College Essay Sexuality Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Explain the major factors or historical foundation that contributed to making the selected social issue important for sociological consideration human sexuality is defines as an area of research and study that focuses on all aspects of humans as sexual beings. Basically, human sexuality involves much more than anatomy and sexual responses, but incorporates how we engage in relationships and behaviors that determine our desires and sexual identity as well as our overall sexual health, well being, and our perceptions and expressions hockenbury and hockenbury, 2006. There are many factors that help develop our sexuality, arguably one of the most important, is our actual gender.

Whether, i am a female or male will likely have a major influence on the development of my individual sexuality. Furthermore, sexuality is an integral part of our personalities whether we are aware of it or not. Although human sexuality is a normal part of life and everyday development, there are several sides to human sexuality and how we behave as human beings. There is the impact on aging in sexuality, sex and violence, and sexuality hockenbury and hockenbury, 2006.

One of the historical events was the sexual revolution in american come of age in the late 1960s. The birth control pill was perfected, for the first time giving women the freedom to engage in sexual relations without fear or get pregnant. At the same time, the alfred kinsey in 1948 promoted the idea that sexual infidelity and homosexuality were far more common than people had suspected macionis, 2010. Describe how society defines the social issue human sexuality in sexuality has been a big controversy in the united states today. There are three key issues such as teen pregnancy, pornography, prostitution, macionis, 2010. Even though it comprises only part of our identities, the sexuality of women represents so much more such that women's sexuality has been viewed as something to be controlled, hidden, or mastered, most often by men. Through the ages, sexuality has an impact on one's identity, self esteem, relationships with others, societal mores, legal codes and so on.

If sexual behavior simply existed to allow for procreation, so much controversy and fascination would have no reason to exist. Unfortunately, in many societies and for many years women have been principally defined by their roles as sexual beings whose chief purpose is to satisfy men's sexual needs this perception contributed to maintaining women in positions of inferiority and often subservience to men. Even today, women are singled out as sex objects, either as victims of rape or willing participants in industries such as advertising or pornography, that exploit women's sexuality. The purpose of this chapter is to explore important issues of sexuality from an islamic point of view in an effort to expose demeaning cultural habits which have no basis in islam, and to offer alternative understandings of these issues based on the primary sources of qur'an and hadith.

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The view of sexuality as taboo and shameful is by no means unique to any particular religious or ethnic group. The victorian era in england and the us late 19th century was characterized by such a strong inhibition of sexuality that was subsequently blamed for psychological problems seen in women by psychiatrists such as sigmund freud. Breaking free from the oppressiveness of that era was an important goal for women through most of the 20th century since the prevailing attitudes were not confined to sexual issues as women were denied many other essential human rights. Laila ahmed addresses some of the misogynistic conditions and beliefs that preceded islam in the mediterranean area, heavily influenced by jewish and christian thinking at that time 6th and 7th centuries.

Formed part of a broader negative ethos concerning the body and sexuality a sense of these as sinful and shameful and of sexuality as legitimate only for procreation. Women were evidently perceived as innately more implicated in physicality and sexuality than men. Women and gender in islam, p.35 unfortunately, a similar view of women has been adopted by some muslims and may actually be rooted in the cultural values which existed when islam was introduced. Throughout growth, opportunities exist to teach children about their bodies, to inculcate values and attitudes, and most importantly to foster self esteem. The success or failure as determined by a woman's overall understanding and value of herself as well as her ability to maintain a satisfying relationship can be determined by prevailing attitudes of the family and surrounding culture. Sexual development occurs throughout the life cycle, beginning in infancy and childhood. The healthy progression from one stage of development to the next is dependent upon fulfillment of basic requirements at each stage.

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For example, an infant must develop trust that the caregiver will consistently respond to her cries before she can safely venture into the world and test the budding independence of toddlerhood. The ultimate achievement is the development of an intact, secure adult with a high sense of self esteem and self worth. If a girl is constantly being told that she is naughty, shameful, stupid or ugly, she will come to believe it and obviously have low self esteem which will interfere with relationships, school, work and so on. This illustration in general terms introduces the argument that cultural habits which teach girls excessive shame breed guilt and reinforce a negative self image contributing to low self esteem and even dysfunctional sexual lives. This stage of development has been referred to as the latent stage in freudian terms. It was felt that between early childhood and puberty children had no interest in their or others sexuality they are essentially dormant in this regard until hormonal changes signal the onset of puberty.

Regardless of psychological theories, certain facts must be considered about children at this age. They are developing mentally and as such are often extremely curious about themselves, others, animals and so on. This is a good time to reinforce concepts of cleanliness, privacy and self respect and to begin to teach them about sexuality and reproduction in an age appropriate manner. Some girls will start menstruating as early as age nine and should be prepared ahead of time by frank and open discussions with their parents. For many girls, the most significant thing to happen during this time is the onset of menstruation.

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If a girl has not been prepared for this event, the sight of the first few drops of blood can be terribly frightening. The signs that a girl is entering this stage of development include breast development, growth of hair under the arms and in the pubic area, increase in height and finally onset of menses. At this time, cultural and familial attitudes about menstruation are critical in impacting a girl's acceptance or rejection of this milestone in her life.