to be translate. When you click translate it will bring up a fully translated page so you can more or less get the point of the news.

The commission recommended that ecuador default on $3.9 billion in foreign commercial debtsglobal bonds 2012, 2015 and 2030the result of debts restructured in 20 after the countrys 19 default. Although ecuador currently has the capacity to pay, dropping oil prices and squeezed credit markets are putting president rafael correas plans to boost spending on education and health care in jeopardy. Of handling the 20 restructuring without ecuadors authorization, leading to the application of 10 and 12 percent interest rates. The commission evaluated all commercial, multilateral, government to government and domestic debt from 1976 2006.

Commercial debt, or debt to private banks, made up 44% of ecuadors interest payments in 2007, considerably more than the 27% paid to multilateral institutions such as the international monetary fund  imf. But the report also lambasted multilateral debt, saying that many imf and world bank loans were used to advance the interests of transnational corporations. Ecuadors military dictatorship 1974 1979 was the first government to lead the country into indebtedness.

The commission found that usurious interest rates were applied for many bonds and that past ecuadorian governments illegally took other loans on. Debt restructurings consistently forced ecuador to take on more foreign debt to pay outstanding debt, and often at much higher interest rates. Federal reserves late 1970s interest rate hikes constituted a unilateral increase in global rates, compounding ecuadors indebtedness. If president rafael correa follows the commissions recommendationswhich is far from a certaintyecuador could default on some portion of its foreign debt, becoming the first latin american country to do so since argentina in 2001.

But despite all the hints at a default, it seems likely that ecuador  will use the commissions report as leverage for restructuring the countrys debt. Commission president ricardo patiño indicated as much to bloomberg news, but said that ecuador would not settle for a 60% reduction, a number that had earlier been mentioned. Ecuador announced that it would delay paying $30.6 million in interest on the global bonus 2012, taking advantage of a month long grace period. The announcement sent the global financial universe into a panic, with standard and poors cutting ecuadors risk rating to c.