Article Review Instructions Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

You should start your review by indicating the title, author, and of the article you have read. The article review should consist of four 4 parts: reason for choosing this article why this one? you can include a personal reaction to the issue/topic and the article itself here. A summary contains a balanced presentation of relevant ideas about the article so that. Critically here means going beyond surface reactions, delving into the why's and wherefore's of the author's thoughts and writing. And how could they be used by you to critique the article? in other words, utilize the sociological concepts to write an assessment. Meaningful quotes/statements as you read the article keep track of statements you find particularly interesting or meaningful.

Just the written part!! part of writing is to learn to say what you have to say in concise and precise language. Be especially careful not to mix the reason for choosing and the summary with the assessment, though. You should start your review by making sure you indicate the , title, author. The review itself will consist of four 4 parts: reason for choosing this article why this one? you can include a personal reaction to the issue/topic and the article itself here. Be especially careful not to mix the reason for choosing and the summary with the assessment.

News article review instructions in modules, you are required to submit 4 brief essays which discuss current news articles that relate to education. The purpose of these assignments is to encourage you to evaluate current ethical issues and decisions affecting the field of education thus, the news articles that you choose must address either a situation in which biblical and/or ethical principles were breached or a situation in which biblical and/or ethical principles were highlighted by the media. Your essays must be critical reviews of the articles discuss your own opinion regarding the articles rather than simply summarizing them. Use the news article review grading rubric to improve the quality of your essays be sure to adhere to all of the specific guidelines described below. News article selection guidelines the articles or news stories that you choose must: 1.

Be found in a newspaper, on a news program, or from another reputable media source 2. Clearly address biblical and/or ethical issues each article review must cover different topics. For example, if you find an article discussing a new government regulation for public schools in the new york times, you cannot use a follow up piece written a few days later in the same paper or a different article in a different paper discussing the same topic. In the essay, summarize the article in order to demonstrate your comprehension of the content. Additionally, identify key elements discussed in the article and relate those elements to concepts from the course.

Discuss whether the situation described in the article implements any of the concepts discussed in the course or if there are possible ways that concepts from the course could be implemented. Include a reference page at the end of the essay with the complete citation for the article including the publication date. If possible, include the actual article either by pasting it at the end of the document or by providing a link. Format the essay and citation in correct and current apa style and include a title page. This is a leadership principles and ethics class and it should be four news articles.

News article review grading rubric criteria points possible points earned instructor’s comments article pertains to course content: leadership principles and ethics biblical and/or ethical principles in education. 3 main points of the article are clearly summarized and relate to course content. 10 thoughtful reflection, evaluation, and/or insight regarding the main points in the article is provided.

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3 place this order or a similar order with us today and get an amazing discount scholarly and professional journals feature articles written by researchers and practitioners in a particular subject area. Peer groups of researchers, scholars and professionals within a specific discipline are the audience for scholarly literature. It is the process by which an author's peers read a paper submitted for publication.

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A number of recognized researchers in the field will evaluate a manuscript and recommend its publication, revision, or rejection. Articles accepted for publication through a peer review process implicitly meet the discipline's expected standards of expertise. Articles in some scholarly and professional journals are not peer reviewed, but are selected by an editor or board.