Argumentative Essay Curfew Text

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Although most americans will argue that a forced city wide curfew goes against their rights as american citizens, it is a way to keep the children and fellow city goers safe. When children run the streets after certain time limits, it becomes reckless and unsafe. They run the risk of getting seriously hurt, abducted, or to fall into the lap of crime. There is a lot of controversy over whether cities should be able to pass laws that restrict how youth can move around between certain times.

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Most arguments against it talk about how the police have more say in what happens, others say that it will cause the youth to go elsewhere to be able to hang out with their friends. The coppell, texas government defines their curfew law a minor is a person between ten years of age and sixteen years of age. The curfew hours established remains in effect for the entire year and do not change during summer break.

It is smart to have at least some type of curfew for minors, whether it starts at 10 pm or 11, and goes until 5 am or 7 am. If minors are given a curfew it could teach them to have responsibilities, to show them that they cannot always push boundaries. This is the age at which they will start to rebel and push back against the parents, and the curfew laws can very well show them with police force that in life, pushing back is not a good strategy.

Its not just about your kids hanging out with the wrong people or parents staying up late worrying where their kids are. A curfew is about a teenager understanding that, yes, teens can go out and have fun, but there has to be discipline and responsibility. Before i came to college i lived in the tiny town of hamilton, texas where there was a curfew put in place for anyone under 18. It started every night at around 10 pm, and continued until 6 am, where anyone caught out after the time without their guardian would be slapped with a fine and taken to their home residence. They put this law in a few years ago after a group of teenagers had been riding 4 wheelers through one of the more open cemeteries in town at around midnight. Their front tires hit a grave stone they hadn’t seen and flipped the 4 wheeler making the teens get smashed around, all were injured or killed.

As well as before the law was put in, there were multiple crimes being committed around town at night by minors including underage drinking, dangerous street racing, and arson. Most people say that this goes against their rights as americans, but if you look at the constitution and the bill of rights, nowhere does it say that you can do what you want or be where you want. Also, if you try to pull the argument that the forefathers wanted them to be free at any time they want, then think about the fact that before the light bulb was invented, or even let into the public, people had to be home by dark or they ran the risk of being killed by various factors.

Back in the day there was a commercial that always ran on the radio, back when i was little maybe in late elementary years, which asked parents where their children were. It was made to make parents actually think about if they truly knew what their kids were doing and if they were really in bed or not. It would always start running around 9 pm and i can remember hearing it multiple times through the night from my parent’s room. The curfew laws would take a lot of stress off the parents or guardians of the minors, simply because they wouldn’t have to worry about if their kids are safe, or if they are being good samaritans. It helps them feel secure that their children are at home, whether they are in bed asleep or working on school work, as well as it helps parents have more time to see how their children’s days are and to make sure that everything in life is good. Without the curfew it puts added stress in other ways like for instance, i know my parents won’t go to sleep unless they know i am at home safe and sound.

If i were to go out to the movies, or a friend’s house for a small simple party or just hanging out, they would stay up until they heard me in the drive way and even then they would wait for me to come tell them i was home. Parents will always worry about their children especially when they are out of eyesight. Some parents will counter this by saying they trust their kids to know what to do and not to do, but no matter how much you trust your kid to do what is right, there are always outside forces that you nor your kids can control. Forced city curfews can save lives, and save the sanity of the residents of the towns. Most towns in america are slowly adding in the curfew laws, but others are still adamantly against it, but by enacting a curfew you could be saving hundreds of lives each year.

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should curfews be imposed on teenagers? should there be a curfew imposed on teenagers? many people believe that the teen years’ are supposed to be the time these young adults goof around, have fun, and just do some very stupid things, so we should just give up on the younger generation, and just let them do whatever they like. However, according to current research being made by analysts, and scientists shows that teenagers ranging from ages fifteen to seventeen should have a curfew, a curfew sets a strict boundary, an expectation for a teen to know what time he or she needs to be home. The first is as parents it’s their responsibility to keep their children safe, so they need to know when to expect a teenager to be home. Parents need to know when their child is coming home so that they can get some sleep. The first idea is that as parents it’s their responsibility to keep their children safe, and monitor their daily activities, so they need to know what time their teenager is coming home. In the first place every teenager needs to get at least nine hours of sleep every night, so their brain can actually get some rest after a stressful day of work, getting enough sleep will give your brain a chance to process the important and unimportant information that has accumulated over the last couple of hours. Of equal importance, if a teen is not able to get the hours of sleep required, he or she may not be able to concentrate in class, because they may not be able to even open their eyes, therefore causing a downfall in this teen’s grades.

The second idea is that imposing curfews would help keep teenagers out of trouble legally. In support of this teenagers are curious to try and explore new things, and they may not always be good things, they may not know whether it is the right thing to do or not, imposing a curfew would in a way help them not to make mistakes that may affect their future, or something that they will regret for the rest of their lives. Consequently, most teens are influenced into smoking, drinking, and taking drugs because of peer pressure, these few things can get you into a lot of trouble with the law since you are doing these things that are prohibited to patrons that are underage.

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Now that we have examined the ways imposing curfews can benefit both a parent, and a child, we should take another step forward to try to enforce, and impose curfews all over the world for young adults ranging from the ages of fifteen to seventeen, doing this will help keep teenagers safe, and out of trouble. So should curfews be imposed?

essay/term paper: curfews, and other limits

essay, term paper, research paper: argumentative essays

many parents set up rules, and other boundaries in which their teens must follow. These rules are usually placed over their teens to control, protect, and teach their teen. Even though most parents mean well, and some rules are necessary it's easy to overwhelm teens with regulations.