Anti Abortion Research Paper Essays Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Having a child is often looked upon as a wonderful experience with endless rewards, but not everyone thinks this way. Although one can be sympathetic when a woman becomes pregnant unexpectedly, having an abortion performed is not the right answer. An average or 4,0 babies are killed by abortions each day, which amounts to 1.4 million babies a year bilmore,1. In this paper, it will be proven that abortions are unethical procedures that should be outlawed by discussing the actual performance down, facts and numbers of the abortions, and the alternatives and preventions. After watching a live abortion on the internet, my opinion of abortions has drastically changed.

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I used to think that it was ok in certain situations such as rape, or if there was something immensely wrong with the pregnancy or the child. Right now in the united states, abortions are legal, and are happening all over the world. This act is killing innocent babies, and also harming, if not killing the women who are taking part in the act. If people understood more about the act of an abortion, there would be a drastic change in the number of women making the wrong decision. According to and, there are 33,545 abortions in the united states each year. Are there actually that many different reasons for this killing act? some of the most common reasons women decide to have an abortion are: she feels unready for the responsibility, she can not afford a baby, her concern for how the baby would change her life, relationship problems, feels she is not mature enough, she already has all the children she wants, her own health, her baby’s health, rape or incest.

Most of the reasons are made by a selfish decision when the mother is only thinking of herself instead of a helpless little baby inside her. Every year, more unborn children die than americans died in the revolutionary war, the civil war, both world wars, the korean war, the vietnam war, and the persian gulf wars combined. They are divided into three different categories: invasion of the uterus using instruments, induced labor following administration of drugs, and invasion of the uterus by abdominal surgery. The most common abortion performed on a child up to twelve weeks is a suction abortion.

The earliest type of abortion, called menstrual extraction is usually performed before a pregnancy test is even taken. Evacuating the menstrual blood from the uterus by using an airtight, hand operated suction device performs this abortion. Menstrual extraction can also be used in cases of very early low risk pregnancy, to perform abortions without anesthesia and with lower risk of infection and complications than the standard dilation curettage method.

A suction curette that is attached to a vacuum machine is inserted into the womb. The vacuum machine is about twenty nine times more powerful than a household vacuum cleaner. Another type of an abortion using dilation is the dilation and evacuation method. The forceps grab part of the baby, and twist and tear away the bones until the baby is completely broken.

The spine is then snapped in half, and the skull crushed in order to remove it from the cervix. Second trimester abortions are rarely used now due to so many complications the mothers had following the procedures. In the 1970s and the 19980s, the most common of them was the saline amniocentesis abortion. In the saline poisoning process, a large needle is inserted through the abdominal wall of the mother, and into the baby’s amniotic sac.

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The baby goes into shock, hemorrhages, then dies due to hypernatremia, or acute salt poisoning. One to two hours later, the mother goes into labor, and delivers the lifeless baby.

essay/term paper: an anti abortion argument

essay, term paper, research paper: abortion

free essays available online are good but they will not follow the guidelines of your particular writing assignment. If you need a custom term paper on abortion: an anti abortion argument. You can hire a professional writer here to write you a high quality authentic essay.

While free essays can be traced by turnitin plagiarism detection program , our custom written essays will pass any plagiarism test. Abortion in america is a controversial issue in which both sides have valid arguments at face value. The pro choice side has many arguments to support it belief in keeping abortion legal.

Many of these are faulty, and argue points irrelevent to the issue as i will attempt to illustrate, thereby eliminating the main pro choice arguments. The most popular of these is: the unborn entity is fully human from the moment of conception. This killing is in most cases unjustified, since the unborn human being has a full right to life. If, however, there is a high probability that a woman's pregnancy will result in her death such as tubal pregnancy, for example , then abortion is justified. For it is a greater good that one human should live the mother rather than two die the mother and her child. Or, in such cases the intent is not to kill the unborn but to save the life of the mother.

With the exception of such cases, abortion is an act in which an innocent human being is intentionally killed therefore, abortion should be made illegal, as are all other such acts of killing. When one fallaciously argues by appealing to pity, one is arguing that certain actions should be permitted or tolerated out of pity for those performing them when in fact the basis for showing them pity is not a legitimate basis for the action. For example, a woman who argues that she should not receive a parking ticket because her child was crying and she took her child to a candy store to cheer her up is appealing to pity. Anyone who goes to pro choice demonstrations in the united states will see on pro choice buttons a drawing of a coat hanger. This is the symbol of the pro choice movement representing the many women who were harmed or killed because they either performed illegal abortions on themselves i.e. Although the thought of finding a dead young woman with a bloody coat hanger dangling between her legs is unpleasant,and powerful, it does not make a good argument. In fact, this lie hides behind a good percentage of the popular arguments for the pro choice position.

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The question begging of the coat hanger argument is very obvious: but only by assuming that the unborn are not fully human does the argument work. If the unborn are not fully human, then the pro choicer has a legitimate concern, just as one would have in overturning a law forbidding appendicitis operations if countless people were needlessly dying of both appendicitis and illegal operations. But if the unborn are fully human, this pro choice argument is the same as saying that because people die or are harmed while killing other people, the state should make it safe for them to do so. Even some pro choicers, who argue for their position in other ways, admit coat hanger/back alley argument is crap. Although statistics cant establish a particular moral position, there has been arguments over both the actual number of illegal abortions and the number of women who died as a result of them before legalization. Prior to roe vs wade, pro choicers used saying that nearly a million women every year obtained illegal abortions performed with rusty coat hangers in back alleys that resulted in thousands of fatalities.

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