150 Words Essay on Pleasure of Reading Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

By milan chaterjee category essay some people get pleasure from picnics and tours. But the reading of books provides us with such pleasure as we do not get from any other activity. Image source: kellydaines.com/wp content/uploads/2012/09/pleasure reading.jpg books are written by learned persons. Writers put in their books not only their own ideas and feelings, but also what they observe and find in society.

The books of the past reflect the condition of the times in which they were written. So, if we want to keep abreast of the great minds of all ages, we must read books. At times we become so absorbed in our books that we forget even our important engagements. When we are in a depressed and dejected mood, books console and soothe our troubled minds. That is why all great men of our country have liked to read the gita and the ramayan. The example of rama and sita is cited, whenever we want to emphasize noble deeds and their results. A man cannot remain in roach with the changes in his own country, or in the world, without reading the latest literature.

One who wants to be respected in cultured society must keep himself well informed. Good magazines, newspapers and other books provide us with valuable upto date information. We get great satisfaction when we feel ourselves to be well informed and capable of moving in any educated society. Some books are such that instead of doing any good, they do positive harm to the readers. Cheap books, not in cost but in contents, should not be read, even if they provide some amusement and entertainment. The advantages of reading the pleasures of reading novels they carry us into a different world and enlarge our experience suspense and our tendency to identify ourselves with the hero other kinds of books are also delightful.

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Reading enables us to pass examinations and get jobs, and enhances our general ability and competence in any field of life. There can be few more delightful ways of spending a holiday than reading a good novel. One source of pleasure afforded by novels is that they make us escape for a time from the drab, humdrum circumstances of our lives. Romantic novels, of course, transport us into an exciting world poles apart from our own. But even realistic novels bring us into contact with experiences different from our own. Reading fiction is delightful, partly because it indirectly provides us with several experiences for which we have no opportunities in actual life. A novel with a good plot makes us eager to know, from beginning to end, what is to happen next.

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It is because of this quality of suspense in some novels that we are unwilling to lay them aside till we have read them to the end. Again, as everybody knows, another reason why reading novels is pleasant is that we tend to identify ourselves with the hero or the central character, and experience his joys and sorrows for the time being. While fiction is usually considered to be a delightful form of reading, other kinds of writing too impart pleasure. Apart from plays which resemble fiction, books of travel and light essays are enjoyable. Reading even serious or heavy books books on science or philosophy is not without its joy for those who are interested in the subjects concerned.

All knowledge is pleasure, and reading a book on the dullest or the most unpleasant subjects can be pleasurable, provided one is intensely interested in it. 342 words short essay on pleasures of reading or value of books free to read. They are the living example of titians march on the path to higher and higher civilization. All coming generations get the light of knowledge from the books written by their ancestors and try to improve upon that knowledge. Civilization cannot make much headway in a country where there are not many great books.

Happytracksinthesnow.files.wordpress.com libraries are the store houses of books. We get through books the latest knowledge in the fields of arts, science, commerce etc. This knowledge is helpful to us and enables us to achieve success in the field of our choice. They dis­pel the dark clouds of gloom from our minds and increase our happiness if we are already happy. Through the ages, the scriptures and other great books have provided immeasur­able solace to the wounded and strife torn humanity. There may be books prescribed for some course or profession, but then there are books for general study. Are generally highly thrilling and inspiring if they are written by a good author.

A voracious reader gets much greater pleasure from reading books than a miser gets in hoarding money. The knowledge embedded in books is valueless so is pleasure obtained from reading them. A good book absorbs the whole spirit of man: the readers pleasure is indescribable. This is an obligation on us to read those books as we have to continue with our education. Most of the people who read books as a part pass time, read them for pleasure only. But it is very much doubtful that all those who read get any real pleasure out of it. We can see people reading books in buses, trains, even bus stops and restaurants.

The only purpose of these readers is to boast that they have also read that book. This category of readers wants something to read that is really roman­tic, thrilling and full of suspense. Image source: kimberleeconwayireton.net they generally like to read detective novels, story books etc. But reading of these types of books is really wastage of time as these books never provide them any good.

It is not necessary that we may have a clear idea of our books in the beginning itself, but slowly we should develop a good skill in selection of book for real plea­sure. We should not be dependent on others for the selection of books to read, otherwise we will lose our taste and we will have no taste of our own. Before the invention of printing, books were hand written, and so were few in number, and difficult to get. But in the modern age, books are easily available, and those who wish, can have no difficulty in enjoying the blessing of being able to read books of their choice. Those who are by nature intellectual, who find delight in grappling with difficult problems, naturally derive a great joy from reading books dealing with serious problems.

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The exercise of the mind that such reading affords is for them a source of infinite pleasure. Thought to them is a necessary exercise, and therefore their pleasure is great when books provide them with the substance of thinking. Reading gives them all the thrill and excitement of variety for which their emotional nature is forever hungry. Reading therefore gives man pleasures that are denied in real life as long as the latter remains stunted and crippled in an imperfect social order. The ordinary man enjoys reading, in a large measure, as a healthy and innocent form of recreation.