Research Paper on 9 11 Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 689 words 2 double spaced pages rating: red free on september 11, 2001 terrorists crashed two american airline airplanes into twin towers, killing thousands of people. It was the worst terrorist attack in american history and it showed us that we are not protected by atlantic and pacific. It showed us that if we will be attacked again that we can only depend on each other and not on other nations to help us. The 9/11 changed people forever, some lost family members or friends, others lost their jobs even so called american dream. The september 11th attacks made us united as one powerful person who can stand up from the ruins of thousands pounds of metal and fight so that we wont have to be in ruins again. In the recent videos osama bin laden and his colleagues are talking about the power of islam and the attacks on twin towers.

It seems like osama bin laden and other radicals are ready for jihad and they are ready to win. They say that allah is on their side and people around the world want to learn more about islam since the september 11th attacks. A good example was john walker, an american who was with taliban army man when he was captured. The other day i was watching dennis miller live where i heard dennis miller talk about john walker, he said that his parents should give him more then just spanking. This showed me that even today almost five months of 9/11 people still talk about it. Our military campaigns in afghanistan eliminated a regime that supported terrorism and other violent groups. Today in afghanistan there is no regime and the country is rebuilding it self from the ruins of soviet war.

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John ashcroft who is now the famous man on tv is probably the only one who takes the problem seriously. He said that he wants to check for people who have connections with the alquida and its cells. But some people say it’s unconstitutional to do that, but in 1700’s or even 1800’s terrorists did not attack america. That means that our finding fathers did not had to deal with ottoman empire nor their attacks because we were protected by oceans. Even in the old days constitution was not a factor for some people to do something immoral or illegal.

So today if chicago police officer stops an iraqi who is standing next to a federal building and looks nervous i’d say that a police officer can stop him and search him. After the september 11th attacks we look different at muslims because we think that they are dangerous. I don’t think all of them are, but there are a lot of them who dislike the westernized world. After the attacks all arab nations accused israel and its nationals of attacks on new york, saying that israelis did not go to work that day and that israeli photographers were on top of buildings when the plane hit the first tower. They also stated that americans would never know that because jews own american media.

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But the fact is, one the same day of the attacks palestinians celebrated on the streets and arafat told journalists to turn off their cameras or else. And north korea to stop producing weapons of mass destruction and supporting terrorism, those nations still say that they will attack any nation that tries to attack them. If they think that david and goliath battle can happen again they should look at taliban. The enemy wanted destroy our economy by destroying the twin towers, but they failed and the brought us together. By crashing american airlines and united airlines planes into the towers they only scared us about flying airplanes, well american companies at least. But we still showed them that a terrorist organization couldn’t bring one strong nation into ciaos. We all know the official story of september 11th: four jetliners were hijacked by groups of four and five arabic men armed with box cutters, who proceeded to fly three of the four jets into the twin towers and the pentagon.

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Subsequently the world trade center towers, weakened by the impacts and fires, collapsed into piles of rubble. The fbi had compiled a list of hijackers within three days, and it was so obvious that osama bin laden had masterminded the operation from caves in afghanistan, that there was no need to seriously investigate the crime or produce evidence. Is this story true? its central assumptions have never been tested by an official government body whose members lack obvious conflicts of interest. There are numerous red flags in the official story, which requires a long series of highly improbable coincidences. 9 1 1 r e s e a r c h provides factual, reasoned analysis of the 9/11 attack documenting evidence of the crime thermitic pyrotechnics in the wtc made simple. Three points of active thermitic material discovered in dust from the 9/11 world trade center catastrophe that anyone can understand a concise non technical summary of three key points about recently documented unexploded pyrotechnics from the twin towers explosives found in world trade center dust.

Scientists discover both residues and unignited fragments of high tech metal incendiaries in debris from the twin towers a non technical guide to the newly published paper explaining the identification of nano engineered explosive materials in dust from the twin towers exposing fallacies of the official reports building a better mirage. Nist's 3 year $20,0,0 cover up of the crime of the century nist's report evades the very question it purported to investigate: what caused the total destruction of the world trade center's twin towers? examining flawed theories presented as 9/11 truth google earth exposes pentagon flyover farce. Or, critiquing pentacon smoking crack version showing the absurdity of the pentacon 's premise the pentagon attack.

What the physical evidence shows exposing errors underpinning the no jetliner theories sifting through loose change: volume 2: the pentagon critiqing the popular but error ridden film loose change 9 11 research publishes scientific papers addressing aspects of the september 11th attack. the destruction of the twin towers this paper provides detailed rebuttals to attempts to explain the extreme and persistent high temperatures in the ground zero rubble piles as the results of fires rather than of energetic materials used to demolish the buildings. The north tower's dust cloud: analysis of energy requirements for the expansion of the dust cloud following the collapse of 1 world trade center by jim hoffman this paper examines energy flows in the collapse of the north tower, and presents a case that expansion of the dust cloud immediately following its collapse constituted a thermal energy sink many times the size of the presumed energy source the gravitational potential energy of the tower. This paper examines the first few seconds of the north tower's collapse after a detailed review of the fires based on nist's data, and shows that collapse progressed far too rapidly to be explained without the involvement of demolition. This paper examines the rate of descent of wtc 7 using measurements of a video that shows the top half of the building. It shows that the facade's rate of descent closely matches the rate of gravitational free fall.

This paper briefly reviews the major collapse theories of the twin towers and then zooms in on a key assertion of nist: that the north tower was poised for collapse prior to experiencing global collapse. Legge uses nist's own data to show that, at 1, wtc 1 was not poised for collapse and that the collapse initiation supposed by nist could not have happened. This paper provides detailed data on the total mass and mass distrubtion of the north tower wtc 1 , compiled from various sources including documents from nist's investigation and leaked architectural plans of the skyscraper.

9 11 research is an ongoing effort to discover the truth about the attacks on new york city and washington, d.c. To that end we provide a growing hypertext documentary of the attack and its aftermath, easily browsed archives of evidence, and a body of original analysis based on that evidence. 9 11 research critically examines the official government explanation of the attack and concludes that many of its key assertions are impossible. We do not pretend to know exactly how the attack was carried out or exactly who the perpetrators are, but there are plausible scenarios of how the attack could have been executed by insiders. If the attack was indeed a black op , then we can expect that the operatives will have hidden their identities behind layer upon layer of cover story. Only a genuine investigation with meaningful powers will be able to peel away the layers of deception to expose the true perpetrators. We hope to facilitate such an investigation by first exposing the falsity of the outermost cover story: the official myth of 9/11/01.

Many people will find it difficult and traumatic to confront the idea that the attack was the work, not of a religious extremist living in caves in central asia, but of people within the u.s. Apologists for the official story ridicule such ideas, and attempt to confuse compassion for the victims with certainty that bin laden was the perpetrator. In fact, genuine compassion consists of learning and spreading the truth in order that future repetitions of such murderous frauds may be prevented. The usa patriot act places restrictions on freedoms of expression guaranteed by the first amendment to the u.s. It allows individuals to be placed under electronic surveillance without their knowledge or consent, and without a court order. We have no way of knowing whether people visiting this site are being monitored, and if we did know, it would be illegal under the usa patriot act for us to share that knowledge with our visitors.

We have received several complaints of graffiti like postings of the urls for 9 11 research and its companion websites in public places. We discourage and disavow such intrusive campaigning methods, which tend to be counterproductive to our mission of public education. 9 11 research is a research consortium consisting of just a few individuals volunteering their time and resources to the effort. The principal contributors to the site are: jim hoffman, webmaster and senior editor gregg roberts, associate editor jan hoyer, outreach coordinator jim hoffman created the website and wrote the vast majority of its original content. Hoffman has a background in software engineering, mechanical engineering, and scientific visualization.

Hoffman also created the web publishing system used to maintain the 9 11 research website. Gregg roberts has been investigating the september 11 attack since december 2003 and has provided extensive editorial assistance to 911research. Roberts is a technical writer and business analyst with a bachelor's degree in psychology, master's level study in social work, and earlier education in the hard sciences. Jan hoyer is a former founding board member and graphic designer for the national 9/11 visibilty project.

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