College Essay Blog Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The college admission essay may be one of the most important papers that you ever write. It is one of the deciding factors in whether the university that you have spent 12 years working to attend, accepts or denies your application. Typically ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand words, the admission essay should be started early on in the admission process and worked on and refined continually to ensure you are submitting your best work. While most high schools do an ok job at preparing their students with the skillset needed to write the college admission essay, we have created a definitive guide to help students from across the country in the process of drafting, writing, editing and submitting a winning essay. This guide is broken up into different sections and meant to be read in the order listed however, if you are interested in jumping into specific parts, such as the mistakes to avoid or the editing process, feel free to. As cliche as it sounds, the admissions essay should be used for your benefit, a way to distinguish you from thousands of other applicants.

While your grades can speak volumes of your classroom performance, it is the admissions essay that will allow you to connect with the admissions advisor reviewing your application and tell them why you are meant for their school. Brainstorming essay topics one of the most important parts of the admission essay process is brainstorming a topic that will address the application's thesis as well as impress and win over the admission advisor. To some students, writing essays is a fun and rewarding process that allows you intimitely research a field and present it in a unique and personal manner. To other students particularly those students majoring in the sciences essay writing is a painful chore, something to avoid at all costs. Whatever your feelings are, college essay writing is something that every student will face at one point or another.

The purpose of this section is to help educate the college student on how to write a well structured and a worthy paper. Types of essays five paragraph essay the five paragraph essay is probably the first type of essay that a high school student or college freshman will learn how to write. Like its name suggests, this essay has five paragraphs, an introuduction, conclusion and three body paragraphs. The college admission essay is a special and crucial type of college essay and has a special section dedicated to writing, editing, and submitting this paper. Ranging from $3,0 per year, to over $40,0 per year, the price of tuition in the united states is reaching staggering amounts. When you tack on the cost of room/board, books, food, and a social life, most students will have to seek financial aid of some sort to cope with the rising collegiate expenses. Luckily, there are more options than ever for students seeking financial help and we have put together some of the top options to turn to to help with college funding.

College scholarships are broken into three categories: merit based scholarships activity based scholarships affiliate based scholarships merit based scholarship: merit based scholarships are based upon academic standings and are decided by factors such as gpa and strength of courses. Most merit scholarships require that you write an essay although not always and also that you maintain a certain level of academic performance to receive the full scholarship distribution. This is the most prevelant type of scholarship and usually the most popular amoung high school seniors and college freshman. We recommend that you ask your guidance counselor about merit based scholarships as they can do a good job of matching you with a local scholarship that will have less competition than some of the national scholarships.

Fences By August Wilson Essay

Activity based scholarship: activity based scholarships are given to applicants that excel in specific extracurricular activities. College essay writing and editing complete admission essay development this is our most popular and well received service. Our team of writers works with you to plan, develop, write and edit an actual admission essay for undergraduate or graduate school admissions.

The essay is tailored to your specific school requirements and incorporates your personal facts, experiences and accomplishments. These essays have warranted admission to prestigious schools such as harvard, ucla, stanford and colombia. If you have already created a draft or first copy of your admission essay, our writers and editors can provide you with extensive feedback, edits and analyses on how the essay can be improved.

Our editing services take into account specific school requirements and makes sure to leave your 'personal voice' in tact. This service is perfect for the applicant that wants a group of professionals to review and provide revisions prior to finalizing and submitting your essay. Letters of recommendation are important parts of the college application process and are often overlooked by applicants. Our letter of recommendation service provides you and your 'recommenders' with a framework to write better recommendations. Additionally, we can provide feedback and analysis for letters you have already received from recommenders, prior to submission.

Scholarship application essay development when it comes to scholarships, you are often competing with thousands of other applicants, all with similar acade . Why? as dan nannini, transfer center director at santa monica college, pointed out to me last week, every student is just so darn different. And given the great variety of reasons for students transferring from military deployment to simply not vibing with a particular school it may seem impossible to create a method that can work for everyone. And, as with all my other resources, take this is not the only way but instead a pretty good way. As a transfer student, you’re probably dealing with some version of this prompt: please provide a statement 250 words minimum that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve, and attach it to your application before submission. What follows is a paragraph by paragraph breakdown of what to do and how to do it, followed by a great example personal statement and yes, i’m suggesting you focus on establishing one quality per paragraph. Here goes: what you’re trying to do here: in the opening paragraph you want to make an awesome first impression.

And, given that first impressions are often established in the first 30 seconds and that this impression isn’t likely to change even when, studies show. People are presented with facts that contradict their first impressions!! your first paragraph better be on point. how to do this: one efficient way to make a great first impression is to focus on establishing a few core values or, if you can, the essential part of you that is suffering in your current school situation. how do you decide which part of you is suffering in your current school situation? well, just ask yourself, which part of me is suffering in my current school situation? and, if you wanna’ get deep, ask yourself, which of my deeper needs isn’t being met at this school? click here for a list of feelings and needs. But here’s the key: you may not want to just come out and say it, as that can be boring.

how can i express my core values in a way that’s not super boring? come up with an essence image that captures that value or those values. In the example below, for example, the student wanted to communicate her core values of connection, intimacy, family, and listening. So she chose the dinner table: breakfast isn’t the most important meal of the day. The aroma from my mother’s authentic persian saffron and barberry spirals around the circular dining table as we prepare to pile each other’s plates high with current events, future plans, and questions about what we learned that day. Slowly, the notification bells and piercing ring tones are replaced by the clamor of metal utensils as my sisters try to fit the plates and silverware around our carefully crafted dinner table. Each person sits the same distance from the center as we listen to my little sister’s attempt at hopscotch from earlier that day with as much interest as my dad’s stories about his patient with atherosclerosis. And thanks to their passion for travel, much of my early education was experiential.

At eight, i could not only recite knowledge of corrie ten boom, i'd visited the house where she'd hidden jews in her home during wwii. By 10 i’d seen the roman ruins just outside paris and by 11, i’d visited rome and florence, and begun to develop a passion for michelangelo. By 14 i’d climbed the caverns of mykonos and by 16 i’d walked barefoot through india and jogged along the great wall of china. Though moving around wasn’t always easy, travel gave me the opportunity to become more adaptable and resourceful, and i came to embrace differences as not only normal but exciting.