Bristol University Phd Thesis Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Sets of theses and dissertations produced by university of bristol staff and students, for qualifications including phd, bsc, ba, bed, bds, bvsc, llb, mb, mds, mphil, msc and chb, are available in some of our libraries.  for details of the thesis collection in a particular library select the library from the our libraries page and look for the 'thesis collection' link in the left hand navigation. You are likely to need to ask library staff to fetch a thesis for you to see, and theses are usually confined to the library.

    theses and dissertations can be searched for on library search as if you were trying to find a book. When your search results display, you should be able to refine your search by using the resource type thesis option. If you find the thesis on library search you can use the locations/availability tab to find its location this may be in the form thesis 12345 , loan period and to see whether or not it is on loan. Alternatively click on details to go to the full bibliographic details of the thesis. You may have to ask a member of library staff to fetch the thesis for you, giving its thesis number/location, as it is likely to be kept locked away.

    If the thesis is not on the library search and it is pre 1978 it is worth checking the card catalogue online.

to search for theses from other universities you could try using the everything search option on library search or our databases page which gives you access to a number of thesis databases including ethos and proquest dissertations 38 theses: uk 38 ireland, or you could search the catalogues of university libraries directly by going through a directory of libraries throughout the world. If you would like to see a thesis from another university you should consider using the inter library loan service.

Details of its opening times for the submission of dissertations for examination or binding. Research degrees page with links to regulations and forms relating to postgraduate research degrees for taught postgraduate programmes, there is a link to the code of practice and regulations for taught postgraduate programmes on the academic quality and partnerships office web site. Research degrees frequently asked questions includes advice on formatting, and how to submit a thesis. You should ensure that an appointment of research degree examiners form office document, 82kb word file, 79kb has been sent to your head of department at least twenty eight days before submission of your dissertation. You must submit an electronic copy of your dissertation via blackboard, so that it can be checked for plagiarism. Once you have been notified that your work has been accepted you should submit two softbound copies of your dissertation to the postgraduate examinations office, either in person or by post. More information for candidates: in the faculty of engineering can be found at: graduate school of engineering web pages.

In the faculty of biomedical sciences can be found in their guidelines for electronic submission of postgraduate dissertations 1.26mb.pdf document for candidates from other schools or faculties, please check your school website. You should keep the postgraduate examinations office informed of any change of address. You will need to submit two copies of your dissertation to the postgraduate examinations office. Two examiners will have been appointed, at least one being an external and independent examiner and one normally being a member of the academic staff of the university. Neither the internal nor the external examiner will have seen your work prior to the first examination of the dissertation. The examiners will read your dissertation and one of the examiners normally the internal will arrange a suitable time and place for the oral examination, giving you at least ten days notice in writing. You will normally be expected to undergo an oral examination, chaired by the external examiner.

You may request formal written feedback from the internal examiner following the examination. If they wish, with the agreement of the student and the head of department, the examiners may arrange for the student rsquo s supervisor or supervisors, or another observer requested by the student, to attend the examination. Supervisors or observers may not contribute to discussion during the oral examination.

The examiners will return the examined dissertation or published work to you at the end of the examination. The examiners rsquo will produce reports covering both the content of your dissertation and your performance in the oral examination. The report should enable the research degrees examination board to assess the scope and significance of your work. The examiners may make their recommendation known to you, but they must make it clear that the final decision rests with the research degrees examination board.

If the examiners require minor corrections, for example relating to typing, spelling, grammar, punctuation or inadvertent omission, examiners should make it clear to you exactly what corrections are required. The research degrees examinations board meets on around six occasions per year to consider the recommendations of the examiners and to make awards as appropriate. Candidates will be notified of the result of their examination by post, and awards can also be seen on the web using studentinfo candidates who are required, by the research degrees examination board, to undertake further work on their dissertations will be informed in writing by the postgraduate examinations office following the examination board at which their examiners' report is considered. If minor corrections are required, for example relating to typing, spelling, grammar, punctuation or inadvertent omission, examiners should make clear exactly what corrections are required.

The degree is awarded and candidates are entitled to attend a degree congregation, but should complete the corrections within 28 days of notification. Degree certificates will be withheld unless written confirmation of the corrections is received. If substantial errors or omissions are to be corrected, examiners must provide clear and comprehensive written guidance for the candidate, which should be separate from the examiners' report. The length of time permitted for corrections is normally six months from the date of the meeting of the board at which the decision is made. The examiner s should inform the board, in writing, of satisfactory completion of these corrections. If candidates are required to resubmit their work for a full re examination, examiners must provide clear and comprehensive written guidance for the candidate.

The maximum length of time permitted for re submission is normally twelve months from the date of the meeting of the board at which the decision is made. To resubmit, candidates must provide two copies of their revised work to the postgraduate examinations office and pay a resubmission fee. The examiners should undertake a full re examination, including a viva, and provide a second examiners' report form to the board. Degree certificates are available after degree ceremonies, currently held in february and july each year. The procedure governing examination appeals is set out in the examination regulations. Candidates should note that there is a 21 day time limit for an appeal, which runs from the date of publication of the result.

The final copy or copies should be hard bound in stiff board, in a washable plain black buckram or buckram equivalent. Where the dissertation is in a language other than english, the bound copy must include the extended summary in english and the abstracts in both languages. Larger sheets or printed matter should be placed in a pocket inside the back cover or in a separately bound volume. The title of the dissertation or published work and commentary, in both english and the language of the dissertation if that is not english, should appear on the outside front cover in embossed 18 point gold lettering. The spine must be lettered in embossed 18 point gold lettering, with the successful candidate's initials and surname, degree, volume number if necessary , and year of submission. This should run from the top of the spine to the bottom, so as to be readable when the volume lies flat with the top cover uppermost. The short answer is that there is no one system that is ideally suited to all disciplines and you should consult with you supervisor and check out your departmental handbook to find what is considered best practice in your subject area.

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