College Essay Divorced Parents Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

College essays that person x essay about writing my parents divorce prior to devote my essay for not going to devote my sophomore year. Also, is divorce too common of a topic? my parents’ divorce was the best and worst thing that ever happened to me. This essay did not meet my standards of what i thought would be a good college essay.

At the sound of untrained voices where there are an college essay about divorced parents to the change of expression. I know a lot of students use this topic, but please tell me what you think: my parents always talked about getting a divorce, so much that it became a joking matter. We would drive by a billboard advertising �1 800 divorce� and my father would jokingly comment about calling. Obviously, i never thought my parents would actually go through with it, until they did. The disintegration of my parents� marriage started my sophomore year of high school.

My parents were constantly arguing and i, being the only child, was always caught in the middle. After my parents got divorced my mother decided to move to miami, fl in order to start a new life for herself. She wanted me to go with her but she wasn�t even sure how she would support herself, let alone, support me as well. My father figured it would be best if i stayed with him and his girlfriend, promising i could visit my mother every major holiday.

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I felt as though someone was slowly cutting my arm off as i helped carry out my mother�s furniture. I will never forget waving goodbye to my mother, submerged in tears, waiting and wishing the truck would turn around, bringing my mother back to me. She was not there to help me get ready for my first prom, nor tell me to study for the sats.

What saddens me the most is that she won�t be able to �miss� me when i go away to college, we won�t sincerely cry during move in day because we have already been through that. I now study because i want to get good grades and meet my goals not because my mother tells me to. I have had to grow up a lot sooner than other people my age because i have not had a mother guiding me through things. I believe that obstacles exist to make people stronger and i have come out of my parents divorce a better person. I think your approach to this essay is effective because it shows that you 39 re not trying hard to impress by using highly academic vocab, yet it gets across your basic message. However, if i were part of an adcomittee, i 39 d be more interested in reading about a more specific experience that you had regarding your parents 39 divorce, so develop a central theme that is more specific than what you already have.

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Perhaps you can describe what was going through your head the day you parted with your mom? try to describe your experience without explicitly stating your main point. If you want them to know that you 39 re now a more independent person, show them what about this experience made you more independent. 34 i now study because i want to get good grades and meet my goals not because my mother tells me to 34 try to come up with an example to support 40 and eventually replace 41 this sentence. Do you study just for the sake of getting good grades or is your source of motivation deeper? maybe, through this process, you realized that dwelling on your parents 39 divorce would accomplish nothing and that this realization in turn prompted you to act on your interests 40 identify interests and elaborate 41 ? maybe you woke up one day and told yourself that you 39 d make the best of the situation. Contrast this positive outlook with the negativity you had years before when your parents divorced. Pretend as if you were writing a journal entry about your thoughts for that day 40 in other words, come up with an anecdote 41 , and this specific instance should be the central theme which your examples should support. Whatever example you use, keep in mind that it should be representative of your overall life experience and personality because this example is what adcoms, from reading your essay, will remember you for.

1800divorce lol 40 hopefully that was meant to be funny and that i 39 m not just laughing for no reason 41 because it shows that you 39 ve truly gotten past your parents 39 divorce. I firmly believe that being able to laugh at your own mistakes is a true sign of maturity and growth. And this is true for your case, is it not? this essay has a lot of potential to be a great college admissions essay. report an offensive message on this page e mail this page to a friend posting is currently disabled in this topic. contact your discussion moderator for more information. my parents have been divorced since i was two years old. Kids in today’s society say that children who do not have married parents are statistically have more trouble in school, more behavioral problems, and have a lot of trouble getting along with the divorced parents. Not that all children with divorced parents are like this, but a pretty large number of children suffer from one or more things, being worse off than parents who stay married.

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I think that part of the reason of it being this way is because the judicial system sets up things in order to help find stability in the family, but does it really help stability, or with some families does it break them down? having divorced parents can go two ways. You can have the parents that are ok with each other, but didn’t think it would work out, but can still remain civil and stay calm. Then, you have the parents that hate each others guts and wish only for the other parent to get run over by a dump truck. I was in the middle of those two scenarios my parents do not hate each other completely, but they can’t act civil with each other. I remember going through middle school, i had a lot more stress than most people, which caused me to not get the grades that i could have gotten. When the divorce goes through the family court system and is getting closed, the judge will grant custody to one of the parents.

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Usually the other parent does not get nearly as much time as the custodial parent. In my case, it was my mom that got most of the custody, leaving my dad with visitation on wednesdays, and every other weekend, which is only eight to ten days out of the month. It is a little off balance, and it affected me, now i respond and understand the women in my life more than i do the men. Not having a man to man relationship for the most part of my life has affected me without even knowing it. When fathers helped with homework, set appropriate limits and expectations and demonstrated warmth, children fared better. The second biggest thing that kids are affected by is exposure to parental conflict. The amount of conflict the child is involved with is a big part in determining the child’s well being.

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If a family has a lot of conflict, the child may be more susceptible to overwhelming stress, depression, and a lot of angst with the parents. So why does the kid have to go through all this? why does the kid have to be the back fall for the parent’s lack of civility? is it the family, or the way the family court is set up? the court system has set up custody of kids very well however, does it work as well as they think it does? they set the guidelines up for stability, but i think that the guidelines really can help some families and can also not be good for the families. In my case, the guidelines did not help us at all, because on a night i was supposed to be a my moms, i would ask to stay at my dads, and she wouldn’t let me because i was supposed to be home. That really made me mad, and my dad was mad at her, i was mad at her, and she was mad at me for asking for the 14,0th time. In conclusion, i really don’t think that the way things work for divorced parents. Even though kids get through their parents being divorced, they still are more distressed in life than if they were to have intact families.

There is also some evidence that young adults whose parents divorce feel as if they had little control over their lives following divorce including the transitions between households. Hughes 1 i think that a better solution could be created, however, i don’t know how to make the kid stop suffering completely, but i think as of now the kid suffers way too much in a divorced parent household. Times have changed and divorce seems to be the easy way out. It seems that any time couples have problems they chose divorce as a way to escape. However, parents do not realize that the people most affected in these ending marriages are their children. Two websites were visited, oregon counseling:divorce and interview with judy wallerstein, and they both discussed the effects of divorce on children. From the site, oregon counseling:divorce, it can be determined that divorce has different impacts on different children.

There are factors that can make the situation better, but there are some that can make divorce worst on children. It is good for children of divorce to at least have the involvement of one, if not both, parents in their lives. It was generalized that parents do not have to be perfect for their children, but they need to be there emotionally for the child.