Argument Essay Warrant Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The book the craft of research defines a warrant as a statement that connects a reason to a claim. In other words, if someone makes a claim, he should have valid reasons or sufficient data to support that claim. If the relevance of the reason, or warrant, is not well accepted, then there is room for disagreement as to the reasoning for the claim. Making claims is a practice done in situations that vary from everyday conversations to academic research papers. An explicit warrant is one that is stated an implicit warrant is one that is unstated. If a commercial makes a claim that its product will improve your life in a certain way, it is assumed that you have bought into the underlying, unstated assumption that you want your life improved in that way. This is common in advertising, whether the product is a health or beauty product or another product.

An explicit or stated warrant differs in that stating the warrant is critical to the argument. Do you want x, y and z to happen? or, do you want to prevent a, b and c from happening? it is critical to the argument to establish this, because the claim the product makes and the data that supports the claim rests on the assumption that the customer wants the end result that the product claims will happen. A warrant is generally stated only when the person making the argument anticipates that it may not be accepted. Therefore, examining the reasoning behind a claim is sometimes the only way to identify a warrant. Both refer to the level of acceptability of the reasoning behind a claim that is supporting an argument. Warrants considered valid may differ from person to person, culture to culture and even from generation to generation. While most people in some cultures may agree with the claim that bullfighting is wrong because of inhumane treatment of the bull, the underlying warrant is not widely valid in other cultures.

The toulmin model asserts that most arguments consist of the following 6 parts: assumptions                            counter examples                  implications

    claim. warrant: the principle, provision or chain of reasoning that connects the grounds/reason to the claim.  backing. rebuttal/reservation: exceptions to the claim description and rebuttal of counter examples and counter arguments. Specification of limits to claim, warrant and backing.  the degree of conditionality asserted. 
warrants/general strategies of argument warrants are chains of reasoning that connect the claim and evidence/reason. A warrant is the principle, provision or chain of reasoning that connects the grounds/reason to the claim.  warrants operate at a higher level of generality than a claim or reason, and they are not normally explicit.

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Needle exchange programs should be abolished claim because they only cause more people to use drugs. reason the unstated warrant is: when you make risky behavior safer you encourage more people to engage in it. There are 6 main argumentative strategies via which the relationship between evidence and claim are often established. 1.  argument based on generalization a very common form of reasoning.  it assumes that what is true of a well chosen sample is likely to hold for a larger group or population, or that certain things consistent with the sample can be inferred of the group/population. extrapolating from one situation or event based on the nature and outcome of a similar situation or event.  has links to 'case based' and precedent based reasoning used in legal discourse. Academic arguments typically take place in disciplinary communities in which a variety of competing or divergent positions exist. When preparing to 'speak' to the community by writing an argument, writers are aware of the arguments against which they must build their claims, and of the counterarguments which are likely to emerge.

Dealing with counterarguments and objections is thus a key part of the process of building arguments, refining them, interpreting and analyzing them. It demonstrates that the author is aware of opposing views, and is not trying to 'sweep them under the table'. It thus is more likely to make the writer's argument seem 'balanced' or 'fair' to readers, and as a consequence be persuasive.

It shows that the writer is thinking carefully about the responses of readers, anticipating the objections that many readers may have. Introducing the reader to some of the positions opposed to your own, and showing how you can deal with possible objections can thus work to 'inoculate' the reader against counterarguments. By contrasting one's position with the arguments or alternative hypotheses one is against, one clarifies the position that is being argued for. When dealing with objections or counterarguments, authors tend to take one of 3 approaches. In some cases, this may mean accepting or incorporating some components of an authors' argument, while rejecting other parts of it. This involves being able to show important weaknesses and shortcomings in an opponent's position that demonstrate that his/her argument ought to be rejected.

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Showing that the issue in question is to be understood such that opposing views, while perhaps valid in certain respects, do not in fact meet the criteria of relevance that you believe define the issue. Also see: 34 t he toulmin warrant usually consists of a specific span of text which relates directly to the argument being made. To use a well worn example, the datum 39 harry was born in bermuda 39 supports the claim 39 harry is a british subject 39 via the warrant 39 persons born in bermuda are british subjects. Ios press, 2008 34 the connection between the data and the conclusion is created by something called a 39 warrant. 39 one of the important points made by toulmin is that the warrant is a kind of inference rule, and in particular not a statement of facts. Springer, 1997 the relationship between data and warrants 34 the warrant can be expressed by a general statement referring to a rule, principle, and so on.

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In principle, this general statement will have a hypothetical form 39 if data then claim 39 . 100 according to toulim 1988 , there is a close relationship between the data and warrants used in any particular field of argumentation: the data we cite if a claim is challenged depend on the warrants we are prepared to operate within that field, and the warrants to which we commit ourselves are implicit in the particular steps from data to claims we are prepared to take and to admit. 100 so, the warrant is implicitly present in the step from data to claim and, conversely, the nature of the data depends on the nature of the warrant. Lawrence erlbaum, 1996 disciplines gt argument gt toulmin's argument model stephen toulmin, an english philosopher and logician, identified elements of a persuasive argument. This includes information you are asking them to accept as true or actions you want them to accept and enact. The grounds or data is the basis of real persuasion and is made up of data and hard facts, plus the reasoning behind the claim.

Grounds may also include proof of expertise and the basic premises on which the rest of the argument is built. The actual truth of the data may be less that 100%, as much data are ultimately based on perception. We assume what we measure is true, but there may be problems in this measurement, ranging from a faulty measurement instrument to biased sampling. It is critical to the argument that the grounds are not challenged because, if they are, they may become a claim, which you will need to prove with even deeper information and further argument. over 70% of all people over 65 years have a hearing difficulty. information is usually a very powerful element of persuasion, although it does affect people differently. Those who are dogmatic, logical or rational will more likely to be persuaded by factual data. Those who argue emotionally and who are highly invested in their own position will challenge it or otherwise try to ignore it.

It is often a useful test to give something factual to the other person that disproves their argument, and watch how they handle it. A warrant links data and other grounds to a claim, legitimizing the claim by showing the grounds to be relevant. It answers the question 'why does that data mean your claim is true?' a hearing aid helps most people to hear better. the warrant may be simple and it may also be a longer argument, with additional sub elements including those described below. This gives space for the other person to question and expose the warrant, perhaps to show it is weak or unfounded. The backing or support for an argument gives additional support to the warrant by answering different questions. hearing aids are available locally. the qualifier or modal qualifier indicates the strength of the leap from the data to the warrant and may limit how universally the claim applies.

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