American Beauty Critical Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

critical analysis of american beauty 19 by brittany deschler, suny fredonia there are many connecting themes in american beauty. Through plot, characterization, and cinematography these themes are conveyed well. The main themes that the film draws attention to throughout the movie are that of materialism, appearance versus reality, denial and repression, control versus chaos, loneliness versus feeling connected, change and searching, and beauty subjective and objective. One of the most apparent themes in this film is that of the empty promises of materialism. The american dream is what the burnhams seem to have: good jobs, a house in the suburbs, children, two cars, and a nice home. The art culture film website describes them as trapped by the ideology of the american dream structural 1. Carolyn burnham is obsessed with materialism and other's opinions of them newman 8.

Mendes shows in the scene in which lester is trying to kiss her and show carolyn they can still experience passion. They are on the couch and she almost submits to the moment when out of the corner of her eye she notices that lester is about to spill beer on her couch and warns him. Lester, frustrated, yells, it's just a couch! to which she replies that it is not just a couch, but one that cost $4,0 and is upholstered in italian silk. In a scene in which she fights with her daughter, carolyn yells at jane for not appreciating the life she has meaning the possessions she owns. Material accumulation is what she views as a means to being happy, and does not understand that her daughter would benefit more from a close relationship with her mother. The more unhappy the characters in the film, the more we can see they cover reality with an illusion.

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Carolyn believes that the most important thing in life is success, and appearing successful huntely 7. In a scene in which she cannot sell a house, she abuses herself mentally and physically: she cries, screams, and slaps herself in the face. All day she had cleaned the house appearances and repeated maniacally to herself, i will sell this house today. Angela hayes appears to be the model teen which others envy, but in reality has low self esteem. She constantly criticizes others as being plain, when that is what she truly feels is her defect. More than anything, this man abhors homosexuals and constantly lets us and ricky know it. The distraught colonel goes to see lester, and kisses him, revealing to us that he is latently homosexual himself huntley 5.

Perhaps not in the same negative way as the others, he still appears something he is not. To his father he appears to work in after school jobs to earn money for his hobbies. Jane is what she appears which is a confused, sulky teen, with a glimmer of hope. She cannot come to terms with her insincere relationships with daughter and husband, and that she is not being fulfilled by her success in her career or her possessions.

Angela is denying that she feels insecure, undesired, and unattractive by lashing out at others. While lester may have been in denial in the beginning about his life being mundane, the film commences with his recognition of this, and attempt to change. Ricky is not in denial about anything, and is the most free and honest character in the film.

Jane is not in denial either for she is too drawn inward to project anything false newman 3. He monitors his drug use by random urine samples and dominates his catatonic wife. Carolyn wears the pants in the family, controlling everything down to the music they listen to at dinner.