College Essay on Karate Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Many schools and colleges have sports that promote thing such as good health and vitality. In mohs, we have such sports, but we do not have an all around sport that gives exercise to the body, mind, and soul. The students at mohs believe that karate is a great sport to add into our sports program. Karate is unique because it does not only exercise the body, but promotes health to the mind and soul. The student does not have to be completely physically fit to join, and has the ability to work at ones own pace. More importantly, it teaches self confidence, self esteem, team work, and morals. Karate teaches how to protect oneself, while also teaching how to maintain calmness in a stressful situation.

National Technical Honor Society Essay

Karate can help girls in the future by learning to defend themselves in harmful situations. Self control can help many students in school, which also promotes social skills. This sport is an ancient art in created in east asia, which gives the learner cultural awareness and open mindness. Students should learn about the culture around the sport, and karate does just that. This helps our youth by keeping teens off the street, and away from drugs and violence.

Mats and a good teacher are all that i an error has been encountered in accessing this page. time: 2016 02 20 0:57 utc 1455932517 reporting this problem: the problem you have encountered is with a project web site hosted by This issue should be reported to the hosted project not to

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With a combination of fluidity and force, each punch and kick from the higher belts made me yearn for the next level. I often daydreamed about the day when i could roundhouse above my head and smash the punching bags backwards into the wall. As i went from yellow belt to green belt, and then from green belt to purple belt, i saw myself stepping ever closer to what i sought. In the middle of each of our everyday lessons, the instructor would sit down with us and tell us stories and repeat proverbs in order to attempt to instill a sense of righteousness, honor and morality into us. I often would only half hear the advice because i was so eager to get back onto the mats, but as the years progressed, i developed a deep sense of what was right, and often felt great waves of guilt when i told even the smallest lies. Also, through looking after the lower belts, i gained a greater sense of responsibility as well as a need to help others. What started as helping young boys with their kicks has now progressed to tutoring my friends in both english and math.

Feeling all of my past experiences pushing me forward into the building, i stepped in and walked slowly over to where the rest of the soon to be black belts stood. The head of the school, a sixth degree black belt, stood up and began to call out names. Stumbling forward with a half grin on my face to heavy clapping from the audience, i looked up at my instructor’s face as he tied the belt around my waist. A sudden realization struck me as i sat back down among the other ecstatic students. The ceremony wrapped up and everyone else quietly chattered as they walked towards the exit. Receiving a hug from my mom and a look of approval from my dad, we promptly walked into the night air. I can’t remember if it was cold my accomplishment surged the heat of pride throughout my body.