Argumentative Essays on Abortion Pro Life Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Human life is a continuum beginning at conception and ending at natural death. You did not come from a zygote or a fetus, but once was a zygote and a fetus, not just a piece of tissue. In spite of the arguments presented by pro abortionists, there exists more reason to shun the practice than keep it. 100% plagiarism free, anonymity is guaranteed abortion refers to a practice whereby a pregnancy is terminated with the outcome being the death of a human fetus hillar, 20. It remains one of the most contested issues in as far as social and moral obligations are concerned.

Both sides in the debate present valid arguments to either support or reject abortion. Pro life arguments are mainly based on the concept of preservation of human life from the point of conception to that of giving full priority to unborn fetus’ life over that of the mother. On the other end, pro abortionists contend that women possess ultimate control of their bodies to that point of prioritizing their lives over the natural observable fact of the development of a new human being. Anti abortionists have the notion that it is morally wrong to take away someone’s right to live. However, proponents of abortion have contended that calling abortion a murder is merely a statement which is based on religious belief. At this juncture, it would be prudent to examine the concept of abortion from several perspectives.

As outlined by hillar 20 , philosophers view the fetus’ moral status as being the fundamental flaw by proponents of abortion. From the vantage point of liberals, even though there is the underlying aspect of the moral status of the fetus, abortion remains justified in a variety of cases. For instance, in a hypothetical situation where a woman is raped, there will be a hard decision to make keep the pregnancy and let the child be a reminder of the trauma for the remainder of one’s life or abort the fetus and in the process, possess the guilt of having murdered a human life. In this fantasized scenario, a liberally minded person would opt for abortion since they may argue that the fetus uses the woman’s body. Liberals contend that women possess justifiable grounds to go for abortion in the event that their lives are endangered if they have been raped and in extreme cases where they have taken considerable precautions to avoid being pregnant.

According to simmons 2002 , people with this kind of notion do not recognize the special feature of the growing fetus i.e. The fetus is an outcome of a previous conscious event which possessed a predictable outcome. In spite of the fact that rape is a societally condemned act, the liberals’ view does not hold due to the lack of moral justification for taking away a fetus’ life. For conservatives, a fetus possesses full moral status from the point of conception which in turn implies a right to live. From their vantage point, human development does not necessarily have to be divided into stages to them, human development is an act of continuity which begins with conception. Hillar 20 agrees, stating that attempt to make an exception for abortion, for instance, after a rape or if the fetus is seriously defective, goes against the continuity aspect of life development which should not be allowed. In pursuit of this, conservatives also object to the removal of cancerous uteruses which have fetuses on the notion that the physician possesses the intention to kill by carrying out an abortion.

The other perspective is from the moderates, who weigh the arguments both for and against and then make a decision in support of 1973 united state’s supreme court decision roe vs. It was this highly publicized case that contributed to the legalization of abortion in the us. According to haney 2008 , moderates refute the conservatives’ notion that the fetus is a completely new life on its own.

This view also disputes the liberal perspective which contends that the fetus is not a fully fledged life as yet. Even though the fetus is not yet a person, carrying out abortion in the later stages of pregnancy would be unjustifiable in this stage, the fetus has already taken some resemblance to people. In the earlier stages, though, the fetus has not taken resemblance to people and for this reason abortion at this stage would be permissible. However, the moderate position, which finds its strength in the 1973 abortion law by the us supreme court, has its flaws hillar, 20.

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