Obedience to Authority Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Published: 23, march 2015 milgram wanted to know what there was in the human nature that allows them to act without any restraints whatsoever, allowing them act so harshly and in no way limited by the feelings of compassion, love. He therefore then carried out study in 1963 to explain the extent to which people obey to a person in authority. 1 the aim of milgram's study was to examine the level of obedience that participants would display when told by an authoritative character to administer electric shocks to another person.

Cardwell and flanagan 2003 people who decided to be part of this study were taken to a lab for the experiment to be carried out. They consisted of 40 males and they fell within the age of 20 50, the participants consisted of unqualified to qualified individual in regards to their jobs. At the beginning of the experiment the participants teacher were introduced to another participant the learner , who was actually a partner of the experimenter. The partner the learner got tied to a chair in a separate room from the teacher which was filled with electrodes. The learner was read out pairs of words in which they were to remember once the teacher felt that the learner had memorised the word, the teacher would then call out a word and the learner had to say the word that was paired with the word the teacher called out.

When they got it wrong, the teacher was told to give the learner an electric shock, the more the learner paired the words wrongly the higher their shock got. On the shock generator the voltage level started from 15 less danger to 450 very dangerous and this consisted of 30 switches. 2 below is an essay on obedience to authority from anti essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples.

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Obedience to authority ordinary people can, and have, been known to act completely out of their self defined character under stressful situations. We’ve seen documented cases of this in particular i’m referring to the stanford prison experiment conducted by philip zimbardo 389. Here was an experiment where 21 stanford students were selected to become role players in a prison environment. To eliminate any preference for the students, they were randomly assigned their roles, half of them would become the guards of the prison and the other half would be prisoners. What followed was a shocking case of what changes the human psyche goes through when presented with an extreme circumstance. During this experiment the prisoners and guards, particularly the guards, played out their roles in a satirical manner.

obedience to authority to what extent can humans’ morality be corrupted by environment, or are all humans cruel by nature? if an authority figure told another person to jump off a bridge, our response would be to reject his command and tell him to jump, but what would happen if an authority told somebody. Chapter i introduction 1.1 title of the research the title of this research is obedience of soldiers to authority depicted in saving private ryan novel by max allan collins 1.2 field and object of the study the field of study in this research is literature while the object of this research. Obedience refers to a form of social influence whereby an individual acts or behaves in a certain way as a result of an order from a person who is an authority figure.   the action that a person performs comes from the relationship that exists between the person who is obeying and the person giving an order or a directive. Authority is defined as powers conferred to certain individuals to execute certain tasks.  authority is normally given to people who are in a leadership position or those who have high level of knowledge in a certain field.

This topic interests me as i yearn to find out how obedience relates to authority. Research is prudent in finding out more about how various issues or variables function or relate. This research is of importance to me and through this research, i will be able to learn how obedience is related to authority and why people obey the authority. Furthermore, i will be able to learn new ideas, complexities and the reasons why other people may not obey authorities. The message i want to convey to the readers about the topic is that obedience to authority is something that we experience everyday and benefits of being obedience to the authority. I will give them reasons why it is a duty and an obligation for people to respect and abide by their authorities. Many people have different opinions and understanding of what obedience to authority implies or what it ought to be.  obedience to the authority to me means that people are supposed to obey the laws and rules of the land.  my understanding of obedience is to abide by certain rules or by the directives that are given by someone that is above you in terms of age, status and power.

When i was young, i remember i used to obey what my father and my teachers told me. Therefore, obedience is to act according to what you are told even if you do not like it.  i remember in my intermediate level school, i did not like geography but when the teacher pointed at me to answer a question, even if i did not know the answers, i had no choice but to stand and answer the question. Therefore, what i understand to be obedient is to act in the way you are directed.

Literature review according to mailgram, society exists and is built on the premise of obedience nicholson 268. A society cannot live well without having to manifest obedience to the authority. The institutions that are established in the society are aimed at providing leadership, and therefore, they can only ensure that this is achieved by people or the subject having to be obedient to the authorities nicholson 268. Social order and civilization itself is not possible if individuals are not ready to surrender some of their privileges to the state.  since almost all the people are obedient in one way or another, obedience to authority is sometimes dangerous. The conclusion reached by mailgram was that all people are obedient to the authority.

In one of his experiment, he found out that people will give an electric shock to helpless victims when they are ordered to do that. This therefore indicates that people may be compelled to act in the way that does not reciprocate with their conscience because of obedience. This act is as a result of fear and negative repercussions that may befall them if they fail to obey authorities.

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