Cause And Effect Essay on Poverty Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Over the past twenty five years it seem as if poverty has become an institution in the united states of america, with so much structural changes, economic structuring such as the shifting of manufacturing employment, the high rate of mental illness, the increasing high school drop out rate, the skyrocketing rates of incarceration, with single parenting on the rise and most alarmingly is the amounts of children living in poverty. The risk of not working or working low paying jobs is essential for poverty overload that can lead to the breakdown of family system and the lack of willpower to even address this issue. In the united states years of poverty will contributes to financial hardships, inadequate housing, substandard schools, and deteriorating neighborhood. Poverty is voiceless yet powerful enough to cause enormous burden on those that are trapped without any means of escaping its fury.

length: 753 words 2.2 double spaced pages the causes of poverty can be attributed to different processes and social forces including warfare, agricultural cycles, weather, natural disasters, and structure of government, corruption and environmental degradation. Warfare: the material and human destruction caused by warfare is a major development problem. For example, from 1990 to 1993, the period encompassing desert storm, per capita gdp in iraq fell from $3500 to $761. The drop in average income, while a striking representation of the drop in the well being of the average iraqi citizen in the aftermath of the war, fails to capture the broader affects of damages to the infrastructure and social services, such as health care and access to clean water.

Agricultural cycles: people who rely on fruits and vegetables that they produce for household food consumption subsistence farmers often go through cycles of relative abundance and scarcity. For many families that rely on subsistence production for survival, the period immediately prior to harvest is a 'hungry period.' during these periods of scarcity, many families lack sufficient resources to meet their minimal nutritional needs. Being familiar with these cycles has enabled development practitioners to anticipate and prepare for periods of acute need for assistance.

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Droughts and flooding: besides the immediate destruction caused by natural events such as hurricanes, environmental forces often cause acute periods of crisis by destroying crops and animals. Natural disasters: natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes have devastated communities throughout the world. Developing countries often suffer much more extensive and acute crises at the hands of natural disasters, because limited resources inhibit the construction of adequate housing, infrastructure, and mechanisms for responding to crises.

Colonial histories: one of the most important barriers to development in poor countries is lack of uniform, basic infrastructure, such as roads and means of communication. Some development scholars have identified colonial history as an important contributor to the current situation. In most countries with a history of colonization, the colonizers developed local economies to facilitate the expropriation of resources for their own economic growth and development.

Centralization of power: in many developing countries, political power is disproportionately centralized. Instead of having a network of political representatives distributed equally throughout society, in centralized systems of governance one major party, politician, or region is responsible for decision making throughout the country. For example, in these situations politicians make decisions about places that they are unfamiliar with, lacking sufficient knowledge about the context to design effective and appropriate policies and programs. Corruption: corruption often accompanies centralization of power, when leaders are not accountable to those they serve. Most directly, corruption inhibits development when leaders help themselves to money that would otherwise be used for development projects.

In other cases, leaders reward political support by providing services to their followers. Warfare: warfare contributes to more entrenched poverty by diverting scarce resources from fighting poverty to maintaining a military. The most recent conflict over borders between the two countries erupted into war during 19 and 20, a period when both countries faced severe food shortages due to drought.

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Environmental degradation: awareness and concern about environmental degradation have grown around the world over the last few decades, and are currently shared by people of different nations, cultures, religions, and social classes. However, the negative impacts of environmental degradation are disproportionately felt by the poor. Throughout the developing world, the poor often rely on natural resources to meet their basic needs through agricultural production and gathering resources essential for household maintenance, such as water, firewood, and wild plants for consumption and medicine. Thus, the depletion and contamination of water sources directly threaten the livelihoods of those who depend on them. Social inequality: one of the more entrenched sources of poverty throughout the world is social inequality that stems from cultural ideas about the relative worth of different genders, races, ethnic groups, and social classes. Ascribed inequality works by placing individuals in different social categories at birth, often based on religious, ethnic, or 'racial' characteristics. In south african history, apartheid laws defined a binary caste system that assigned different rights or lack thereof and social spaces to whites and blacks, using skin color to automatically determine the opportunities available to individuals in each group.

The three groups that are most affected by poverty are children, youth, and women, although poverty affects people from all walks of life, including men. 19 feb 2016 our writers can help get your essay back on track, take a look at our services to learn more about how we can help. Essay writing service essay marking service place an order poverty can be classified as 'relative poverty' and 'absolute poverty'. According to copenhagen declaration, absolute poverty is a state illustrated by strict deficiency of fundamental human requirements, which include food, clean water for drinking, cleanliness facilities, education, health, information and shelter.

Absolute poverty not only depends on income earned by a human being but also the access which he has to social services. It also means a predefined standard which is constant over time and among countries of the world. In 1990s, the world bank set a standard per day earning of $1, below which absolute poverty line started. The world bank revised the absolute poverty measure in 1993 and it was set at $1.08 a day till 2005, on the basis of purchasing power parity. It was again revised in 2005 and was altered according to the high cost of living. Now, extreme or absolute poverty is defined as living on or earning less than $1.25 a day.

In the year 2011, studies suggest that 1.1 billion people earned less than a dollar a day and 2.7 billion people earned less than two dollars a day. However, standard of absolute poverty is not true in countries other than us, by simply converting the amount through forex rates. It is looked at the amount of local currency required the same items which $1 can purchase in us. For example, people in a country might be earning more than $1 per day but are still poorer as compare to other rich people in their country.

Since these poor people are earning more than $1 per day, but still they would be considered relative poor since they are poorer than people around them or as compared to the rich population in the country. These people will not be living in absolute poverty, but are poor therefore they will be said to be living in relative poverty. Therefore, relative poverty is a measure of inequality prevailing in the society rather than the deprivation of wealth. The measurement of relative poverty takes into account the yearly income of a person however, his total wealth is not accounted for in this measure. According to research the extreme poverty of the developing regions around the world fell from 28% in the year 1990 to 21% in the year 2001. According to world bank reports this downfall in extreme poverty has mostly occurred in asian region where the poverty head count has dropped from 69% in 1990 to 29.5% in the year 2006 and further to 27% in the year 2007.

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