College Essays About Race Text

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Rdquo i said ldquo so? rdquo was her response she was someone i thought i could turn to. Ldquo i just do not understand why people are so ignorant, there is so much racism and nothing is being done about it rdquo i said. Ldquo what the hell do you mean racism? i really don rsquo t think that it exists. But, you know, it is statically proven that black people are dumber than white people. Rdquo she continued to make these remarks such like this ignoring what i had said. This was a person i was close friends with a little while ago, so if she was that ignorant imagine the potential ignorance of people i don rsquo t know.

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Not everyone supported him as the new president in fact many opposed the appointment. These individuals did not oppose the appointment because of his politics, but because he was black. Then it was taken to the next level, i was using the bathroom when i saw the word n gger written on the wall. A student in my school hated black people so much that she wrote the word on this stall. Coming from a family where acceptance was abundant, i would have never imagined living in an area where there was so many closed minded individuals. These individuals and i do live in a small area which is predominantly white, but my family had the opposite opinions of many of them.

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The word that was written on the walls offended me i would have never even imagined using that word in my life. I have a very hard time understanding why someone would hate another person based of something as small as the amount of pigment of skin. I have found from personal experience that there is nothing different between someone with dark skin and me. Racism and prejudice has been present in almost every civilization and society throughout history.

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Even though the world has progressed greatly in the last couple of decades, both socially and technologically, racism, hatred and prejudice still exists today, deeply embedded in old fashioned, narrow minded traditions and values. Racism is a case of ‘misplaced hate' and ignorance, being not only discriminatory, but also seemingly foolish with disregard of all human commonsense. Why does racism still exist in today's world? if it still occurs, has the world really progressed at all? through extensive research methods and wide reading, it can be proven that racism is still present in the modern world. Racism is based on the belief that one's culture is superior to that of others, and this racial superiority provides justification for discrimination. Racism begins with categorising by race, and therefore stereotyping particular cultures. A simple definition of prejudice given by st thomas aquinas states prejudice as thinking ill of others without sufficient cause 1.

Racism is a major issue in today's society, affecting a large number of the world's population and causing political and social turmoil. To evaluate the true meaning, effects and views concerning racism in today's world, a number of literature sources were researched including novel, films, short stories, poetry, song lyrics, textbooks and magazine articles. Black like me written by john howard griffin is an excellently written novel, based on factual events experienced by the author himself. The basic outline of the story is the following of one man griffin as he embarks on a journey that takes him to the ‘other side'. Griffin is a middle aged white man, and decides to personally experience the life of a negro. He achieves this by literally changing the pigmentation in his skin so that he is no longer white.

Griffin moves to the deep southern states of america where he is subject to harsh racist treatment by the whites. By doing so, he experiences first hand the reality of racism and prejudice, almost to the point of disbelief. That was sufficient reason for them to deny me those rights and freedoms without which life loses its significance and becomes a matter of little more than animal survival.

As griffin lives as a negro he strives to find the ‘immortality' in the black race, but finds more fault in the narrow minded whites. The novel is an exceptional and creative story that captures the true reality of ‘being in someone else's shoes.' black like me supports the hypothesis as it clearly displays how ignorance is deeply embedded in traditional values. Two other novels which contain the theme of racism are to kill a mockingbird , by harper lee and looking for alibrandi , by maria marchetta.

While both novels support the hypothesis, they differ greatly in their style and technique. To kill a mockingbird is set in the great depression, and is about a black man who is accused of raping a white girl in the south. An unfair trial and false accusations follow, merely on the basis that he is black. This stereotypical view is presented throughout the famous book, which accurately displays the reluctance of society to become less narrow minded and traditional. In contrast, looking for alibrandi is set in the 1990s, with the main character and narrator of the book being seventeen year old high school student josephine alibrandi. The novel is set in australia, and takes a modern approach to racism, being another one of life's' many hurdles that many teenagers experience. Educating the ignorant , written by james lewis see appendix 1 , is a lighthearted yet intelligently written short.

texas, race, and college admissions in june of 2013, in a 7 1 ruling, the u.s. Supreme court punted the hot button issue of affirmative action back to the appellate courts. Fisher v university of texas was a 2008 case brought by abigail fisher, a white student who claims she was unfairly denied admission to the university on the basis of her race. The supreme court refused to issue a ruling banning the use of race in college admissions, instead requiring universities to use stricter standards in the consideration of race. the case was remanded back down the chain to the fifth circuit court of appeals in new orleans where, last week, fisher's case was dismissed. Essentially, the supreme court said that race can be considered in college admissions, but only if there are no reasonable race neutral mechanisms that would produce the benefits of diversity. Got that? the fifth circuit found that ut's use of race in its admissions policies was acceptable, and not a constitutional violation for a student like abigail fisher.

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Texas' top ten percent plan automatically grants college admission to the top ten percent of all high school graduates. Because texas' schools are largely segregated, this has the net effect of adding a great deal of diversity to college university bodies. Ut also uses a holistic review process, wherein race is one factor for consideration. However, far more minority students are admitted through the top ten percent plan. Splitting legal hairs is what helps cases like fisher to languish in various stages of the appellate process for years or more. She has long since graduated from another university, and experts have noted that her gpa and test scores meant that admission for her in 2004 was unlikely, regardless of her race. Race, poverty amp globalization how is poverty related to globalism, and why are people of color under the most severe threat from this process? certainly, other people are also under a threat from this globalization process, and some would assert that democracy and capitalism itself may be undone by this process if it is not checked.

To answer the above question and to understand why minorities and other marginal populations are most at risk, it is first necessary to better understand what globalism is, particularly the type of globalism that dominates today apos s markets. In the most general sense, globalism refers to the process in which goods and services, including capital, move more freely within and among nations greider 199. As globalism advances, national boundaries become more and more porous, and to some extent, less and less relevant. Since many of our early industries, such as steel, were location sensitive, there was a natural limitation to globalization. To be sure, some things remain location sensitive, but mobility is the trend norwood 19. It is assumed that liberalizing laws and structures, so that goods and services can become more globally focused, will produce more wealth, and indeed this seems to be true. Using this general understanding of globalism and globalization, it would be accurate to say this process has been developing and growing for well over a hundred years fishlow 19:5.