Ib Economics Paper 1 Tips Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Before going through this guide, make sure you know the structure of your ib economics exam. Below you will find the ib economics exam tips which will be useful during your final and mock exams. You have 1 hour 30 minutes for this exam, also an additional 5 minutes reading time during which you are not allowed to write or highlight. Use your 5 minutes to decide on questions you want to answer, think of diagrams you are going to use and definitions of economic terms that need to be given. After part a , you are left with 25 30 minutes for part b to score those 15 points. Time is essential during your ib economics exams, hence knowing how to save it is incredibly important.

In part b you can always refer to part a diagram to illustrate your point no need to redraw it. Youve done it in part a , do not repeat yourself in part b , unless you feel it might have a different meaning in a different context. Short run has 2 definitions or 2 parts to it: one stating that it is a time period when at least one factor of production is fixed and another one stating that it is a time period too short for a firm to enter or exit the market.

If you only used one part of the definition in part a and need the second one in part b , do expand your definition. The words you may start writing or you may begin your exam can be terrifying and make some of us go completely blank. Well good thing there is a way out you have chosen your questions and it is time to start simply start by defining the economic terms. Not only it is a good habit that will help you concentrate and beat the stress, but you get points for doing that.

Part a always and we mean always has an economic term in the question which needs to be defined. Finally, referring to the diagram you may take the examiner through the whole story  of how and why curves shift and/or prices/quantities change. + 5 minutes reading time during which you cannot write or highlight. 45 minutes for one question. 20 marks / 45 minutes 0.4 marks per minute. part a 4 marks for two definitions. However, you can handle the definitions in 4 minutes 2 minutes for each  easily. Especially when you have the reading time to decide on how to define an economic term.

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You spend the time you have left out of those 45 minutes usually around 20 25 minutes. Try not to use more than 45 minutes on one question by taking the time out of the other one especially in part d . There are easier points to be scored in the other question this follows the law of diminishing marginal returns. 5 extra minutes spent on part d might add 1 point, but those same 5 minutes spent on the other question say, defining terms can add 2 4 points. Try to make it a 2 point definition after giving a definition, sometimes it is a good idea to give an example especially if it is a short definition.

important  always look at the context the definition is used in as it might change the meaning of the term. Start by defining the economic term in the question, unless you have done it in part a highly unlikely. Then sketch a big, clear diagram and take your examiner through the whole story of how and why  curves shift and/or prices/quantities change. When evaluating, there are a few general ways to do that in your ib economics exam: prioritise your arguments! the stronger/more important the argument the earlier it must be mentioned. Even from a pragmatic point of view this is better: if you run out of time your strongest arguments are in place.