Cold War Term Paper Text

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You will need to do a considerable amount of independent research therefore you will need to consider a number of possible sources for information. Including, but not limited to: research information from the internet you are permitted to choose an alternate topic for your research essay. How nsc 68 influenced america's response to communist north korea's invasion of south korea in june 1950 and to communist expansion in southeast asia in the 1960s. The nsc 68 called for military assistance programs that would meet the requirements of our allies. Since south korea was an ally, we assisted them in repelling the invasion of another communist nation. This help for south korea meant that a communist nation would be weakened and therefore possibly cripple a potential ally for the soviet union. Also, south korea would then respond to a call for aid if the soviet union ever attacked america.

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The implications of nsc 68 for military spending by the united states and its allies. The nsc 68 stated that budgetary considerations will need to be subordinated to the stark fact that our very independence as a nation may be at stake. This meant that no matter how much it cost to build up our military, it would be done in order to protect our nation. Also, the rebuilding of european economies and defenses in order to try and contain russian expansion without armed conflict, lead to the help of european powers having to return the favor of having their economies rebuilt with helping the united states in the cold war. Covert actions in the nsc 68 implies that the united states was not ready for another war so soon after world war ii. Also, the soviet union had developed atomic weapons, which meant that the soviet union could cause mass destruction in the united states.

However, america was unwilling to allow the communist nation of the soviet union to expand and gain enough power to crush the united states. So the government decided to use covert operations which would hurt their economy and cause unrest in the soviet union. What these responses reveal about attitudes toward american involvement in the korean war.

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However, as time went on, the american opinion changed because we no longer had a clear chance of winning the war. People then changed their opinions to say it was a mistake to enter the war and that overall, the enemy won the bigger victory according to the people. Which events in the war may have influenced responses in the polls of october 13, 1950, and january 22, 1951. On october 9th, 1950, the un troops that crossed the 38th parallel declared the defeat of north korea and the attempted reunification of the country.

How much public opinion polls should influence the conduct of american foreign policy. American foreign policy should be heavily influenced by the public opinion polls as long as the public has enough information about the issue to make an intelligent decision. However, if the american government is keeping secrets from the people that need to be considered when concerning the conduct of american foreign policy, then the polls should not influence it. Griffith says that mccarthy simply adopted a political issue which was already sanction by much of the nation's political leadership. Whether griffith's view of mccarthyism helps explain american politics in the 1950s.

Griffith's view of mccarthyism offers a clear explanation of american politics in the 1950s. Griffith says that political leaders helped to instill a sense of concern and urgency in the people about communism that dominated the decade. This concern and urgency was used by the republican party in the 1946 elections and helped them to win the election. The cold war was fought between the united states of america and the soviet union.

Although the cold war was not a violent one it affected many other countries besides the united states and the soviet union. South korea was deeply affected by the cold war letter to general lieutenant hodge on northern korea providing electricity to southern korea proves that south korea’s debt to north korea was directly associated with the cold war. North korea was also very much affected by the cold war soviet report on communists in korea, 1945 validates the fact that the north korean government would be very different if the cold war never took place.

The cold war also affected north korea in other ways national security council report, nsc 8/2 justifies that the soviet union changed the way the north koreans thought during the cold war. North korea was effected by the cold war politically and intellectually, as proven by national security council report, nsc 8/2, position of the united states with respect to korea and soviet report on communists in korea, 1945 , and south korea was effected by the cold war economically, as referred to in letter to general lieutenant hodge on northern korea providing electricity to southern korea. North korean colonel ignatiev, a member of the provisional people’s committee of north korea, wrote the letter. Ignatiev was a member of the north korean communist party that worked closely with the soviet union. The letter was written on january 01, 1947, two years after the end of world war ii.

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