Abstract for Research Dissertation Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Abstracts written for undergraduate and master's level dissertations have a number of structural components note . Even though every dissertation is different, these structural components are likely to be relevant for most dissertations. When writing the dissertation abstract, the most important thing to remember is why your research was significant. This should have been clearly explained in the introductory chapter of your dissertation chapter one: introduction .

Understanding the significance of your research is important because how much you write for each component of the abstract in terms of word count or number of sentences will depend on the relative importance of each of these components to your research. There are four major structural components, which aim to let the reader know about the background to and significance of your study, the research strategy being followed, the findings of the research, and the conclusions that were made. You should write one or a number of sentences for each of these components, with each making up a part of the 150 to 350 words that are typically written in dissertation abstracts. These four major components are: study background and significance the first few sentences of the dissertation abstract highlight the background to your research, as well as the significance of the study.

Hopefully, by the time you come to write the abstract, you will already know why your study is significant. In explaining the significance of your study, you will also need to provide some context for your research. This includes the problem that you are addressing and your motivation for conducting the study. In building the background to the study, this part of the abstract should address questions such as: what is the purpose of the research? why did you carry out the research? how is the study significant? why should anyone care or why do they care is the study interesting ? remember, all of this needs to be encompassed within just a few sentences. Therefore, only outline those aspects of your study that you feel are the most important those aspects that you think will catch the reader's attention. Components of your research strategy the relative importance of the methodological components discussed in the dissertation abstract will depend on whether any of these components made the study significant in some way.

Ask yourself the question: did any of the following components of research strategy help make my study significant? the broad research design e.g. Greater focus and word count should probably be dedicated to explaining these components of research strategy in the dissertation abstract. Since the way that you would write the research strategy part of your dissertation abstract will vary depending on the relative significance of these components to your study, we have produced examples to help. Following a discussion of the components of your research strategy, the dissertation abstract should move on to present the main findings from your research. We use the word findings and not results to emphasise the fact that the abstract is not the section where you should include lots of data and it should definitely not include any analysis.

Leave this to the results/findings chapter of your dissertation often chapter four: results/findings . Remember that the findings part of the dissertation abstract should focus on answering your research questions and/or hypotheses. It may help to answer some of the following questions in order to write this part of the dissertation abstract: did the findings answer your research questions and/or hypotheses? what did the findings show in terms of these research questions and/or hypotheses? what are the most important findings? what is the significance of your findings? to what extent are your findings trustworthy i.e. ? you should avoid making comments that are vague or over exaggerate your findings. You should also ensure that you explain the findings in a way that non experts could understand without having to read additional parts of your dissertation. The final part of your dissertation abstract should focus on the conclusions from your research and the resultant implications.

Bearing in mind the findings that have just been discussed, you need to address questions such as: what are the implications of the findings? is there potential for generalisation of your findings? what are the limitations of your research? when writing the conclusion part of your abstract, remember that these conclusions should be precise and concise. There is no need to re summarise what you have already discussed or the contents of your dissertation. If you are unsure of the difference, you may find the section, choosing between dissertation abstract styles: descriptive and informative.

Furthermore, be careful not to make claims that cannot be supported by your findings. There is always a danger to over exaggerate and/or over generalise in this part of the abstract, which should be avoided. It is unlikely that you will have changed the world through your study, but you may still have added something significant to the literature, so try and strike the right balance.

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We set out some phrases that you may find useful when writing up your dissertation abstract. The main purpose of an abstract is to give your reader a general idea of the content of the dissertation. An abstract is found at the beginning of dissertations immediately after the title page. Abstracts may also appear separately from dissertations and be held in databases of dissertation abstracts. Here you will have the opportunity to write a draft for your own dissertation abstract while considering the common information elements, as well as tense and voice choices. Humanities teaching and learning office, the university of manchester, oxford road, manchester uk m13 9pl contact details feedback to request an interlibrary loan of an entire dissertation, log in to your illiad account.

    in the upper left hand corner, under create new request click on other items. In the citation section for describe the item that you want include dissertation title, dissertation author, year of publication, and any other information you may have, including the school where the dissertation was published. In the citation section for where did you learn about this item include where the citation to the dissertation was found, such as dissertation abstracts volume 71, issue 7.
please note that not all dissertations are available for interlibrary loan. some that are available may not be available for free.

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