Argumentative Essay on Immigration Reform Text

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Immigration reform is a political idea construed to mislead our society into blaming innocent immigrant minorities for the current problems that plague our nation. It is well known that this country has prospered through centuries of economic and social misfortunes from the labor of immigrants who have made this country what it is today. Immigration reform seeks to blame the innocent based on skin tone, ethnic background, and nationality. Instead of focusing on the genuine agents of economic troubles, immigration reform is using nationality as a scapegoat for corporate layoffs, downsizing, welfare, and other unfortunate economic situations. Economic instability, rising unemployment rates, welfare, and overall deplorable social economic situations are placing the blame on the innocent migrant instead of focusing and dealing with the actual problem.

Many proponents of immigration reform argue that our economy continues to fluctuate causing a decrease in job opportunities for americans. Proponents blame the loss of jobs on illegal immigration, more specifically on the mexican who seeks only to better his lifestyle by doing the menial tedious jobs that most americans would never even imagine doing. Picking grapes, pruning vines, gathering tomatoes, and picking peaches are just a few examples of the demanding physical jobs that immigrants perform. These jobs require very little knowledge of expertise, but rather a physical demand and will to sacrifice your body from sun up to sun down as a means of survival.

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If illegal immigrants are taking away our jobs, then why don t we step in and pick the fruits and vegetables we so much enjoy every dinner, which we praise the lord for? farmers don t gather their harvest. They hire unskilled immigrant workers that pose no threat to american employment to harvest their crops. Large corporations are franchising, outsourcing, and implementing subdivisions in foreign countries in order to compete in a global market.

These foreign countries can offer cheaper wages and other amenities that lead to an organization s overall goal and that is to make a profit. We need to stop blaming the disadvantaged and concentrate more on political reform and anti free trade agreements between large american corporations and organizations interested in fulfilling their own agendas. Other proponents of immigration reform argue that immigration serves only one purpose and that is to reap the benefits of welfare. If this is true, and immigrants are flooding our nation to live off of billions of american tax dollars, then why are the majority of our tax dollars used for military spending, government projects, and senseless ventures and not on welfare? we are unknowingly blaming government taxation on welfare and not on the government and the system itself. It seems plausible that welfare exists as a means of justifying taxation and the limits to the amount of taxation are boundless. As we blame welfare for our tax woes, we tend to direct our anger at the recipients of welfare.

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Most of these people are americans, but we prey on the weak and defenseless, thus drawing a direct correlation between immigrants and welfare. Immigrants are here to meet demands of a workforce that is non existent within our country. Unfortunately, they are endowed with minimal rights and it is easier and more feasible to point the finger of blame on them rather than blaming those that are actually at fault. We live in a society which is made up of immigrants from different corners of the globe. It is obvious that as americans we have forged an immense successful country that will continue to prosper at the hands of various ethnic groups. Immigration reform seeks to blame the innocent immigrant instead of accepting reality and dealing with the actual factors involved in our economic woes, unemployment rates, and wage fluctuations. The easiest manner in which to deal with our national problems is to blame the defenseless.

It seems highly crude to think that we as americans have not learned to stop blaming the immigrant for our own problems, since we are a nation of immigrants as well. essays, term papers, research papers related: secondary current events, political science, social studies, u.s. History, civics, debate, and communication arts classes three 90 minute or five 50 minute class periods plus additional time for extension activities.

    utilize their prior knowledge to brainstorm definitions for immigrant, illegal immigrant, and undocumented immigrant and share these definitions with classmates, as well as answer questions about immigration facts and statistics. Participate in a class discussion where they must share and support their opinions using reasons, facts, and examples. Conduct research using internet, news and primary sources to learn about the opinions of various groups representing a variety of viewpoints about immigration reform. Develop a role play that illustrates a specific point of view related to immigration reform and perform this role play for classmates.

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    Learn about current laws/pending legislation related to immigration reform by utilizing primary sources. Debate issues related to immigration reform based on the various viewpoints represented in the prior class activities. Compose a persuasive essay, letter to the editor, or e mail/letter to a state senator describing their views about immigration reform and their ideas for solving the problem. Borders illegally in search of the american dream a land of freedom and opportunity that can provide them and their families with a quality of life they cannot enjoy in their home countries. Throughout the 20s, americans became increasingly concerned with illegal immigration, citing the rising cost of illegal immigrants and the strain they place on public services such as the education, legal, and emergency medical systems in the u.s. And working in jobs that most americans will not do, illegal immigrants feel they are a crucial part of the economic prosperity enjoyed by u.s.

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    With many varying opinions about illegal immigrants, people on all sides of the issue are calling for immigration reform. Everyday citizens, business leaders, and immigrants, legal and illegal, are making their views known to lawmakers in an attempt to spur immigration reform that will fairly address the problem of illegal immigration and provide a solution that is beneficial to all people residing and working in the u.s today. Depending on the amount of time available for study, the lesson could be done in its entirety or part 1 and part 2 could be completed as stand alone lessons.

    part 1: the facts of the matter
      write the words immigrant, illegal immigrant and undocumented immigrant on the board or overhead and have them displayed for students when they enter the classroom. Direct students to think about each term and share his/her definition of each term with the person sitting next to him/her. As a group, discuss the various definitions and work as a class to record an accurate description for each term simple definitions are listed below. Immigrant a person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another after being granted permission to do so by the government illegal immigrant an alien non citizen who has entered the united states without government permission or stayed beyond the termination date of a visa.

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      Undocumented immigrant an alien non citizen who has entered the united states without government permission or stayed beyond the termination date of a visa. note: take time to discuss the fact that while illegal immigrants and undocumented immigrants are the same thing, the terms have very different connotations. Briefly discuss these connotations. also, despite the widespread use of illegal and undocumented immigrants in the media, the ap stylebook no longer recognizes either term. Take 2 3 minutes to do a class brainstorming session and list all the ideas students can generate about this topic. To get students interested and thinking more about the facts related to immigration, particularly illegal immigrants, distribute the immigration facts and statistics worksheet  and provide students with 5 minutes to complete the questions using their prior knowledge and their best guesses. Note: statistics and information presented on the immigration facts and statistics worksheet was found from a number of primary sources including the center for immigration studies, online newshour.

      The nightly business report, the white house immigration reform fact sheet, and abc news. After students have completed the immigration facts and statistics worksheet, work as a class to discuss the answers to each question. Once students have some basic facts about illegal immigration, pose the following questions:

        in your opinion, in what ways are illegal immigrants important/helpful to the u.s.? in your opinion, in what ways are illegal immigrants impacting the u.s. In a negative way?
      facilitate a short discussion about these two questions and have students give specific reasons, facts and examples to support what they say whenever possible.
    part 2: debating various points of view
    distribute the handout from my point of view part 1  to each student. Select students to read about each different groups point of view on immigration and reforming the current laws. As you complete the section about each group of people, take 2 3 minutes to discuss their point of view and summarize their main ideas about illegal immigrants.

    Using internet resources or other primary sources, have students work as a group to research the common opinions of the people they are representing. They should use the questions on from my point of view parts 2 3  handout to guide their research. When research has been completed and each group has a clear understanding of what the people they represent believe about illegal immigrants, direct students to part 3 of the from my point of view handout.