Essay on Scarcity of Clean Drinking Water Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Water is a natural resource of the utmost importance nothing on earth can survive without it. Aside from drinking, water is used for agriculture, cooking, bathing, cleaning, industrial purposes and sanitation. When the demand for water exceeds its supply for an extended period of time, scientists refer to the situation as water stress. Population growth an increase in people means more water usage for bathing, washing dishes, cooking and other activities. World population tripled in the 1900s, resulting in six times the usage of water resources, reports world water council. With the council estimating a population increase of another 40 to 50 percent through 2050, water stress may increase. Water can be conserved by measures such as taking shorter showers, turning faucets off while brushing teeth, and using timers for lawn watering.

Industrialization the cutting away of trees and clearing of paths for new factories, manufacturing plants and other industrial facilities, as well as for purposes of urbanization, all affect water supply. Many industrial plants use water as a cooling agent or ingredient for various manufacturing processes and procedures, as well as for cleaning. Poverty poor, developing nations lack the knowledge and finances to convert water from rivers, lakes and other sources into safe drinking water. Help is desperately needed to establish water plants, piping and sanitation systems. In 2004, the world health organization announced that world wide each day, 3,900 youth die from contracting disease due to unsafe water conditions. It estimated in 2002 that an astounding 1.1 billion people around the world lack access to clean drinking water.

Peppard is a water loving biologist turned ethicist who thinks a lot about bodies of water and the fact/value distinction. She is assistant professor of theology, science and ethics at fordham university in new york city. A video about how to conserve water: here is part one of two in a series about water: fresh water accounts for only 2.5% of earth's water, yet it is vital for human civilization. What are our sources of fresh water? in the first of a two part series on fresh water, christiana z. A global public good is a good that has the three following properties: 1 it is non rivalrous. Consumption of this good by anyone does not reduce the quantity available to other agents.

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This concept is an extension of american economist paul samuelson 's notion of public goods to the economics of globalization. Here's an excerpt from an article about people who have won awards for providing access to clean water: with its clean water foundation, georg fischer has been involved since 2002 in projects to improve the water supply in developing countries and disaster areas. To date, over 200,0 people worldwide have received a better access to clean drinking water. Here's an excerpt from a catholic news source: a referendum in italy has spotlighted an emerging social justice issue for the catholic church: access to safe water as a basic human right. Here's news about global water justice activists: this saturday, july 28, 2012 marks the two year anniversary of the historic united nations general assembly resolution recognizing the human right to water and sanitation.

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This human right has yet to be fully implemented, however, prompting water justice activists from around the world to release an open letter demanding action from governments. By 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two thirds of the world's population could be living under water stress conditions, fao said today. Water use has grown at more than twice the rate of population increase over the last century, making sustainable, efficient and equitable management of scarce water resources a key challenge for the future, according to fao's pasquale steduto, current chair of the united nations coordination mechanism, un water. Is a 501 c 3 non profit organization dedicated to bringing relief to communities around the world who suffer needlessly from a lack of access to clean water and proper sanitation. Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water usage within a region.

It already affects every continent and around 2.8 billion people around the world at least one month out of every year. Water scarcity involves water stress, water shortage or deficits, and water crisis. While the concept of water stress is relatively new, it is the difficulty of obtaining sources of fresh water for use during a period of time and may result in further depletion and deterioration of available water resources.water shortages may be caused by climate change, such as altered weather patterns including droughts or floods, increased pollution, and increased human demand and overuse of water. A water crisis is a situation where the available potable, unpolluted water within a region is less than that region's demand. Water scarcity is being driven by two converging phenomena: growing freshwater use and depletion of usable freshwater resources. Water scarcity can be a result of two mechanisms: physical absolute water scarcity and economic water scarcity, where physical water scarcity is a result of inadequate natural water resources to supply a region's demand, and economic water scarcity is a result of poor management of the sufficient available water resources.

According to the united nations development programme, the latter is found more often to be the cause of countries or regions experiencing water scarcity, as most countries or regions have enough water to meet household, industrial, agricultural, and environmental needs, but lack the means to provide it in an accessible manner. The un recognizes the importance of reducing the number of people without sustainable access to clean water and sanitation. The millennium development goals within the united nations millennium declaration state that by 2015 they resolve to halve the proportion of people who are unable to reach or to afford safe drinking water.

note: the above text is excerpted from the wikipedia article water scarcity , which has been released under the gnu free documentation license. For more information, see the following related content on sciencedaily: the server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, email 160 protected and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. Additionally, a 500 internal server error error was encountered while trying to use an errordocument to handle the request. Although water covers seventy percent of the earth 039 s surface, lack of clean drinking water impacts on billion people everyday. In my view, water scarcity can be attributed to human activities like agriculture and industry. For example, today agricultural irrigation accounts for two thirds of global water use, which is the largest portion of water in consuming.

So depleted was water resources that they were unable to meet ever stronger demands with agriculture, despite of the fact that water is considered a renewable resource in many parts of the world. Another reason is that water contamination due to elevated industrial production. Large amounts of industrial waste are discharged daily, which is the main causes of contaminating both groundwater and surface water supplies. Problems of water pollution lead to exacerbating fresh water shortage, also effecting human and ecosystem health, hinder economic and agricultural development. Our environment would get caught up in a vicious circle of water pollution and water scarcity. That 039 s the reason why we cannot ignore fresh water is essential to environmental ecosystem and our lifeblood. Therefore, governments, industries, and individuals are all responsible for keeping fresh water shortage to a minimum.

Authorities should take draconian measures by enacting environmental lows, and give partly subsidized to companies. Companies not only invest in developing alternative energy instead of using water but also use eco friendly technology in sustainable development. Meanwhile, citizens had better raise the public 039 s awareness of recycling waste. Ps: i don 039 t know what 039 s problem about my essay, so if someone can help me check this? thanks lot

global water crisis: water and sanitation facts

663 million people 1 in 10 lack access to safe water. 1,2 twice the population of the united states lives without access to safe water. 1,3 a review of rural water system sustainability in eight countries in africa, south asia, and central america found an average water project failure rate of 20 40 percent.

4 the video, nestle in michigan , discusses the issue of decreasing water levels in northwest michigan areas. This is largely in part due to the pumping of water from natural springs and lakes by nestle for the resale of their bottled water. Many residents are reporting that they are finding mud flats on their property were creeks used to exist. Nestle is pumping upwards of 450 gallons per minute of water from michigan water sources more than what can be replenished by natural means. This is causing water levels in streams to lower and mud flats appearing where other bodies of water once stood.