Cathedral Raymond Carver Essay Text

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Our writers can help get your essay back on track, take a look at our services to learn more about how we can help. Essay writing service essay marking service place an order the beginning of the story describes bubs feeling as a blind person is visiting his home for the first time. Bub the blind man is visiting the trite emotions and thoughts going inside bubs head as a blind person is visiting his house for the first time.

Through this mundane example of a cathedral through the story starts narrative story cathedral he sheds light on the motif of ignorance through the first person narrator. The narrator starts as being intolerable but towards the end of the story, he gets an eye opening experience, ironically with the assistance of a blind man that makes him open minded. The author has chosen the right theme of physical and psychological blindness to beautifully achieve the goal of his exploration of the baseness and rawness of the narrator bub's condition. Carvers treatment of this issue is proficient and he has the ability to stir up psychological dilemmas within the reader. Like other readers would consent it is the narrator who is actually blind but not robert the visually disabled.

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Appearance as it would seem is deceptive, the narrator could see externally and the blind man was the one without sight. This first instance of his ignorance is passing judgment on robert before even meeting him despite knowing very little about him. Apparently it is evident he is unknowledgeable about robert when he says, i'd always thought dark glasses were a must for the blind or i remembered reading somewhere that the blind didn't smoke 206. He foolishly looked for any reason to detest the man, whether it was because he had married a colored woman named beulah or because he had a beard on his face. Another example that shows the husband is blind in the beginning of the story is refering to robert as this blind man 203 when bub talks to his wife and never uses roberts name or assigns any human attributes to him.

This shows that the husband does not really see robert as a person, but just as a blind man who is different because he has a handicap. He keeps an open mind to new experiences and states that he is always learning something because learning never ends, thus emphasizing his lack of ignorance. Robert's arrival at the couples house further brings out the narrator's ignorance the husband does not know what to say to him. He therefore begins to ask stupid questions about the view from the train: which side of the train did you sit on? 205.

The husband knows that robert cannot see the view, but he asks him these questions anyway. Also, the husband thinks to himself, i didnt know what else to say 205 , which is a clear indication that he is unable to establish a relationship with robert. Both of these quotations show that the husband does not know what to talk about with robert because he only sees roberts handicap, instead of seeing him as a complete human being who has emotions, thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. Not only does the husband not know how to communicate with robert, but also he does not know how to act around him either.

A good example of this, shown after dinner, is when all three of them go into the living room. This is how the husband portrays what happens when they first enter the room: robert and my wife sat on the sofa. We had us two or three more drinks while they talked about the major things that had come to pass for them in the past ten years. The husbands discomfort is revealed through his actions when the wife went upstairs to put on her robe. He shows that he does not know how to act around robert because again he does not see robert as a person, but only as a blind man.

Who wrote this essay request removal example essays the narrator is asked to describe a cathedral later in the story by robert. There is a need in the blind man to see, but there is nothing that will ever be able to fulfill that need. The narrator struggles to find the right words, the signifier that will provide a bridge to the thought in the blind man's head of the actual cathedral, the signified. When his language failed him, he relied on symbolism by drawing while holding the old man's hand to communicate to the blind man what he couldn't say with words. At this point he is introduced into the blind man's world and begins to see what it is like for him to have no sight. This allows the narrator to step outside of his own boundaries and give himself freedom from the ignorant world he used to live in. Bub was not only blind to his own ignorance but also blind to his wife and her feelings and needs.

On the contrary, the blind man held a close relationship with the narrator's wife, allowing himself to be an outlet for her to vent her feelings on the tapes she sent him. Her husband seemed insensitive to her feelings when he brushed off the poem she had written about the experience of the blind man touching her face. As a result of his insensitivity, the wife is easily angered by the narrator on a couple different occasions and sometimes shouts at her husband. Goddamn it, his wife's just died! don't you understand that? the man's lost his wife. 203 in addition to his indifferent attitude towards her wife's feelings, the narrator appears to be jealous of the relationship between his wife and robert. The jealous narrator expresses his envy when the three sit down after dinner to talk. I waited in vain to hear my name on my wife's sweet lipsbut i heard nothing of the sort.

He contemplates and decides that it is beyond his comprehension that robert could marry a woman and love a woman he has never seen 205. But the narrator himself, who can see his wife clearly with his own eyes, cannot see the depth of her feelings the way robert is able to. His blindness to his wife's feelings isolates him from her and seems to drive him to use mind altering substances in attempt to escape reality. He says that he smoked dope and stayed up as long as i couldmy wife and i hardly went to bed at the same time 209. Bub's conversation with robert became clumsy but instead of dealing with them, he asks robert if he would like to smoke dope. When people are starved of real love or a sense of satisfaction in their lives, they will repeatedly use material things in an attempt to fill this empty void which never becomes full.

While the narrator gets his self satisfaction from drugs and alcohol, robert finds his from being with his former wife. The narrator's wife called robert and his former wife inseparable and recalls that she died in a seattle hospital room, the blind man sitting beside the bed and holding her hand 204. The blind man seems to understand that time invested in people is much more worthwhile than any high one can get from a drug. Raymond carvers choice of theme of blindness makes his goal of offering a deeper understanding of the nature of human a success.

He is able to tell readers that there is physical blindness and psychological blindness. This motif is accentuated by these examples from the story the first is the demeanor of bub which shows signs of disapproval of the imminent visit of his wife's blind friend, the second is his contemplating the basis of his wife's friendship with robert, and the third is his verbal and sensory interaction with the blind man when he draws a cathedral on a paper bag. What does the narrator come to see? what does he learn about sight? the narrator 39 s epiphany at the end of cathedral comes with his ability to 39 see 39 outside of himself, to imagine himself as part of something bigger. The irony is that he is taught to 39 see 39 by a blind man, and he 39 sees 39 only through refusing to open his eyes and behold the drawing he has made.

The narrator 39 s attitudes about sight at the beginning of the story exhibit his close mindedness: he judges robert for blindness, even though he himself is 39 blind 39 to the truth of what blindness is he admits he only knows it through tv. What he learns about sight is that it can be limiting when turned only to the particulars of one 39 s own life, instead of directed outwards to how we are all connected to something greater. Why do you think jack and fran are so affected by their visit to bud and olla 39 s in feathers ? use specifics to explain your thoughts. Jack and fran are affected by experiencing the strangeness of bud and olla 39 s life.

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They don 39 t dine with others frequently, as seen in their difficulty deciding what to bring. The strange qualities of their hosts – in a house marked with an x on a map, they find plastered teeth, an ugly baby, and a peacock – shake them and make them change their minds about having a child. One could also describe their epiphany as inspired by the warmth of bud and olla 39 s, the way they speak to one another and are accepting of their baby 39 s ugliness, since it 39 s just one stage before another stage. At the end of a small, good thing, scotty 39 s parents have a type of communion with the baker.