Cause And Effect Essays on College Dropouts Text

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Reasons for college students dropping out there are two main purposes of studying: gaining knowledge and getting a job. Most students struggle to merge the road to knowledge and the road to the right jobs, the careers students. May 24, 2005 the college dropout boom by david leonhardt chilhowie, va. One of the biggest decisions andy blevins has ever made, and one of the few he now regrets, never seemed like much of a decision at all. Reasons for college students dropping out there are two main purposes of studying: gaining knowledge and getting a job.

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The causes and effects of increase in male dropout in our education system. Abstract the specific purpose of this research is to investigate the causes and effects of increase in male dropout in our educational system in anambra state. The feeling of being overwhelmed with schoolwork leads some to quit college. Numbers in 2008 from the national center for public policy and education, cited in the new york times, reveal an increase of more than 400 percent in college tuition in the previous 25 years. Within the same time frame, the average family income increased at a much slower rate of less than 150 percent.

Some take a leap of faith and believe they will find a way to pay for college as they go along, but soon find out it is not possible. A 2009 study by public agenda for the bill melinda gates foundation reveals that 31 percent of 22 to 30 year old college dropouts stated their major reason for leaving college was their inability to afford the education. Even if students can afford tuition, the immense stress, pressure and little sleep some must endure when having to juggle work and school often become too much to bear. This is the number one reason most college students 54 percent gave in the public agenda study for dropping out and not returning.

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Because of higher costs for nearly everything, few raises at work and an unstable future in social security, fewer and fewer parents are able to support their children through college. In addition to working to afford school, young adults must financially support themselves in making rent, utilities, cell phone and other monthly payments. Nearly six in 10 college dropouts were responsible for paying for their own college education, according to the study. Transitioning from middle school, high school presents more classes, students, and a bigger campus. High school also offers fresh chances to make new friends, try new sports and activities, and really explore who we are as individuals. The goal is to maintain good grades, score high on the sat test, and keep a positive attitude so colleges and universities will accept you. Some students breeze their way through while others live in misery trying to pass their classes.

Most of the high school population completes all the credits required and graduates from high school with a diploma. There is still a significant amount of students who drop out of school, some drop out by choice and some have to because they need to support themselves or their family financially. It doesn’t take much for a student to drop out of school a little misguidance can break the chain from achieving a high school diploma. There are many reasons linked to dropping out of school and many kids fall into them. The main causes of school dropouts are personal factors, home and school stability, school experiences, social behavior, and rebellion. Students drop out for many reasons some which may even seem like good ones at the time, for example, to help out their families or to start new ones, and their decisions may be supported by the people closest to them in the belief that they have no choice. Personal problems affecting students seem to be the main cause for students to drop out of high school.

Having children seem to be the main personal problem facing dropout students, especially in women. Close to half of the dropouts students, both male and female, have children or are expecting one schwartz. This stress could and does send many students to the point where they have too much to deal with.

School becomes a second priority and is often discarded to lighten the load married couples deal with. Some students may and do have to take on a job to support themselves or their family. The job may interfere with school hours, school homework, and/or school activities. And sometimes when the parents can’t afford all these things for their children, they seek out ways to make money themselves, finding themselves in a job. Slowly increasing their hours week by week, they overlook education and live for the moment with their temporary possessions.

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Most of the dropouts who replace their school time with a job are often living under a low income family which includes many hispanics. They take up 24 percent of all high school dropouts, placing them the highest ethnic rate according to childs trends databank ctd. Students in broken homes are more than twice as likely to drop out of school as those with families intact schwartz. This is so because of the fact that this is another stressful matter these young minds must also deal with.

Home and school stability is another cause to students dropping out of high school. More than half of dropouts have moved within their four years of being in high school schwartz. If a student does not have a stable home or a stable school life, then they are more likely to drop out of school. Stableness allows the student to feel comfortable enough to try to work at school.

If they have a stable home and school life, then that is one less worry for them. The more stable a situation is, the more comfortable the student becomes with the surroundings, the better they get along with teachers and students, and the easier it is for the to fit in and work hard at school. Studies have also found that dropping out is more likely to occur among students from single parent families and students with an older sibling who has already dropped out than among counterparts without these characteristics.

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Other aspects of a student’s home life such as level of parental involvement and support, parent’s educational expectations, parent’s attitudes about school, and stability of the family environment can also influence a youth’s decision to stay in school. These are my why, first financially you live better, secondly dropouts will suffer and finally there is a more positive effect if students stay until they are 18. Would you like to live in the real world by yourself at the age of sixteen or when you are an adult? financially have you ever heard of a 16 year old making a lot of money i know you have heard of an 18 year old graduate becoming successful such as michael dell. Bill gates and kevin plank although they dropped out of college it was for their industry, but they all finished high school. Another reason you will be successful if you stay in high school until you are 18 is if you are in the job industry and they see in your resume you have got your high school diploma  and are in college getting your degree they would take you over a sixteen year old dropout. Some reason why they might not choose a sixteen year old is inexperience, maturity and other reasons that prove they are not ready.

An advantage you have if you stay until you are 18 is that you have a choice of going into the real world and making a name for yourself or going to college and expanding your mind or you could do both. Many people that go through high school and college are more likely to get jobs over a person who has their ged. I know there are some successful people who ended up dropping out of high school to become famous but they did not have to put as much effort as people who go through high school and college. I think dropouts don’t deserve to have so much fame because many people work harder than dropouts but get paid less than a dime of what a dropout does. Forcing students to stay in school might save some lives but the outcome is still bittersweet.

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Students should not stay in school until they are 18 because raising the age just makes it worse. For one, students are just going to school for no reason and for second, student may need to work to provide. Students are only going to do what benefits them and if they think school is not a main priority in life then they are going to waste time sleeping, goofing around or playing hooky. It's better off just letting the student choose their path and deal with how they handle things.