A Research Paper on Pharmacy Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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You knew having knowledge about technology was going to be a benefit to your future but you were not really sure why technology was important. Some questions pop up in your head that you wish you knew the answer to back when you were deciding your future. For example is writing a key factor for a pharmacist, how does technology make a pharmacist 039 s life easier, how does advancing technology and writing affect a pharmacist? you see writing and technology are two crucial factors that will impact your future career. Let 039 s begin back at freshman year in high school, you just entered high school and are clueless about you want to be when you grow up. You take the required classes, math, science, social studies, and english however you are still not sure what you are interested in.

You 039 ve taken three years of science and math and you have done extremely well and think of having a career where both of those subjects are needed. You liked reading the books, writing the essays were not your thing but since it was a requirement you kept on taking english. For the acts and sats, you wrote an essay, the topic was never known before but it was a general topic that you could easily write about and sometimes relate. For college applications there was an essay portion and some colleges even requested more than one essay which would agitate you because you would not have the time to write that many essays. College essays seem to ask the same general questions which are always worded differently but the college wants to know more in depth about you. The questions could be described an obstacle that you had to overcome and how it impacted your life, or they could also ask you to indicate a person who has an influence on you.

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Scholarship applications is another way to be getting ready for college, scholarship applications have probably an essay required but you did not hesitate since these were for your future and not for a grade. The essays for the scholarship sometimes ask the same questions that many college essays ask on their application. It would probably have been one like an essay you wrote before and telling about yourself and why you should be in their pharmacy school. Yes you might be done with writing essays that vary over a lot of different subjects in school, and you still need to be able to communicate in writing. Writing is not just writing essays, it is how you communicate with your audience. An audience could be anyone even a 4 year child, the audience for each career differs and the way to communicate to the audience changes. An audience to a pharmacist would mostly consist of a patient, a doctor, or a family of a patient.

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However you must make sure that you connect with your audience at their eye level. What this means is if a patient is illiterate then it would probably be in your best interest to just explain the medications to the patient and tell them when they need to consume the medicine rather than giving them a piece of paper where is it is all written down. If it is easier to communicate to you patient with drawing pictures rather than writing words, you should do it without complaining. Even if at first it might be a hassle, that is the job of a pharmacist to communicate with patients dealing with their medications. If your audience is a patient, it is crucial to be able to inform the patient about the medicine that was prescribed to them, also the directions on how to take the medications and the side effects that they might see while taking the medication. You want to make sure that the patient fully understands you even if you have to draw them a picture or individual label the bottles so they know which one to take and how many. However, your audience could also be a doctor who prescribed medication to a patient that you know is going to harm the patient kim.

You must be able to contact the doctor and have to tell them why you know that the medication should not be prescribed to a patient. It may not work with just writing a letter to them because that could take a long time, you have to be flexible and use the technology that it is easiest to contact the doctor. The majority of writing that a pharmacist does is convey information about medications, document assessments of patients 039 diagnosis, current medications, and allergies, and basis for the provided medication therapy management kim.

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Pharmacist need to keep up on their writing skills and be able to write in a way that will clearly present information in a professional manner. It is not uncommon situation if you have to communicate with a patient who cannot speak english especially if you are a pharmacist who is in another country other than the united states. It would be in your greater benefit to take many foreign languages in high school or college and become fluent in the languages. The job of a pharmacist is to serve the patients that come into the pharmacy to their best effort and it would make you a bad pharmacist if you could not explain all the warnings and communicate to the patient properly. Writing and technology may seem as two totally different concepts that unless you really think about them, you would wonder how the two would connect to make tasks easier for people.

First off writing advances technology, without writing technology could not have become as advanced and rapidly rising as it can be seen today. Technology just did not become this advanced without the countless hours of thinking and perfecting their first ideas. Today it seems as if everyone has a cell phone and has a computer at home, do you think that those came from someone 039 s quick idea that came to mind. No, it took a lot of planning, writing manuals, and after failing at their first try they did not hesitate but kept on trying till they found the right combination.