Essay About Home Work Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Nowadays, with the development and wide use of internet, an increasing number of people prefer to work remotely from home. Some think it has saved them a lot of time since they don't need to spend hours to commute everyday, others hold the opinion that working at offices is more efficient and convenient because of less distraction, more facilities and easy collaboration. From my view, it is better for all concerned to work in office, particularly when you need to highly concentrate on your work. It is difficult to focus on work if you are working at home since there may be a lot of distractions.certainly, some people can build at home an office, where is so quiet that they can focus on their work without interruption. However, for most people, it is a luxury to have an independent room for the working purpose.

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For example, when i am working at home, i have to work in the living room or in the bedroom. It is inevitable to be interrupted when my mother is cooking, or my parents are talking. Even when it is quiet, i always want to stand up, get some beverage, have a look of today's newspaper, take a rest on the sofa, and talk to my parents. In addition to the importance of working atmosphere, i think working at office is better for facilities and documents.

However, i think it would be fair to say that for most people you need to turn to the equipment and documents frequently in your work. For example, as an architect, when i design something i have to print some sketch and revise it over and over, so a sophisticated scanner and printer is convenient for me. Also, i often have to skim various books in my office to have a brainstorm and get some inspiration. Besides, it is sometimes necessary to read the old documents, which is always classified well in the cabinet. But when i am working at home, i cannot get all these resources to work productively. You can discuss with you coworkers face to face when you encounter some problems, but there may be misunderstandings if you communicate on telephone. Your supervisor can correct your mistakes on time, thus you can continue your work smoothly.

On the other hand, if you work at home, it's more difficult to get help from them. In conclusion, based on the arguments explored above, i have a strong believe that in most cases it's actually more beneficial for one to work in office. this essay was an email note written in response to a friend who asked me to reflect on the role of spirtuality in the workplace for a project he was working on. At the time i wrote this, i had been telecommuting to my job at apple in california from my home in minneapolis for two to three years. i've had the theme of work and spirit lurking about the edges of my thoughts all day. Right now i'm sitting on my screened in front porch, watching and listening to a thunderstorm. I sit here and hear thunder and the wind in the tress and dogs barking and the whish of cars driving past some are driving too fast for a residential area!.

There's nothing special about any of this, which is why it's a good place to start. I believe that true spirtuality is manifested in the ordinary, everydayness of life. And, for me, spirituality has to do with the awareness of the richness and interconnectedness of life. That's why, in a sense, my present position of working out of my home feels right. In many important ways my home is a much richer, connected place for me, than work as, perhaps, it ought to be. Consider the contrast between my work day at home, and my work day as it would have been a week ago at my apple office.

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Here, i'm sitting on the porch, listening to the rain there, i would mostly be insulated inside a giant building i could actually miss a rainstorm. Here, i had a snack of blueberries and milk there i probably would have gotten a latte it's too much extra effort to keep perishable things like blueberries and milk at work. Some are going too fast there, they're just a background phenonmenon that doesn't matter. Here when i print something, i might go out and check on my garden while the document prints there, i'd probably do something else work related. Anyway, i got in a couple of hourse of work, and then i noticed it had gotten dark out a storm was coming, and so i decided to hoof it home before the rain came. I have a water resistant pack for my powerbook, but i don't like to push my luck. On the way home, i ran into simon, a colleague of my wife's, and we walked together a ways and chatted.

His wife, an artist, had had an 'open studio' party while we were gone, and we chatted about that and their plans to make their return trip to england via the viking route: newfoundland to greenland to iceland to the shetland islands. I fantisized about taking that route to a workshop i'll be going to in london in the fall the one, for which, i was writing the paper. Simon and i chatted a bit more, and then parted ways, agreeing that we ought to get together pretty soon. Had rain not been on its way, i would have stopped off at the local market and picked something up for dinner. Yet it's a richer day than i would typically have in california, even when i lived there. Here i'm recognized at the local cafes, and the markets there recognition is much rarer, because i don't live and work in the same neighborhood. Here it is not uncommon to bump into friends or acquaintences as i go about my daily routine there except, of course, for coworkers it's decidedly uncommon.

Again, it has to do with living and working in the same geographic area, and not being tied solely to the rhythm of work. It's popular to talk about the boundaries between work and leisure getting increasingly fuzzy. But for me, until i began working at home, it felt more like work was seeping into my leisure and home time, and that the non work aspects of life were shrinking. Technology has made it easy for work life to follow us home, but not as easy for home life to follow us to work. Only now that i work at home, do i find that there is a better feeling of balance between the two.

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Submitted by eldjan on sat, 1 at the last two decades, a number of people who work from home is increasing. Despite this some argue that a homely working can't fully replace priorities of working in an office. As we see working from home has both advantages and disadvantages, in this essay we look at the both sides of working from home. First of all, working from home gives us opportunity don’t face with traffic congestion. For instance, in big cities people every day at least twice face with this problem and often get stuck in traffic almost one two or even more hours. It has emerged that in a city with a traffic density working from home preferable.